Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 2)

Checking in on Day 3. I started attending meetings and I’ve been fortunate to find ones where people are being really honest and vulnerable and real, and it’s really helpful and inspiring and makes me feel less alone. I have a temporary sponsor as of yesterday and my first phone call with her is tonight. I also have an appointment with an addiction medicine therapist this afternoon.

Someone in this morning’s meeting talked about “the elevator” and that people get off at different floors. Some have to go to rock bottom. I feel like I’m trying to get off one floor above that, before I really start losing things that I love and care about.

I had a long talk with my boyfriend last night about how much I scared him when I relapsed last Saturday. It was really hard. He is one of the things I could lose if I don’t stop drinking for good.


@Its_me_Stella : thanks for your message of hope !! And for your prayers :pray:!


Checking in on day 6! I’m so touched from the love received here and from friend supporting me and my family ! Let’s go on with hope . :hugs:


Checking in at the end of day 184.
Had a great day with the family today and have had no cravings at all. :boom::muscle:t2:
Went out with my wife for lunch and bought some new walking shoes…and some running shoes. :grimacing:
Yes, that’s right, I’m 50 and I’ve bought new running shoes. I’ve been saying for a while now that I want to lose 10kg and then start running. Well, thanks to consuming the better part of a thousand calories per day less in sobriety, the 10 kilos have disappeared - so it’s time to get it done. Wish me luck.
Went out with the family this evening, albeit in two separate groups of three because of the social distancing rules here, and had a great time. Picked up some Chinese dumplings on the way home for a lovely dinner. Magic.
Life really is so much better now.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz:


Day 54 … my sober house and sponsor have me going to speak at a commitment in a detox tonight nervous lol but not as nervous as returning to active addiction. Have good day everyone…


@Hopeful777 @Alisa @Dazercat @Kareness @SoberWalker @050Nl @Misokatsu Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers. I came home to a hungry Luna so that’s good. No puking or diarrhoea so far today so that’s good too. I gave her same fancy cat food (tuna) which she seemed to devour but in the end she didn’t eat much, mostly licked all the juice out of it. So that’s less good. I got an appointment at the vet on Thursday morning which is rather late I think. Will see how she does tonight. Love from Luna and me.


Hope she is doing better soon. She is so adorable. :heart:


Day 2 check in. Got my kids this week. I also got my 2nd covid shot yesterday and I feel like junk.


Checking in on day 23. Managed to get some time to myself today to read abit and clear my head . I feel a lot better for it and realise I need to do it more often and not let things get on top of me. Hope everyone’s had a lovely day☀️


Day 325 :sunny:

Have a nice day


Checking in on another day. Beautiful day today here. Have some running around to for a desert order I have to complete for a client. 20 cupcakes, 20 macarons, 20 chocolate covered pretzels, & 10 chocolate covered Strawberries. Should be fun to do & keep me busy from having the urge to use. Baking is one of my passions and I often find that when I use, my passion for this or for exercise, or anything else for that matter, goes out the window. I like to have something to look forward to and to accomplish each day. Being in early recovery I am doing all I can to ensure that I remember the positives of being clean and the shitty parts (which is everything) about getting high. Hope everyone had a great day!


Earlier I was grateful for the rain, now it’s making everyone crabby. Ah, impermanence. Psychiatrist increased my antidepressant as an “experiment” and told me I should probably stay away from alcohol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: bit of a waste of time. I am still trying to find a therapist but most are booked out months. I am craving some mad carbs today, I could eat a whole loaf of bread.


So far so good with this approaching tropical storm; mostly rain but wind will be here in a couple hours. I just hope we don’t lose electricity!
Edit: here’s where I am, that little island.


Good point! :bear: rawrrrr


Put an offer in on the dream house. Know they have had at least three others so we will see. Anxious as anything but just gotta wait. Thinking positive things :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::sparkles:


Checking in. Two weeks today


@Seb congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Kmcc123 congrats on your week :tada:
@apes2020 thank you :blue_heart: It was a nice day :relaxed:I’ll check that film out tomorrow :blush:
@Dolse71 sorry you’re having a hard time, sending strength :pray:t2:
@SassyRocks sorry you had a sh*t day too, I hope today has been better :pray:t2:
@C_8 cool number :star_struck: the 2s look like two sets of Swans :blush:
@icebear congrats on your sober weekend :tada:
@M-be-free49 good luck for dealing with the stuff from the past :pray:t2:
@Dazercat congrats on 550 days :tada:
@Mno I hope the evaluation went well and that Luna is doing okay :pray:t2: just seen your today post, good luck at the vets on Thursday :four_leaf_clover:


@Hopeful777 Sorry about your friend, sending prayers :pray:t2:
@Rod3rick welcome :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Mephistopheles thanks for sharing, great poem :blue_heart:
@Jmigo49 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@littlemisschatterbox feel better soon :pray:t2:
@Singtone good luck for starting your running journey :four_leaf_clover:
@John1990 hope tonight goes well :four_leaf_clover:
@Sunny11 stunning photo :heart_eyes: I love sunrises and sunsets :blush:
@siand exciting! Good luck :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2:
@JLove congrats on 2 weeks :tada:

330 days no alcohol.
298 days no cocaine.
24 days no binge-eating.

Watched another movie this morning. It feels really good to be able to sit with myself and do this. I know it sounds like such a simple thing but I haven’t done this for so long. I always loved films and it used to upset me that I couldn’t sit through them anymore. It feels good to welcome old positive habits back, like with this and with the exercising again :blush:

Also did the rest of my grocery shopping before lunch, my feet are really not happy with the extra walking but I’m so used to their complaining now.

Went to the gym and swimming this afternoon, it’s feeling good again this week :raised_hands:t2:

I realised I had missed 2 of my 4 daily meditations since the 2nd of July, so I’ve caught up on 4 of them before coming here and I feel so peaceful now. Will catch up on the rest tomorrow while both of my cats are in surgery, super anxious about that and so worried that something will go wrong again, seriously hoping and praying that it’s all successful and I can check in here tomorrow with my babies safe at home recovering by my side. :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


No you wouldn’t. This is the normal Paul now and the normal you don’t drink! Hope you’re in a better place as a day ago.


Let’s have a good clean and competitive series.

Also, the games are on ABC 15 I believe, no cable needed

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