Checking in daily to maintain focus #32

Whenever I come on here what always shines for me is the positive energy we are willing to share - I love it, I have so much adoration for so many of you who have shone a bright path that we can recover x

Addiction to us as individuals has knocked us all sideways and for some of us to the rock bottom and yet together this bad ass group gives a voice to the addict who struggles to admit the powerlessness we have over our addictions.

The ones who come back after a relapse, it’s just a learning curve… Are addiction didn’t happen over night, some of us its taken years of our lives… You are never a failure, you just gotta keep learning new ways of coping X

@Olivia - immense love and complete admiration for you, true strength shines through. Amazed and blown away!


It’s Finnish :heart_eyes:


always a good way to end




Day 21 and still sober!
Feeling better everyday.

So thankful for all of you! You inspire me daily to keep at it.


Day 94.
5 degrees.

@CATMANCAM so proud of you for stopping nicotine. By the time you have stopped vamping, you won’t know yourself. You will feel so much better. You will have a lot more energy when you wake up and you will notice you breathing change. You can do it :hugs:

@Rockstar24777 so so glad to see you happy rob :heart::tada:

@littlemisschatterbox I LOVEEEE thunderstorms!! :tada::heart::laughing:

@050Nl I love rick and Morty !!! I watch it every day. Literally :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::joy:

@Girlinterrupted congrats on passing the longest stretch :hugs::tada::heart: thats amazing strength.

@Charlie_C sometimes we have blah meh going through the motions days. Makes us appreciate the good days even more :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@John1990 delete and block that number and change your phone number to be even sure that you will be safe in the future from moments like those. Your human, we all make those mistakes. Protect your recovery first :hugs::tada::pray:

This morning I’m opening a new coffee brand. That’s exciting. Im trying new coffee each time I run out. A fun little experiment !

Not much going on today. Will journal, meditate.

Will go to the gym, eat lunch, do laundry.

Just regular human stuff. Uneventful… Just the way I like it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::tada::pray::heart:


With all your help. Appreciate you all! :smiley:


Congratulations @Kmcc123!!! And thank you very much @LeeHawk and @apes2020!!! :grin::grin::grin::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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One month amazing!!! :tada::tada::tada:

Down down down down down @apes2020 yesss
The shirt is from episode one :joy::joy::joy: the frame where he opens his eyes on force …big fat up , hope you’re doing ok there and blessss
I lmao also each episode , but Morty is a jackass drunk though :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Ahhhh Finland , now I do understand :100::pray::100:


Thank you Laura!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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  1. Tonight, I was asked to chair my home group meeting. There were only 4 of us but it was a powerful meeting. I left with my heart full and some relief. I’ve had some issues that I’ve been battling and this meeting gave me clarity and what I’ve been needing to hear that I’m not alone or the only one that has the craziest shit happen to them. Having 3 1/2 years of sobriety I still am working on my character defects. Today I am grateful for my friends that ride this road of recovery with me and help keep me grounded and help validate my feelings. I hope you all have a nice evening.

So proud of you Olivia!! :tada::tada::tada: I hope you are well!


Day 47 checking in here. Very tired and feeling a bit frustrated and annoyed today. Probably time to go to bed early. Stay sober, friends.


I agree. The downhill is painful in a different way and is a bit less satisfying.

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I absolutely love seeing how much you love your new job, Rob. When I think about you going out and doing those heavy lifting jobs and hurting yourself, and then think about where you are now, it makes me happy.
Long may it continue.


Day 364

This week just keeps throwing more challenges at me.

Called today to confirm my mri appointment for Friday and found out that the doctor that referred me isn’t sufficient for referral to this specialist, they require a primary care physician’s referral. Very frustrating that the girl who made my appointment didn’t relay this. Instead she just set me up for a consultation, starting all over from square one even though I have had a consultation/assessment elsewhere, and my treatment is being further delayed. I’m just eager to get things taken care of. Having to jump through all of the healthcare hoops is draining.


Thank you very much Tony, it’s so surreal having this new job and career path. I remember really getting down on myself because I could physically only work a couple days at a time. My head would tell me that I’m not that hurt I’m just lazy and that there’s something wrong with me. Turns out I’m not lazy at all it’s just something I can’t do anymore. Every day has been a blessing and a privilege and I can work all day and feel 100% when I get home. Thank you again Tony, have a wonderful evening! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations @Olivia that’s awesome, great job!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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