Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Good morning, all.
Grateful to be hangover free again this morning. That never gets old.
Grateful that I finally discovered sobriety, and gratitude, at the ripe old age of 50.
Grateful that Singapore is moving towards the end of covid restrictions. A significant majority are vaccinated now, so hopefully it is just around the corner.
Grateful that I have the energy and the inclination to do the little things that I am supposed to do. Yesterday I sorted out my work clothes despite only going back next week. That has never happened before. Even managed to sort out a box for the Salvation Army. These little things make me so happy nowadays.
Grateful for all of the shares in here. It is a huge source of inspiration.
Have a great day, all.


I’m grateful for God this morning. :pray: for being sober…for waking up feeling good and clear. For being able to navigate life in general and specifically to be stronger in my daily life. To be an active participant instead of a bystander. :heartbeat: And for keeping in drama free. As an expectation not an option. :heartbeat:


This morning I am grateful for an earlier rise and more time to journal and walk. I am grateful to live in an area of town where I can take a nice long walk and really cover some ground listening to books. (Of anyone has great recommendations, I am all ears). I am grateful for a new sober day where I can create my own path instead of feeling trapped. I am grateful for a 3 day break coming up in a few days. Take care all and enjoy the day!


Early in this journey and on this day three I am grateful that I

  1. woke up
  2. am not drunk
  3. am not hungover
  4. did not injure anyone
  5. am not injured

Grateful to be alive and sober.


I’m grateful for the wonderful afternoon yesterday on the couch on my deck, with Benson laying on me, my wife sitting next to me, a fire, a real wood fire in the fireplace I started, because it was nice and cool, with monsoonal type rains, even bundled up with a Mexican blanket. Just reading TS, dropping memes, celebrating milestones, and offering support when I could, and checking Twitter. Burgers on the grill and dinner on the deck. And I got my bread starter going and in the fridge so someday this week I can pop it in the oven.
I’m grateful I don’t have to pick bugs out of my wine glass anymore. Yes I did chuckle a little when my wife got a couple of bugs in her wine glass. :joy: I guess they weren’t interested in my tasty exciting can of sparkling water.
I’m grateful to God for the sober life I am living.
I’m grateful only 7 more days of rest.
I’m grateful I can still walk the puppers in the morning.
I’m grateful for my what’s app call with Julie in London yesterday as we got all caught up. It’s been awhile.
I’m grateful for the Ol Burner on my lap.
I’m grateful for another sober day a head.

There are times when I have to hurt through a situation and when this happens, the choice is not whether to hurt or not hurt, but what to do while I’m hurting. This ones for you Stella :heart: You showed us this yesterday on the check in :muscle: :pray:t2:
In all my affairs
Sorry Stella. This shit is just Gold. I don’t like to say “should” but in this case everyone should read this.:point_down:


Today I am grateful for microclimate the forest offers.
Grateful that I talked with my boss instead of eating things up.
Grateful the girls seem to accept staying off the bedroom most of the night.
Grateful that even that it’s hot atm as the days get shorter, it cools down at night.


Thanks Eric :heart:

Today I am grateful for the ride I got to the meeting last night, it was a great meeting that filled my soul like I knew it would.

I am grateful for the beautiful sunset I witnessed on my way home.

Grateful for the massage I had this morning and that I wasn’t too shy to ask her to go deeper!!! Usually I’m too shy and just take what I get and pay the money and tip really well and go home and still suffer. I am learning through recovery that I have a voice and I am grateful for that, I am grateful to be learning that what I have to say and what I am feeling is valid and it’s OK to voice it.

I am so grateful that I recieve disability. This last week has reminded me how much I suffered when I was working. I was in a constant flare-up that I just pushed through with booze. I am so grateful that isn’t my life anymore, that I don’t have to drink my pain and exhaustion away, that I don’t have to show up to a job because I feel obligated to.

I am so grateful that I have choices today.

Grateful for the delicious avocado I ate for lunch and the juicy plum I followed that up with.

Thanks everyone for being such an important part of my recovery.


I am grateful that I have another shot at a sober life. I know I started over again but I am alive, I am not injured I have not hurt anyone. Today is day #1.


Welcome @beachmouse !


Hey there, happy to have you with us.


Evening everyone! Today I am grateful for:

  • the day to be at an end. Today was a tough one and I felt really low all day. Just withdrawn and sad inside. No tears but just a feeling of sadness.
  • for being wise enough to know that this too will pass and that this is my brain recalibrating.
  • for an early night, a good book and a gratitude list. Being grateful for all is so key to my recovery.
  • for not giving in to drinking even though the urge was strong at times today. Another day won.
  • for self talk and lightbulb moments. This evening I was thinking through my urges, and I told myself that this was all part of learning to live a sober life, then it occurred to me that I actually have no idea how to do that. I’ve been drinking regularly/heavily since my early teens, so no wonder I feel lost at times. Self care and love are what I need.
  • for sleep. Although I’m tired a lot lately, at least I’m blessed with pretty good sleep unlike others who are not so lucky. I prey you are all blessed tonight.
  • for the promise of a new day tomorrow, hangover free!
    Happy sober Wednesday everyone!

