Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Checking in at the end of day 266.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz:


Day 8. A dream about relapse, disturbing.


Even like this I love bacon @Thirdmonkey

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Day 422ā€¦

Life is busy at the moment.
Life is good.
And most importantly lā€™m an addict in recovery
Whose blessed to be here in this little corner of the Webā€¦ Seeing others success is moving x


Just checking. Had a little argument with my ex for the first time in a while, my oldest takes medicine for her ADHD and without it she really is a hand full, today I didnā€™t make her take it, honestly I donā€™t like it because the meds is a controled substance. And itā€™s a chewable med but lately autumn has been crying and throwing up when she takes it bc she doesnā€™t like the taste so Iā€™ve been crushing it and putting it in caramel and her mother as soon as she came today was yelling at her and trying to force her to chew it and autumn said no daddy puts it in caramel for me and she flipped on me saying Iā€™m ruining her teeth and her and her bf donā€™t put up with this. I yell at my girls alot sometimes but Iā€™m just trying to put myself in my daughterā€™s shoes, I told My ex to try and do the same, I will get applesauce to try and be healthy about crushing the meds. But idk now I just kind of feel like shit.


Itā€™s hard when our littles have to take meds. Mine did tooā€¦
I used chocolate pudding, there are sugar free ones.


Absolutely, I just believe in giving my daughter a break off the meds sometimes so she can be her self. And my ex was pissed about it today, she needs to take her meds everyday I canā€™t handle her like this she said. Well itā€™s not always about us, we canā€™t always make things easier on us we have to give her choices to otherwise when she gets older she will always go against us

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Ruining her teeth is a bit dramatic. Not brushing ruins teeth. My kids eat sweets and shit too and their teeth are fine. My wife is a dental hygienist also so if sheā€™s not worried about it, your wife probably should either :wink:
Iā€™d do the same thing if I was you. If it can get your little one to take the meds without getting sick and fussing a bunch I donā€™t see the harm.


Thats what I feel Im doing, only surviving, each day, to stay sober. Yeah I guess thats what it is, Im romanticing it. And I dont know why, because each morning I wake up sober Im grateful for it, because I remember the awfull feeling waking the day after my wine. I remember that anxiety, to be afraid if this time I made non reversibel damage, the pains in my body, the time I did not spend with my kids. Everything. The drinking is not worth it. But still I think of it and miss it during the days, and again next morning Im so grateful and thankful I did not.

The thing is, I dont know how to work on my sobrity? I know I need to stay sober, and for that I dont drink. I have been thinking about trying AA, but I have not yet. And, I should find my self a hobby or something to do. Til now I dont have the energy, when I get home from work Im so tired. Then its dinner, homework and activity with kids, chores. I have a very physical work.

Everyday Im so tired. I have pains. Muscels the doctor say. And in my head. I get all this anxiety of it. Thinking something is wrong, Im going to die, this Is not normal. And makes me even more tired.

I try to change, my life, my surronding, apperance. Try to be better.

Thank you for your replie, I really appreciate it :blush:


Thank you x

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Checking in, day 325 no alcohol, day 75 no smoke. Feeling ill, Iā€™m cold and weak so Iā€™ll call it a day soon. I have a lot of work for the whole season, but actually Iā€™m grateful for the distraction. I treat my day as I used to do at the beginning of sobriety, watching out for HALT, distracting myself and making myself aware of how essential sobriety is for me. I drink tea, watch a film, even plan to read a book in bed (havenā€™t done it for months), Iā€™m slowing down and am grateful for the basics.


Thanks man

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My oldest son was severely ADHD when he was younger. Saying they are a handful without their meds is putting it oh so nicely. :wink: I know what youā€™re going through. Donā€™t feel badly about putting her med in something that she likes. Youā€™re just being a loving dad, and I donā€™t think a little piece of caramel is going to hurt a thing. Iā€™m sorry your ex doesnā€™t get that. The sugar-free pudding is a good idea, and you could also try a piece of banana or some nut butter. :slightly_smiling_face:


15 Days isnā€™t so badā€¦Working long days sure helps close the windowā€¦


Checking in on day 107 from the North Shore of Lake Superior. Itā€™s a sober goal to some day cycle the Circle Tour around the entire lake.


Itā€™s beautiful. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I can only speak for myself. I have a demanding job but I live by myself, no partner, no kids, so I have more time for myself too. My last using years I spent all my free time under the influence. being under the influence meant I had no time for other, meaningful stuff, I just lay on the couch and watched tv or surfed the internet.
Since I became sober I finally have the time to work on myself. Being a substance abuser forever means my emotional development stopped since my teens (Iā€™m 55 now). Iā€™m finally working on that, but it took me about a year of being sober to start that. Iā€™m in group therapy to treat some personality issues I have. Itā€™s slowly working. Itā€™s hard work. But very much worth it.
I think for now you have to hang in there Wakiki. Your body needs to heal. You put it under a lot of stress through work and taking care of your family. You need some you time. I feel for you drinking was your you time. Now you need to find something else. Not necessary AA. Stuff just for you. Think about it. Take your time. Stay sober. One day at a time. Hang with us. Iā€™m glad youā€™re here. Youā€™re not alone. Hugs.


Thatā€™s a nice sturdy old warhorse, that bike of yours. And awesome surroundings.


Checking in doing great very happy today loving life went out for lunch now at home watching the ballgame. Sober/clean at 3 months & 20 days