Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Digging it

Got a country feel in my head when I was reading it, the plan your going for?


Iā€™m checking in 1 week alcohol free! :partying_face: Iā€™ve been doing a lot of praying to my HP, which is something I was never comfortable with before. Iā€™m not a religious person, but Iā€™ve been diving into my spirituality lately and learning that itā€™s ok to ask for help. The first few times I prayed, I felt guilty asking the universe for guidance, like I was wasting itā€™s time and energy. Over the last week, my mindset has changed and I really feel like I need to humble myself every day and admit that I canā€™t do this alone or I will automatically feel overwhelmed. I did an AA meeting on Zoom last night and even turned my camera on haha. Baby steps I guess, ODAAT! :sloth:
Today Iā€™m grateful for:

  1. Seeing the sunrise without a headache
  2. Going to work Monday morning without a headache/crippling anxiety
  3. This app/community for helping me come out from under my recovery rock

Thanks Alisaā€¦trying to do those things, have woken up anxious as anything again. Yesterday was horrible. Hoping this calms asap. X


Yeah man! Right now itā€™ has a little bit of a folk swing to it. I have a piano part, but will see if a banjo plays nice with itā€¦ hopefully Iā€™ll have it done in a couple weeks!


Day 48/438 pills/booze

So the last few days Iā€™ve aggravated a back injury, no better with paracetamol, ibuprofen, heat pads etc. Iā€™m not laid up but it hurts and from time to time radiates down the legs which is unpleasant and difficult to do my dad duties etc. So the last two evenings Iā€™ve taken a small dose 15mg of codeine. Codeine / opiates were never my pill of choice - I was a big fan of any benzo I could find - but I cannot deny that I somewhat enjoyed the chill out of the codeine last night. Thereā€™s something about the chemically-induced not-giving-a-shit that I like; no achieving or striving or trying to please or perform. I dunno, I guess on one hand I canā€™t be a martyr to sobriety and leave myself in really quite unpleasant pain (and I know this will settle in a few days) but equally I need to be aware of the pull back towards pills. Or am I full of shit and need calling out?
Take it easy, all


Today I completed 1000 days alcohol free. Unbelievable. I would never ever had expected to make it this far. I am so grateful for each sober day and dont want to go back to the dark days. It all started with Dry January 2019 but it never ended. Best decision ever. It was not all easy, but worth the fight. If you struggle today i promise that it will get easier and that it is worth the struggle. I am forever thankful to my HP and to all of the TS people.


Nailed it, well done :clap:


This is so amazing, congratulations!! I think itā€™s very cool that you started with a dry January and just kept going. Not your typical 1,000 day story :muscle:


Really awesome !


I was so sick and tired of hangovers that i was so glad to join the idea of dry january when a co-worker suggested it. I never thought that i will make to Februaryā€¦


Ok day just not feeling very happy today I got some much on my mind itā€™s hard not to slip up but iā€™m still clean and trying to keep it that way


Iā€™m checking in. Day 21


After working with other addicts Iā€™ve come to realize that we all walk around carrying the same old shit around with us and yet we all feel weā€™re alone or different and no one gets us. Well let me tell you something, the average Joe on the streets may well not get you but talk with another addict and they know you inside out. I got asked today ā€™ How do you know what my character defects are?ā€™ Itā€™s because Iā€™ve got exactly the same ones, when I talk to another addict I see myself, Iā€™ve never been shocked or surprised by what I hear bc Iā€™ve done and thought the same things. So if you need help reach out, if your in a position to help reach out, weā€™re stronger together and the fact we all think weā€™re different is what makes us the same. We got each other bc we get each other :v:


Hey all! Havenā€™t checked in for quite some time, but just wanted to stop by and say hello. Iā€™m at 1,033 days of continuous sobriety from alcohol. Coming up on 3 years! Itā€™s the single best decision I have ever made. And thatā€™s not to say life has been all sunshine and rainbows. In fact, quite the opposite. But navigating the hard times and even the great times is just so much easier now that Iā€™m fully present. Hope all my old pals around here are doing great!


Iā€™m glad to that youā€™re doing so well.

Thanks for checking in.

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Checking in on day 108 alcohol free. Man, I have been craving sugar like a fish looking for water. I donā€™t know what the deal is. I wish I had a bit more willpower in that realm.


Congrats on your recovery.

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Whoo hoo! Amazing stuff!


Huge congrats on 1,000 days!!! Thatā€™s awesome! :partying_face:


Day 679.

Been about a year since I have been here. Life is great and challenging and I couldnā€™t be more grateful.

In case you havenā€™t heard it today:

I love you and youā€™re awesome