Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 2)

Good point! :bear: rawrrrr


Put an offer in on the dream house. Know they have had at least three others so we will see. Anxious as anything but just gotta wait. Thinking positive things :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::sparkles:


Checking in. Two weeks today


@Seb congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Kmcc123 congrats on your week :tada:
@apes2020 thank you :blue_heart: It was a nice day :relaxed:Iā€™ll check that film out tomorrow :blush:
@Dolse71 sorry youā€™re having a hard time, sending strength :pray:t2:
@SassyRocks sorry you had a sh*t day too, I hope today has been better :pray:t2:
@C_8 cool number :star_struck: the 2s look like two sets of Swans :blush:
@icebear congrats on your sober weekend :tada:
@M-be-free49 good luck for dealing with the stuff from the past :pray:t2:
@Dazercat congrats on 550 days :tada:
@Mno I hope the evaluation went well and that Luna is doing okay :pray:t2: just seen your today post, good luck at the vets on Thursday :four_leaf_clover:


@Hopeful777 Sorry about your friend, sending prayers :pray:t2:
@Rod3rick welcome :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Mephistopheles thanks for sharing, great poem :blue_heart:
@Jmigo49 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@littlemisschatterbox feel better soon :pray:t2:
@Singtone good luck for starting your running journey :four_leaf_clover:
@John1990 hope tonight goes well :four_leaf_clover:
@Sunny11 stunning photo :heart_eyes: I love sunrises and sunsets :blush:
@siand exciting! Good luck :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2:
@JLove congrats on 2 weeks :tada:

330 days no alcohol.
298 days no cocaine.
24 days no binge-eating.

Watched another movie this morning. It feels really good to be able to sit with myself and do this. I know it sounds like such a simple thing but I havenā€™t done this for so long. I always loved films and it used to upset me that I couldnā€™t sit through them anymore. It feels good to welcome old positive habits back, like with this and with the exercising again :blush:

Also did the rest of my grocery shopping before lunch, my feet are really not happy with the extra walking but Iā€™m so used to their complaining now.

Went to the gym and swimming this afternoon, itā€™s feeling good again this week :raised_hands:t2:

I realised I had missed 2 of my 4 daily meditations since the 2nd of July, so Iā€™ve caught up on 4 of them before coming here and I feel so peaceful now. Will catch up on the rest tomorrow while both of my cats are in surgery, super anxious about that and so worried that something will go wrong again, seriously hoping and praying that itā€™s all successful and I can check in here tomorrow with my babies safe at home recovering by my side. :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


No you wouldnā€™t. This is the normal Paul now and the normal you donā€™t drink! Hope youā€™re in a better place as a day ago.


Letā€™s have a good clean and competitive series.

Also, the games are on ABC 15 I believe, no cable needed

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Iā€™m still here, day 24. I actually made it through my first holiday with out fallingā€¦ Everyday Iā€™ve gained on my clock is so encouraging!!!


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 310

Mongolian food week goes on. Today we even found a Mongolian food channel on YouTube, where they show authentic Mongolian food. And even visit nomads. My 11 y/o wanted us to instantly sell the house and become Mongolian nomads because it looks so clean, simple and cozy. I can understand him.

Iā€™m getting more and more second thoughts about going anywhere again this summer. The Covid-19 Delta virus is starting to get me nervous for real. Iā€™m still not vaccinated, they say itā€™s a bigger risk for me to get really ill from the vaccine because of all my allergies and thw fact that Iā€™m allergic to some painkillers (Like Ipren) and dental local anesthesia. But on the other side weā€™ve got Pa, they didnā€™t dare to vaccinate him either. And he got covid and died. My husbandā€™s friend middle aged in full health died from the vaccine.
Also our news has been cabled out that in Israel vaccinated people are getting the Delta virus despite the vaccine and some of them dies. Also they are saying that there will be new better vaccines coming here in fall.
My province is still the second one with highest infection rates right after Stockholm.

And it feels like such a big risk to maybe get sick, just because Iā€™m getting cabin fever from sitting here all summer.

I know, I know Iā€™m dwelling this a lot. Especially lately, but ever since Pa died Iā€™ve gotten more and more worried. What If I die, what if my husband dies? What if one of the kids get sick? Iā€™m worried sick about this. So I think Iā€™m going to try and find out activities to do without needing to travel anywhere. Like camping in the backyard.

Next week our 9 y/o has choosen minecraft as a food theme. I approved it, It might not be a different country, but itā€™s definitely a different world.

Late checkin today, but weā€™ve been at the playground almost all day. And my allergies are trying to kill me. It just started to rain and hopefully it will all night so I can breathe again tomorrow.

I hope yā€™all had a great day.


12 days 20 hours. Boy I am sore, went for a nice ride last night, guy is supposed to come at 5 for tattoo. Girls come home tomorrow much love


Checking in on day 87.


Checking in day 1 for me. Day 1 so far is pretty hard for me. All Iā€™m thinking about is a drink and Iā€™m here instead fighting the cravings. The struggle is real. I feel so lost. Today I started a 30 day alcohol experiment and Iā€™m just hoping I can finish it. Any suggestions. Please help :sos:


Hi yā€™all. Iā€™ve been working an insane amount and getting my pad together. Itā€™s finally a beautiful day out. Iā€™m feeling closer towards alignment of my heart and mind and for that Iā€™m grateful. Canā€™t believe how quickly nearly 2 years have come. Sober life is where itā€™s at.


Day 72.
3 degrees.

ā€œFocus on a dreamā€ todayā€™s quote is something that we all benefit from :heart:


Day 10 check in :grinning:


It IS a real struggle. You can be stronger. Hopefully you can get rid of all thatā€™s around. Read everything here. Focus on not drinking today! Then do tomorrow. One day at a time. Post here and wait for people to support you instead of taking a drink. Check in here
Stay On Track.
Lots of good suggestions from @littlemisschatterbox ā€¦


@Singtone Good luck! I have been ā€˜runningā€™ for a few years now, not far, not fast, but keep plugging away. I used couch to 5k. I am still not at 5k tho :sweat_smile:

@JLove Congratulations!

@Back-on-track Is it the Annie Grace one? That was the start of the journey into sobriety for me. It gets easier. Sending strength.


452 today. 8 of my coworkers tested positive for covid today. This new strand is hitting fast. It definately makes me grateful to be sober and healthy


Good evening friends,finishing up a successful day 234 chairing my AA groupā€™s Tuesday night meeting.
Have an awesome evening!

