Checking in daily to maintain focus #32

Day 91.

Growth in sobriety…

Every now and then something happens on your journey where you go " huh would you look at that! What a nice surprise"

Little things or rewards that happen to you that you would not in a million years experience if you were using/drinking.

My little recent little thing that is actually a big thing for me , is trust related…

Ive been given my own key to the building at work. An access all areas key 24/7.

This may not seem like much to some, but to me it translate to me being trusted and respected by my boss. I’ve been “seen” and in a good way…

Ive only ever been thought of as an untrustworthy addict.

But now I feel some what more excepted back into the normal functioning human race :joy:

A big deal for me :pray::tada::heart:


Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! It’s a holiday here so I didn’t leave my house. :laughing: There were fireworks yesterday, and more today. My cat is not having it.

@apes2020 I love Insight Timer for meditation! Mostly for logistical purposes like keeping interaction in app instead of offloading it to social media and for their data logging abilities. Noting like looking at charts to motivate me to get on my butt. Also congrats on your 90 days!

As for your new post, that’s really amazing. I’m so happy for you! But remember this:

There are no small victories, there are no small steps, or small milestones. There are only victories, only steps, and only milestones. The perception of the viewer is the only thing that actually changes. So whether you’ve been entrusted with a key to your work, or a key to the Taj Mahal, it is the same. You’ve been trusted. You are trustworthy. And now you continue being trusted and trustworthy. Because you simply are.

@M-be-free49 Happy birthday! May the Leo Season Begin!! :lion: :wink: :tada:

@girlinterrupted Knowing that not everyone will like you really can be hard. When I was a lot younger and more naive, I used to think that the onus was on me and that if I could just somehow do the right thing then they would like me. Not sure how much it counts, but I’d totally hang out (and work out :smile: ) with you!

@Clarity Congrats on your 1 year!
@RosaCanDo 70 days is great!
@Lilemm Super job on your 30 days!


That’s not a small thing at all, April. Feeling trusted and trustworthy is huge. Another form of connection. Really happy for you.


Checking in at the end of day 44.


Good morning , just checking in . Up to work :sunny:


211 days

All good here, last week at work finish Wednesday. I think i have accepted it, the cleaning job i cant wait to finish, but my homeless one will be a wrench… done most of my goodbyes to clients. I gave them all factsheets what we had accomplished, useful telephone numbers, their achievements and their goals all in put into a card, its the least i could do… as i said before , they help me as much in my recovery, i really think the world of them all .

Just praying my background check does not scupper my new job offer, if so i am jobless. But keeping a positive head on, i deserve abit of luck.

Have a good day all.


@M-be-free49 how did i miss your birthday, wishing you a happy belated birthday as special as you are


Wow @Clarity Sarah, 365 days how amazing :clap: so happy and proud for you, you have worked so hard for this, big smiles all round…



@Clarity Congrats, friend! So amazing. Your journey inspires and delights, and I can only imagine where it will take you from here.
You are a gift to this forum and I’m grateful for you :relieved: :orange_heart:


@Dolse71 your share is spot on thank you.

@Rockstar24777 wishing you abgreat first day in your new job, looking forward to hearing about it.


That’s a huge deal.

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@Clarity Sarah you are awesome , Congrats for your 1 year :clap::clap::clap::tada::dizzy::balloon::dancer::star2:

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@M-be-free49 Happy Birthday Emm :tada::tada::tada::birthday::raising_hand_woman::blue_heart:

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@Clarity congratulations with your 1 year milestone Sarah :tada::tada::tada:


365 days sober is awesome Sarah, many congrats @Clarity.
Happy belated Birthday @M-be-free49 and @Chiron. :confetti_ball::tada:
Blessings and sobriety y’all!


Day 391.
A good day. Thanks all for the lovely bday wishes! I dodged the boozy dinner tonight. A bit of a story, but - while I don’t like to not honor commitments, I’m also a lot more aware of how booze on “off hours” with work people affects work and relationships during the “on hours”. I’m fine around booze if it’s normie pals sipping wine while we chat away, but I think the agenda tonight was to uncork. I do need to re-engage with colleagues F2F, and otherwise make sure I’m not avoiding social situations (boozy or otherwise), but I still get to be choosy…
Walked the dog girl between thundershowers instead, had a quick chat with a pal and made my own salmon and quinoa bowl. Lovely.
Let’s call this one done, hey friends? Onward - let’s do another one! But first, sleep.
G’night, big love to all. :orange_heart:

@Kmcc123 The only way out is through, friend - and it sounds to me like you’ve rolled up your sleeves and you’re doing the slow work to get through it. One step at a time, sometimes. We’re with you.

@Claartje congrats on 1 month!

@AyBee there it is! Nice. How could I ever doubt you? :joy:

@Chiron I forgot! We’re twins! I’m so honoured. But oh man, next year we plan for a better celebration! (edit!) Hope you had the loveliest day. :kissing_heart:


@Joy Thank you!
@M-be-free49 That’s right we are! Definitely hoping for a better year. :crossed_fingers:


Day 14. For some reason if feels like it’s been an incredibly long 14 days but in an entirely good way :man_shrugging:t2:. I’ve managed to cram a lot of worthwhile stuff in and made some memories that’ll last a life time. I had a mild wobble on Saturday but I didn’t give in to my dickhead of a brain, another sober weekend done and another clear headed and happy Monday morning today :relaxed:. Well done everyone, you’re all amazing.


Congratulations on your 2 weeks Byron. Great job :clap::clap::clap:

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Thanks Eric. Have a good day mate

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