Checking in daily to maintain focus #32

Be proud and be loud about it !! I am @ ya 4sure B.

For me a quick check in now.
Chores done and hope that the weather allows me and Nala for a nice strawl after my interview in a bit.

Be safe peopz


Checking in at 17 days sober.

Yesterday ended up being a bit of a toughy. Friends have been staying with us for a few nights. They are all drinking, and Iā€™m not. They have not applied an ounce of pressure on me to join in, which I am so grateful for. Iā€™ve been thoroughly enjoying the freedom that choosing no brings, and embracing the role of the breakfast-maker in the mornings. However, last night didnā€™t feel like freedom. A voice in my head kept telling me I had done so well this week, and for my good behaviour, I deserved one little night of alcohol-infused fun. While I fought to silence this voice, I could feel myself growing a bit grumpy and resentful, so I said my good-nights, and went to bed early.

I certainly donā€™t feel the same way today. I am very proud for not giving in. I wish the temptation could have passed without souring my mood. It was a missed opportunity to have a nice night with friends after Covid kept us apart for so long. But it is what it is. I will take the lesson, and hopefully tonight will be better!


Checking in today.


Sooooooo sick happy for u !!!

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Good morning friends,day 269! Dragging my butt into my office to start work this morningā€¦not feeling it, but today should be relatively easy meeting-wise.

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Hey all, checking in on day 422! Have a great one guys :slightly_smiling_face:



Wanted to share



I know if you make your mind up definitively you can do it. Thereā€™s no wishy washy commitment!


Day 377
Words cannot describe how grateful I am to be starting my week off today. Work week was so exhausting.
Woke up at 7 am today to do my workout, walked out to the garden instead, and came right back in to go back to bed. Yawning so much I was crying. So fucking tired.


On this day on or about 8:00am I was at NAS Alameda starting a 21 day out patient program that changed my life forever and saved my military career. That first day is when I attended my first AA meeting. 90 meeting in 90 days. A game changer. About halfway through week 2 I saw the light and understood my choices of to drink or not to drink. Probable consequences if I continued to drink which were scary once I wrote it all down on paper which I still carry today.


Congrats my friend!

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Havenā€™t had a PAWS episode in quite a while. It definitely stopped or became so mild I donā€™t attribute it to that after a year or less. Seemed each episode got milder as time went on. Definitely wasnā€™t a day to day thing, just a random one to three day occurrence every now and then.


You are a true inspiration!! Thank you for sharing your story with us and showing us that such long term sobriety is possible. Above allā€¦congrats :clap:


Thank you brother!

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Wow ā€¦ congratulations, wow :star_struck:

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Checking in on Tuesday. Sober. :pray::four_leaf_clover:


Checking out 1m 16 d


Thanks for the hopeful response. Looking forward to that time.

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