Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 2)

I know I reached for a smoke about a million times after, and that I’ve done week 1 many times. Just happy I’m off with a good start.


Dear @SoberWalker , thank you so much ! It a big support to know that someone is helping me to fight this war with alcohol ( and her cancer now).
In my mind now I try to say “ alcohol first , this is most important battle “ than all can be handled if I don’t drink .
Thanks for support :v:t2::v:t2::v:t2:


Hey there, I’ve barely made a day … On both alcohol and cigarettes but the urge is so strong. I’m afraid :pensive:


Sounds like a wonderful idea, for whenever we can travel again. Just let me Finnish our spa basement first :blush:



Had a long talk with my wife last night. Got a few things straightened out. Spoke a few truths. Glad we did it. It’s better now.
She’s going to read We Are The Luckiest in an effort to see where I am right now.
I spent 30+ years where she is now. Thinking that alcohol was doing something for me. Thinking that I would be depriving myself of something were I to give it up. I wouldn’t have listened to anyone else about it, so I shouldn’t be too surprised that she isn’t buying into it just yet.
Heading out in the late afternoon with the family and staying out after dark. We have NEVER done this before. Mainly because we’ve always had young kids that we wanted to get to bed, but also because we wanted to get home early to drink. When I pointed this out to her, it seemed to land.


Ha. I should have read the entire thread before responding.
I have really been weighing that up. Pros Vs disappointment is a no contest.
To be honest, if I did make the decision to do it, getting it down my throat would be another thing again. I’m not sure that I could do it.
As I mentioned above, I’m trying to demonstrate the virtues of not drinking by being out with the family when we would usually be dashing back to drink. Hopefully that works well.
It has been a lot easier today actually. Not sure why. Maybe it was our talk last night. Maybe it’s because the sun has gone in. Maybe I’m just getting my head around it.
Whatever is happening, I know I’m grateful for your support.
In fact, coming in here and fessing up to everyone is a real and significant thing in keeping me sober.
Thank you.


Off to work its early and hot out here in Las Vegas praying for everyone. Enjoy your day!


Ha. I definitely should have read the whole thread. :joy:
You are absolutely right in everything that you say. I LOVE being sober. I love my new life. I love being present for my kids and my family. (My kids are 16, 13, 11 and 9 by the way, so no drinking issues yet). I also love being a positive sober role model for them, and that would be a lot to give up.
I am so grateful to you for taking the time and trouble to write such a detailed and supportive response. That alone would be enough to move the needle to sober from wavering. Thank you.
What an incredible community this is. :blue_heart:


Hey, I was scared shitless when I had to quit or see myself slowly commit suicide. Yes that’s what these addictions were, suicidal. If you want it bad enough, it’s doable, not easy but doable. Wishing you all the best, keeping the faith.
Blessings and sobriety!



Ugh, what a dick!! Goes to show how many people out there are just out for themselves. I’m so proud of you for doing what is right for you. Being that she’s being shitty now, imagine if you took the job. Good on you dear friend :heartpulse:


1,000??? Absolutely fantastic!! You must feel wonderful. :tada::partying_face::raised_hands:

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Yeah I totally agree. Definetely dodged a bullet there didn’t I!!
Get shitty with me, no problem, I’m a big girl and will get over it but involve the kids and use them in petty backlash… not cool and not someone I want as a friend or employer that’s for sure!


Good morning friends,day 234!

Linda had a bad night sleeping and that seemed to wake me a lot too. Not mad at her, but extra tired this morning at work.

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Completed day 5 and my first sober 4th of July weekend. Feeling really good about that. I have to be mindful though. I went 3 weeks last time and had to reset. I really want this problem to go away for good. I feel so much better. Why would I ever go back to drinking? I wasn’t an every day heavy drinker but I was drinking a 1.75 liter bottle of scotch every week. Then I did one in 4 days and that’s when I knew I was on a slippery slope.


Good morning everyone, checking in on day 387. I hope everyone has a good one!


@Clarity That sounds like a precious experience!

@Alfa07 Sending strength.

@Thirdmonkey You rock!

@C_8 I’m gonna try to catch five 3s for u!

@Mno Hope Luna is better soon!

@Hopeful777 Hope ur friend is ok.

@Fnkychic That was my danger time too. Actually if I got past about 6 I often felt it as ‘too late’ to start.


Please tag me if you do, I don’t want to miss it :+1::pray::kissing_heart:


Day 12. I start to feel better physically. So grateful to be sober. Yesterday I spoke with my coach and was really encouraging