Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

Good morning friends - day 157! Not much to write - starting my work day… have an awesome day!


I’m back! The dust is beginning to settle and life is returning to “normal” after burying my little brother the other day…

Most importantly, I’m still sober! Today is Day 469, so that makes it 67 Weeks AF and counting.

Again I want to thank so many people for their love and support!! It was amazing to have so many people from here reach out to me, so many people from my local home group show up at services with hugs and words of encouragement! As someone with trust issues, someone with a fear of rejection, it was a new and powerful lesson on what life can be like!! Thank you!!!

I’ll be easing back into my regular check-ins and shares now, maybe still spotty at first but a regular sure enough. Besides, I have a boatload of humorous memes to share, music for various threads, and a number of great quotes for the mental health & spirituality so you’ll see me sprinkled across the forum again! :laughing:

But let me one more time say this: thank you for the caring support! I felt it, and it meant a lot!!! :heart:


Very proud of you Bart!!
I get that, we often want to be further ahead/ anywhere else where we currently are. Many reasons for that, like wanting to escape pain, high standards for oneself, difficulties in self acceptance etc…

I try to imagine what I would say to a friend in my situation. It’s easier to have compassion for others than for myself. Then I take those words and say them to myself. If I can say them to a imaginary friend, why not to myself, right?

I feel you. Most of us are in for a long haul. You’re in good company. Have a nice day.


987 days alcohol free.


Congratulations Beth!!! Beautiful :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart:


Bravo :clap:t4: Chad, I’m so proud of you! You did the right thing. I can only imagine how difficult that was for you. I pray your wife is proud as well for your openness and communication with her. We never know when or what kinds of challenges we will face and you handled that like a boss!


You’re not alone you have us! Wishing you the happiest birthday my beautiful friend.


Day 312 clean and sober today. Thank you to everyone here for being here for me. Have a great day, love you guys. :sunglasses::metal:t2:


So glad you’re feeling better Rob! I got caught up late on the other thread. Proud of you for seeking out help!


Day 310 here, not much going on just happy to be sober and cautiously optimistic that I still don’t have any desire to drink really. My anxiety is doing that thing where I feel like something is wrong because I’m enjoying sobriety too much…I’m sure some of you guys can relate to that feeling (not just in regards to sobriety but in general). It’s that stupid “everything is going too well” anxiety.

Sobriety has opened up so many doors for me and it hasn’t even been a year yet. There’s no way I’d go back and risk losing everything I’ve gained already. Just gotta remind myself to keep working at it each day and never get complacent or lazy with my sobriety.

Have a good one everybody!


Hey April - first, Happy Birthday! And second - thank you for posting your open, honest, real feelings about your day. It’s hard, you put it best - “I don’t like feeling this, being aware…”. But I really think that’s the where the seeds of change inside of us get planted, when we can sit with the discomfort for a bit.

You know, some of these changes take some time. I like to think of TS like “bridge financing” sometimes. You’re selling your old house/life, you’re buying a new sober house/life, and TS and us are gonna be here in the interim to get things moved and sorted and settled for as long as it takes.

Oh - and a birdie-themed party! Wouldn’t that be fun? Happy Birthday, lovely. :orange_heart:


Good morning JF! I really enjoy your writings - great to see you here on day 8! Have an awesome sober day!


Thank you @Nordique I appreciate that

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  1. Waiting…my 13yr old woke up unwell so here went a had him tested thankfully he’s negative for Covid but still not feeling the greatest. Working from home today to take care of him.

    Have Blessed day TS family :purple_heart:

Day 5 :+1:
Have wonderful days, all.


Thank you.
Blessings and sobriety!

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Happy Birthday April! You have lots of friends on here who care about you! I would like to be one of your friends too. :two_hearts:

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Well done mate on getting to 30 days of continuous sobriety, that’s no small feat.

Day 7 Trying to get ready for work, I’m late again…I work with my husband and he hasn’t fired me yet…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but doesnt mean I cant work on it. Hope everyone has a good day today!