Hey @Irisees919 im a book lover and love audible. A couple of great ones are The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober and The Upward Spiral. Great help to anyone recovering from alcohol or learning how to navigate your own mind :hugs:


I’m grateful for the understanding that moods are fleeting: meaning bad ones will pass and good ones should be savoured.
For my health. For people. For adventure.


saner oxoxoxoxo


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful for the sleep I was able to get, it could have been less.

I am grateful for air conditioning and iced cold water on hot days/nights like these.

I am grateful for my ssri medication that helps reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. :two_hearts:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful that my son is 15 years old today! I’m grateful that he is growing and changing, but he still very much loves me. I’m grateful for pizza and red velvet Bundt cake to celebrate him. I’m grateful that my kids come and talk to me about their life things, and all the thoughts,feelings, and uncertainty that comes with growing up. I’m grateful that because of my own journey in sobriety, I sometimes have some sort of answer for them lol! I’m grateful for people finding voices in recovery, and for all of the bits of wisdom on here.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


@M-be-free49 ,haven’t seen you in a day or 2, but may have missed you. Hope you and Dog girl are doing good and enjoying your walks❤️


Thanks @Frandango for the tips. I ordered the “Unexpected…” tonight on audible and will start it on my a.m. walk tomorrow. I look forward to it and really appreciate the recs!


Ya you did!! Fucking incredible. I can relate very much to this, thanks.

Happy 15th Birthday to @Sunflower1 Jr.

Welcome @beachmouse

I’m grateful to God thanks for another day of clean and sober living. I’m grateful that with some support, hope and a ton of patience I just may yet get to say I’m living my best life. I’m grateful that I can honestly say I am already living a better life than I have for a very very long time. I’m grateful that @Dazercat got a nice aha moment regarding Kelly’s wine glass and is back with his pack and following doctors orders as best he can. I’m grateful @Frandango is back with us and pushed through a down day, good for you. I’m grateful @Singtone is kicking ass, I take alot from your posts. I’m grateful @Peace is here still, a constant presence for as long as I have been here, thanks. I’m grateful @Dolse71 occasionally pops in and makes me laugh, you the man Paul. I’m grateful for music and excersise and laughter and that I had a nice 5km solo cruise on the bicycle tonight and it felt great. I’m grateful that I went to AA tonight and my sponsor was the speaker it was nice, I had only heard part of his story. I’m grateful that I made an awesome dinner for 20 of us of Boneless skinless chicken breast, corn on the cob and a Cole slow from scratch didn’t buy it from the store, who am I? I’m grateful that I might have a dinner date planned in threeish weeks my first date in over two years, I’m not sure I even know what to say or do Lol Just kidding I’m 43 I got this and I’m actually fairly personable yet still a little nerve wracking. I’m grateful for all your shares in case you couldn"t tell. I’m grateful for my dear friend @M-be-free49 I’m grateful for my Mom and Dad and the nice messages and emails that mom continues to bless me with. I’m grateful that my house manager who recently lost his daughter and has 25 years in AA came to me for support I feel totallybblessed to be able to help him as he has been and continues to be a huge support of mine and it’s a complicated relationship that we have because it’s supposed to be professional but some how we have become good friends. I am crying again thinking about it as he was brought to tears when he drove me home last night and talked to me, which he isn’t supposed to dribe any of us but he has earned that as far as i am concerned. I’m grateful for whoever reads all this as I am going right off tonight Lol I’m greatful that I have learned to put all this stuff out there and that I feel safe enough doing it here. I’m grateful that even though there are a lot of things I still don’t have such as a relationship, job, car, children, my own place I don’t have to feel bad about it anymore and can choose to strive for these things that I have had before. I’m grateful that my sister is doing really well lately and has been playing online cribbage games with me. I’m grateful that my cousin is home from British Columbia for her bridal shower this coming weekend, I won’t get to see her as it’s a women’s event but my Mom or Sister will show me pictures or tell me about it. I’m grateful that one of the guys at the treatment center talked about me in class as an example of someone who is happy and that he would like to be happy like that, it’s nice to hear I have a positive effect on some of these guys cause I am not sure they always know just how much they help keep me challenged, grounded and entertained. I’m grateful to God for guiding me and pray that he keeps shining his healing light through me so I may feel better, keep my darkness at bay and guide others to better do his will. Amen.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. If you read all that never forget I believe in you. You’re fucking awesome. Ya you!!