Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 1)

Good morning friends - day 205! Here I sit, on a Monday morning at work, looking at a huge pile of tasks that I have been putting off - most are minor, but one is very large. I have until the end of June to complete and it might just take that much time. It is an obnoxious paperwork thing that my boss handed off to me to complete. He says junk like, ‘get someone else to help you with it, blah blah blah’. I am the world’s worst delegator. Plus, this kind of task doesn’t seem to be one that multiple hands can effectively work on, so I’m just going to tackle it myself - on top of all of the other things that are my main job and take well over 40 hours per week to get done… Serenity Now! (he shouts to the ceiling!)

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Ya know, delegation for some is an acquired skill…I sucked at it…and every Job I had required delegation. There are bunches of reasons people suck at it. Oddly enough, I fixed my issue when I was in AA. For me, it came down to control…if I delegated something I lost control of it…go figure an alcoholic with control issues…lol


I’d love if you made a thread of your work! I’ve actually been meaning to ask to see some pics since you came back to TS but I keep getting distracted and forgetting lol

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Checking in on day 358, excited for another week of sobriety and all the challenges and rewards it will bring.

I hope everyone has a great one!


Day 360 clean and sober today. Have a great day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


195- first day @ new job today. Glad I have a clear head and didn’t get sucked into booze cruise Sunday.


Almost a year!!! Nice!!!

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Day 5 . After being almost a month sober is humiliating start again but without humility I will not make it at all


Yep! Thank you @Beachy!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

Day 23: It’s my last day here with my brother, sister-in-law and little Mayaaaaa! But I’m happy I’ll be back in early August for a short visit with my husband and then again in early September for her second birthday! I’m going back to my parent’s house this evening to sleep in a real bed (I haven’t slept very well…) before we make the drive back to Iowa and home. It’s been a lovely visit but I will admit I’m homesick. Grateful to be sober today and for this time with my family.


You can call it “730”, but I call it 2 years!

EDIT: @Mno confirmed - the party’s tomorrow!

Congrats, dear Menno! Thank you for your posts, your words, your pictures, your presence. I can’t explain what they and you have given to me and my sobriety journey, but let’s just say it’s immeasurable.

You have a busy day ahead of you, but I hope you find time to mark the occasion :smile_cat:
Hugs and love from Canada. :orange_heart:


Felicidades, amigo, on your two years! Every day a sober day and every day committed to recovery. Wonderful. :heartpulse:


Congratulations :tada: Menno



Two YEARS of RECOVERY at its finest!!!
nbJUuYFI6s0w0 Your recovery journey is one that is so inspiring to me. I know how hard you work on pushing through all the tough shit and it helps me feel secure that I can do that too. I am so happy that you have experienced yet another 365 days of freedom. Congrats my sweet friend. Love you to pieces.


Checking in.

Just read this and found it so very true… I am not a religious person, but I am spiritual. Since removing the blinders of active addiction I find that everything I have ever needed to succeed has always been there, if I have been willing to see it.

Congrats everyone on your days


Checking in at the end of day 155.
Oof. @Mno. 2 years. Wow.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :zzz::sleeping:


Still smoking a vape
Things are going well and I’m enjoying the lovely weather we are getting
Hope everyone has a good and safe day :wave::+1:


@M-be-free49, @RosaCanDo, @Mephistopheles, @Conor689908, @littlemisschatterbox, @Its_me_Stella, @Singtone, @Fargesia_murielae

Thank you all so much guys and sorry to be a party pooper but last year was a jump year so my anni is tomorrow… Today two years ago I just had been sober for a week for the first time in at least 25 years and out of habit or curiosity or stupidity or whatever I decided to buy and drink a bottle of night. Which did totally nothing for me. So the choice was either buy more wine or not buy booze at all no more. And here I am. Love you all. More tomorrow.


Leap year, jump year, whatever it is, it can f*ck right off! :joy:

You’re worthy of a week-long festival, but that’s ok! The band will come back tomorrow. Just like you showed up everyday the last 2 years. Grateful for you. :pray: :orange_heart:


A 2 day sober party :confetti_ball: young fella :+1: