Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Checking in sober on day 73. Happy Sunday


Hey All! Donā€™t check my day count often, but I did today. 200 days in a row of not drinking today and probably not drinking tomorrow. Fully embracing ODAAT in all aspects of my life. Want to thank you all, as you are a major support for me!


I love this. A very important meeting for the two of you. It makes my heart happy that there are people in the world like you who apologize for some of the havoc and pain they have caused. I know it is part of the steps and a very valuable one. @Mephistopheles

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Day 357, 8 days to go.

I guess Iā€™m doing a countdown. I have no plans to change after I hit the 1 year mark. ODAAT!

Struggling with my boy this week, took him off his ADHD medicine as a trial. It did not go well. I hate that he is on it. I donā€™t want him relying on a drug. I suppose itā€™s for the best right now.


@Thirdmonkey You, sir, are a good person to eat the burnt offerings.

@anon53116147 I practically raised my brother, who had ADHD. People would make comments about us giving him medicine for it, but then would complain when he was around. Even with medication, he was a little monster. But I have a theory that if heā€™d not grown up in a horribly disfunctional household, with lots of space to get his energy out, and given the opportunity to learn in a hands on manner with patient and loving adults, he would have been fine without medicine. I think maybe we overmedicate kids, but thatā€™s another debate, and I canā€™t really judge.

Anyway, I personally donā€™t see anything wrong with putting medicine in a caramel. Itā€™s not like youā€™re giving her a bag of caramels each day. Sometimes you just need to decide which battle youā€™re going to choose. A caramel makes the experience a happy one for your daughter. Get a tasty toothpaste from the internet (I have a killer chocolate one) and have her brush her teeth after the caramel. Maybe brush your teeth with her. Make it a fun ritual. Of course, not my kid, but thereā€™s nothing for you to feel like shit over here. Your ex could have just nicely asked you not to give her caramels anymore. Youā€™re both just doing the best you can with what you know how to do.


Woo hoo! Congratulations on 200 days @LeeHawk!
Iā€™m so proud of how far youā€™ve come. Your tenacity is impressive.

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Thatā€™s really great, Lee! Iā€™m really proud and happy for you! :sparkling_heart::hugs:

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Way to go Lee. I love your style.
Congratulations on 200 days.



Congratulations !! :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Well done everyone, some great sober days out there. :+1::grin:


Hope the amends making with your Aunt went well, Iā€™m sure she will appreciate it and has great admiration for how far youā€™ve come, I know youā€™re a huge inspiration here :raised_hands:
Half marathon coming up, keep us posted on how you do. I signed up for a fundraiser for the Black Dog Institute and will be running 100km during the month of October. Itā€™s for a great cause and Iā€™m hoping it will get me back to be consistent with my running. I really love it but struggle with motivation so believe the fundraiser will keep me accountable!


@Thirdmonkey LOL, that is how I like my bacon, and my steak too!

@Powefulmikelamica Donā€™t feel shit, different parents have different ways of doing things, and when both parents love the child a lot tensions can run high.

@Wakikki I donā€™t have pains, that must be awful, but I do understand not having much time. I work, have two kids, etc. Sometimes when people are like, oh, I trained for a marathon now I am sober, I feel a bit inferior and jealous. Being present and grateful are good antidotes, I think. Even if it is just making dinner, listening to the kids read a book, do it fully and gratefully. Working on sobriety can be short and sweet too, or listening to a podcast while doing something else.


I went to the 100th birthday party of my husbandā€™s grandmother yesterday. Iā€™ve never known anyone to make it to 100 years old so it was a huge honor. Mentally sheā€™s all there and remembered me after not seeing her for 10 years. The mayor gave a nice speech along with a key to the city. What a beautiful day made possible by sobriety.


I had another audition setup today, cover band. Played well together. Had a lot of fun.

And they thought I was gonna just bail cause their vocalist, bailed at the last second, Iā€™m like no letā€™s warm up and figure it out, played about 10 songs, we each took turns on the Mic, Iā€™m gonna be sore tomorrow and probably lose my voice, but yano, I had a blastā€¦

All 90s early 2000 tunes so stuff I been playing since day 1. Mixed it up from Goo Goo Dolls, to Rage, to Five Finger Death Punch,

Bad news, but good news, my trusty amp which was on its last legs, finally died out.

Good news I wonā€™t feel so guilty about the one I been watching on Sweetwater and reading reviews on for months now.


Having panic attacks all morning. Hating life right now and just want this feeling to pass.


Sighā€‹:pray:t3: Miss u. You were the few that understood. Hope to hear from you :pensive:

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Checking in Day 56 Alcohol Free.

I just finished watching Midnight Mass (donā€™t worry ā€“ no spoilers here). It came out on Friday, and I was super excited for it as I am a big horror fan and I have been loving the creator Mike Flanaganā€™s work the last few years. I watched this new series over the last three nights. Iā€™ve been avoiding reading anything about it because I didnā€™t want it to get spoiled or for another personā€™s perspective to skew mine while I was watching for the first time. Anyways, as soon as I finished I googled reviews to see how itā€™s being received, and in an article I read that Flanagan has had his own struggles with alcoholism and has been sober for three years. I love to discover that people I admire and are also sober. In the horror world, Stephen King is another big name of someone who struggled with addiction and is now sober (I think with King itā€™s since the late '80s). It just adds one more layer to the connection, and it also inspires me to keep progressing in whatever way I am, to keep creating, and to keep trusting. In some way, itā€™s almost like being in a club with these people. Weā€™ll probably never meet, but there is something in our lives and experiences and choices that connect us. Any other favorite sober celebrities out there? Iā€™m gonna say right now, Edie Falco is another huge one for me. Love her work.


Day 1,100. I spent the day writing a new song. Hereā€™s part of it.

Raise a glass
Say a prayer
Start a band
Grow your hair

Fall in love
Take a chance
Sing a song
'cause lifeā€™s a dance

Say hello
Wave goodbye
Reach your hands
up to the sky

Find your place
Sing a song
Ask your friends
to sing along

Go outside
Face your fears
Make a friend

Hug you mom
Plant a seed
Donate time
those in need

Climb a tree
Steal a kiss
Find your source
of happiness

Call your Dad
Play in Mud
Lifeā€™s too short
to hold a grudge


Love it !!! :guitar::slightly_smiling_face:


Day 454.
Went out last night (masked to the gills) for a bday celebration. I havenā€™t actually been that many places with drinks all around me. Came home, had tea and went to sleep. Woke up today and started my delicious sunday with coffee, my yoga mat, and had a chilling flashback to how this could have gone in the before time: Iā€™d have come home last night after a few drinks and uncorked another bottle, slept badly, woken up feeling like garbage, would have taken off the edge with a mimosa - and goodbye Sunday to sipping and napping and numbing. Feigning productivity at something.

One. Iā€™m only one drink away from that kind of sunday.

Instead, we did another day. How about we do another one tomorrow, hey friends?

I betā€™cha if we made a chain of all of our sober days, we might have enough to stretch right around the world! Maybe not yet, but I do know weā€™re stronger together.
Gā€™night all, big love. :orange_heart:


@KellyKelly oh, sending light and some comfort your way! I hope the clouds clear soon, friend.

@MagicILY ah, Jim Carey - he doesnā€™t drink or use because ā€œlife is too beautifulā€. :relieved: