Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Awww, beautiful!

Would love to hear it, hint hint… :orange_heart:

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Wow, I had no idea about Jim Carrey! That’s awesome. I grew up knowing pretty much every line to Ace Ventura haha


I just learn Patricia Heaton, Everybody Love Raymond. And The Middle.
3 years July. She Got some great advice from Peter Boyle. Also sober.

Peter Boyles advice to her. :point_down:

“He said, ‘You know, I just think about the first drink. And I think about it leading to the second one, and then to the third one, and I just walk through it in my brain. And by the time I think about that, I know I don’t want to be in that position.’”

Pretty fucking good advice.


Congrats on your 200 days.


Hey Chris I am happy to see a post from you. How are you feeling? You always have our support, you are never alone.


Just a quick check in, still sober


Just listened to Patricia on Elizabeth Vargas’ podcast. Great lady!


Yeah @MwinecwaftOwO I bought mine about a month and a half ago… Pump it up!! :red_car::loud_sound::loud_sound:


Good morning,

Day 120 - I am still knocking about :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@KellyKelly , panic attacks are the pits, I know. There’s the phone apps that could help. Imagery of placing yourself in a “safe place” could help you. Imagine yourself, put yourself, in that safe place. Stay there in your mind.
It’s amazing how our bodies can respond to things. With panic and also and hopefully with relaxation to help take some of the panic away.
I hope as you start relaxing that your heart rate will go down if it is high. Some simple breathing could help you. Breathe slowly in through your mouth for four- 8 seconds, hold it for for five seconds and let it out for eight seconds slowly. Relax. Repeat it, several times. Close your eyes if you want. This is something that you really can do almost anywhere, standing in line at the grocery store for instance.
You can also do progressive relaxation of your physical body. Starting at your toes tighten them, hold the squeeze, and then release them. Then do your ankles, your feet, tightening and then releasing, do your calves, keep going up your whole body, each small and large muscle, your jaw, your mouth, your cheeks, your eyes, until you’re at the top of your head. That should get your breathing down and your heart down, also help with racing thoughts .Let me know how they worked for you if you do them. Hope you start feeling better or better yet that the panic is gone when you read this.


Paul, I missed your year! I am sure you got lots of celebrations and love for it already, but wanted to add a little bit more :grin:

What an incredible turnaround, thank you for showing that determination and perseverance really does pay off! And for sharing your journey with us :pray: :sparkling_heart:


@siand thank you :blue_heart:
@Hopeful777 thank you :blue_heart: good luck with your first day at the new job tomorrow :four_leaf_clover:
@Luckyredz congrats on your PB :tada: enjoy your holiday :blush:
@RetainKingII congrats on making it out :tada:
@Tomek feel better soon :pray:t2:
@LeeHawk congrats on 200 days :tada:
@HoofHearted congrats on 1100 days :tada: nice lyrics :star_struck:

412 days no alcohol.
380 days no cocaine.
18 days no disordered eating.

Checking in for yesterday, fell asleep whilst typing again. Depression is really sitting heavy on me, I’m wishing I could find that spark of motivation to start going back to the gym and swimming but it’s really not there, my brain is still trying to protect me. I’m also gaining weight quickly and that’s not supposed to be happening and is messing with my head and self-esteem.

I have a dentist appointment this morning, dreading that but it needs to be done. Then later this afternoon I have the consultation about my feet.

Will check in for today later.


Day 6 just checking in not to sure if I’m replying in correct thread just trying to get used to this app lol have. A good day


I don’t know if this is the ‘right’ advice - I know there is the saying ‘motivation follows action’ - but for me when I was struggling with depression the more I tried to resist it, wish it away or think about all the things I should be doing, the more I slumped. Sometimes what I needed most was to just accept where I was at and let myself rest. It won’t be like this forever :sparkling_heart:

  1. But today another number is more important to me. 6 Years ago I quit smoking both tobacco and weed, and it has been the start of the journey that has led me to a new road in my life, a road called recovery.
    Quitting smoking has been the start of me realizing how much better I’d be off without me (ab)using a host of mind altering substances. A start of me thinking about myself and my relationship to alcohol and drugs, thinking and realizing tobacco and weed weren’t the only substances I might have a problematic relationship with.
    So today I celebrate 6 years of freedom from stupid smoking. Tobacco is an insidious killer. And a relentless addiction. Breaking free from that has been a huge victory and the start of my travels towards a better clean, sober and smober life. Have a great week all. Or at least as good as you can. Sober and clean. Smoke free love from Amsterdam.

    @Dmcg1987 There’s no right or wrong thread to post David. But this is a pretty good one to post daily. Welcome to the thread and congrats on 6 days!

Sincere congratulations to you for each day not smoking and for each day that you have worked on your continuing recovery, in all the ways that you have! Wishing you many answers and much happiness, peace, and contentment on your continued journey! You are an inspiration! @Mno


House is still on the market, no offers yet. It’s only been 10 days but I had really hoped someone would just swoop in and buy it. Feeling a bit deflated but realistically I know it will happen when the time is right. What’s that thing about expectations and resentments…!

Been in touch with a contact from my working days and have now had a formal job offer for a two day a week gig, starting next week. Flexible hours, home working, at the same level as I was before. Feeling a bit nervous but incredibly grateful that this is available to me after having a year off.

Trying not to fall into my old patterns of getting swept away in a long list of ideas and activities now that things feel like they are falling into place a bit. One thing at a time!

Not all smooth sailing - things have been a bit rough at home for a few weeks. The potential move has obviously brought some stuff up about our commitment to each other. We had a big talk over the weekend and it was good for me to get some things out there that I’ve been sitting on for a while. Had something like a constructive conversation about his drinking and why it’s an issue for me. He’s going to try and do Stoptober but doesn’t have any plans for long term abstinence. We will see if the cycle (stop drinking, drinking moderately, drinking more…) continues later or not - interestingly when I said something to that effect he said it’s something he hadn’t recognised, even though it is very obvious to me!

Of course there are two sides to the story and I definitely have some things that I need to work on. Emotional availability, being more sensitive to his needs, not taking him for granted. I’ve been thinking about it and I wonder if it’s because such a big part of my sobriety journey has been about self acceptance, self reliance, etc. I’ve been trying to learn how to be alone while being in a relationship. I guess I need to let go of some that self reliance a bit, to be in a partnership with healthy boundaries. It’s a tough balance to strike and something I need to think about how to communicate better. It’s all a journey!


As you know this is something I am still struggling with. But I really appreciate all the wonderful support and information you’ve posted about living smoke free here. Huge congratulations on those six years! :partying_face:

I am looking forward to the day that I can say that, I know it will come and you are one of the people showing me it is possible! :hugs: :sparkling_heart:


Oh heck you didn’t mention you sang too! Nice!! Good that you had great time!

Maybe one day I’ll get a piece too… :wink:


Massive congratulations! You are such a valued member on here! I love reading your posts and am so happy to support your journey!