Checking in daily to maintain focus #30

That’s such a great list! Looks a lot like mine I made 2,5 years ago and I’m still sober🥳
I wish you the same Joy, go get it :facepunch:
Congratulations with the :one::one: days!!


Thanks, Buts, I know your list, that’s the reason I write mine :100:
Thank you so much for it! It is so helpful. I always remembered it but I never wrote it down.

:bouquet: Danke!


Morning everyone! Day 116 for me . I’ve been having councelling every 2 weeks and he signed me off yesterday which was great . He said he would miss talking to me but I got this ! My biggest enemy now is complacency so told me to keep putting the work in - educating myself , starting new habits and goals and also just as important coming on here to share and see you guys stories .
Anyway - 4 months this weekend which is good , I still get the occasional -‘ I miss drinking ‘ but then I remember one would never be enough and where it would lead to.
Anyway happy to say I’ve been signed off , hope everyone is doing good today :blush:




m9 d23
So yesterday while giving a friend a piggy back, my daughter tripped, and as her hands were holding her friend’s legs there was nothing to break her fall and she faceplanted into the playground. Luckily she didn’t break her nose or get black eyes, but she has a hell of a bump on her forehead and it was serious enough the teacher brought her home (it happened at home time and we live very close to the school). And luckily I am now sober so that unexpected visits from teachers are not a problem. Yesterday was my day off, so a year ago, it was my ‘get drunk in the morning, with the plan to sober up in the afternoon, but of course fail and probably pass out’ day. That didn’t happen every week, but so glad I am not Russian roulette mummy anymore.


Wow. That fall sounds horrible Fleur. I hope your daughter is ok. I never had a broken nose but I hear they are most painful. Glad she didn’t break hers.
I can imagine how grateful you are to be sober now and not have to worry about unexpected teacher visits.
So many benefits to our sobriety. It’s a beautiful thing.
I pray for a speedy recovery for your daughter.


Day 831

Still a lot going on with work and moving, but making some progress with both. Hopefully i’ll exchange on the house today or tomorrow. I have a payment to make today which should finally trigger everything. Still loads to do but I will breathe a sigh of relief once all of the legal bits are done. Fingers crossed that all goes smoothly today. It has been sooooo stressful.

And work is busy as ever, many plates spinning which isn’t a particularly nice way to work, but you have to roll with it. I did get a nice surprise yesterday tho. Each of the teams had to vote for their ‘Team Champions’ last week. Bit of fun I guess. Turns out my team voted me as champion!!:muscle::sweat_smile: It was a much appreciated acknowledgement of the work I do. My role in the team isn’t particularly glamourous or exciting, but it is important so I’m glad they see that. It’s always nice to get a pat on the back.

What is most interesting to me tho, is my reaction to it. I actually allowed myself to enjoy it for once. My natural reaction would normal be a cynical one. I would fob it off as unimportant, pointless even. I might even doubt the reasons or intentions of me ‘winning’. But I haven’t done that, not how I would have reacted say, a year ago.

That’s where I see a lot of my gains these days. In the way I react to things. Less negatively. And there’s been some real progress recently in that sense.

Have a great day folks :+1:

  1. Finishing my coffee & in a bit of a hurry as I’m meeting my bestie in town before going to therapy later. Biking yesterday was a bit tough as it was pretty hot and the sun rather intense. Well rested now so ready for another day. Clean and sober.
    I shudder at the thought of the past, when on a summer night like this I felt compelled to hang out in or before the bar until late, drinking as much as I could,. stumbling home or falling of my bike trying to get home, and waking up totally disorientated, sick to my stomach, headache, well you know the deal. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from my desk.


@Misokatsu hope your daughter is feeling okay after that delightful fall! Im happy for you as that behaviour isn’t you… What a difference a nearly a year of recovery can do to a person!

Day 306.

I have a big smile on my face, i believe in sobriety you need connections, it is easier to do something with a friend who understands then doing it alone!
@Ravikamor i am super excited!

I love when i’m in this type of headspace, everything around me has a glow, i don’t feel scared i feel like i can do this all!
I think this week off has been the break i needed. I actually cooked twice already i adore cooking but its a challenge when your brain demands you chuck it at the wall! Dam spaghetti still stained on my walls!

So today i’ve decided i am going to reward myself with some icecream, because why not!


:slight_smile: when ever i see your photos, i feel like i’m instantly there! While i read your thoughts…

A visiual image has always been a powerful thing for me all the colours, shades and objects that i feel like i could touch!

Love it!


Checking in on Day 49 x



Have a great day everyone :heartpulse:


Good morning friends - up and roaring into my 3rd set of 100’s… (day 201)! Thank you to all who left me a nice comment and word or two of encouragement yesterday! I appreciate all of you and am so happy to be on your team!
Work has been really worky lately and it just makes me long for retirement - I am confident that we are on track and it can happen in < 5 yrs. I end up being assigned more paperwork/project management things than the core of my actual profession/skill and I do not like that one bit. Ok - that is my mini huff for today.

Have an awesome day, sober teammates! I am going to do mine sober!


Yaayyy!!! I’m excited toooooo!!


We shall be rockin’ those British streets!!

  1. Hey all, it’s been awhile. I hope everyone is well. I’ve been pretty busy as of lately…so busy! I am grateful for the recent changes in my life although it gives me no time but in the end it will benefit my family. Sorry I have to keep this check in brief but I miss everyone and I’m well and most importantly SOBER!! Have a wonderful day sober fam :purple_heart:
  1. Little bit sore from yesterday. Maiden voyage of Kermit happend after work. Another blessing of sobriety…having the time and money to do this



Hey all, checking in on day 354!

@Mno I frequently have those same “flashbacks” to getting so drunk the hangover was unbearable. Often the only way to fix it for me was to keep drinking. The thought of that horrific cycle still scares me. So glad we are both going through today hangover free :slightly_smiling_face:

@anon27760155 love that meme, it’s very true


Checking in at the end of day 151.
5 months. Happy with that.
I read a post from someone on here (forgive me, I can’t remember who) which talked about planning out a day and just executing that plan. That’s what I’ve done today.
Clarity of thought and a bit of experience enabled me to not expect too much of myself, but not too little, either.
Nothing earth shattering, just a beautiful normal day. I never imagined that I’d love days like this so much.
Life truly is so much better now.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz:


Congratulations on 5 months Tony!! That’s amazing :clap: :tada:

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