Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

can’t keep the good ones down for long :+1:

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Thank you everyone @Hotic @SoberGuyUSA @Dazercat @Lisa07 @Hopeful777 @icebear
On to the next 1000 days clean :call_me_hand:t4:


My idol has reached 1,000 days!! I’m coming for you in like…50 lol :hugs::hugs: seriously though, awesome job friend…truly inspiring :raised_hands::raised_hands:


Day 58 alcohol free / 304 cannabis free :sparkles:


Day 426
Sick of being sick —
Felt much better over the weekend and then it took me down again yesterday and I didn’t leave my bed most of the day. Grateful to be working from home and able to take it easy today.


That sounds like a challenge! Sending strength, and patience.


Hey ST brothers and sisters, if you haven’t heard anything like this today yet: you are one unique, strong, conscious and bright star in this world! Shine on and ever brighter! You deserve a nice, loving and jam-packed future, free of the chains of addictions or past scars. You are you! Give yourself, your sobriety and your forever growing future self a chance… Stay strong, mindful, look out for others and yourself (this world we find ourselves in!) - we’re just the same souls in different shoes. Hope you enjoy your day or night :upside_down_face:

Today I’m checking in on my 29th abstinent day :seedling:

Had a tough time last night and this morning, consistent unhealthy thoughts trying to tempt me back to my old, deeply lost self… Eh. Gradually regaining my balance though. I will always be better than before, same as you! :sweat_smile: We have better futures to build together remember… :v:


Good morning.
Checking in day 3 alcohol free.
I will not drink with you today.
Life is good, so have a nice day all of you beautiful people.


Day 30
Life’s good


Day :point_down:

@Kaeo oh congrats! Beautiful numbers and a beauty tattoo! You are one inspiring guy, and I’m grateful for you and the quiet, solid strength you share around here.

@Complicatedmama what a lot on your plate! I hope you can get another set of hands on deck to help, so you can take a break or two too. Sending love and strength your way!

@Mno ah, enjoy your rest, pal. Well earned. Grateful for your dependable presence, your perspective.

And all of us - we did another day. Just like that. What do you say we go get another one tomorrow, yeah? I’m in.
G’night all - big love. :orange_heart:

  1. Coffee. My 5 Day mini vacation has arrived yay! Thinking about a small home improvement project. Or not. Shoulder is slowly improving. Maybe start the exercises the PT gave me. Or not. Family doctor told me not to do them as long as my shoulder hurts. Hmmm. I sure am going to go to take a single spinning class later and see how that goes.
    One other thing that’s sure is I won’t drink today. Or do any other drugs for that matter. No way. Never again. That never brought me any good even though I thought different in the past. It’s all lies. Sober and clean is what I’ll stay. Just for today. Have a good one friends, or at least as good as you all can. Love from Amsterdam were of course autumn is starting in earnest today.
    @Kaeo Belated huge congrats on reaching quadruple numbers my friend. You truly are one of my idols here.
    @M-be-free49 Thanks Emm. Have a good rest. Love your numbers. Love you more. x.
    @RetainKingII I could do with that. Thanks mate.



Oh my goodness girl. I can’t even imagine. You’ve just become my superhero :star_struck: Lots of love from all of us! :heart::heart::heart:


Not only WOW.!! What a great catch!!
But WOW!! You been sober 456. Days.
You’re killing it M
:pray:t2::heart: :canoe:


I appreciate a little more insight into your question. It helps me know what to put my focus on. It’s late for me, so please excuse any mistakes you might find. :sweat_smile:

Today Mercury just moved out of it’s stationary phase and into retrograde. In an astronomical sense, a planet is the closest to the earth as it will ever be while it’s retrograde. This energy is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is when it is strongest and also can be more internal.

Look under the arrow for the rest...

If we were a society that was more in touch with ourselves, we would understand that Mercury retrograde is a time where we would reduce our obligations and take more time to go within.

Instead, we wonder why our communications are so confused as we keep going about our normal, external, business. Mercury’s retrograde is now something we fear and dread, instead of used for the betterment of ourselves and our society.

And so, with this, coupled with current events, I think this internalized energy is hitting people especially hard. So many people are looking outside of themselves for someone or something to save them from the chaos all around us. After all, that’s what we’ve become used to in so many ways.

When we couple this with the very tight square with Pluto–who is also at the degree at which he will station, and then go direct–a new layer of difficulty is added.

You see, Pluto holds an exacting energy that reaches inside the deepest and darkest places, and pulls that out into the light. The old dies and is born into something new–whether you want it to happen or not.

There is nothing more disturbing to people in the world society that we have now, than turning within, looking at those horrible things being brought up, and dealing with them. But right now, a lot of that is likely happening.

I think it’s also important to mention the Mars/Chiron opposition going on right now. This will perfect (meaning, by degree it will be exact) in about a day and a half. The sun is also about two degrees away from being at the same point as mars.

This can also be difficult because people may be feeling their own personal pain in regards to their ego and motivation. What is it that hurts us? What wounds us deeply? The ego does not like to be wounded, and we would rather rush away from whatever it is that might stab us in our hearts if we let it get close. And yet, we really can’t escape that right now.

But this isn’t to be taken as all bad. Chiron is the “Wounded Healer”. Yes there is pain, and maybe some people feel like they just can’t take another moment of what they’re going through; but those monsters hiding in our dark closets must be faced if we are to have peace.

And some may, indeed, find healing with this aspect. If the work is done (a sextile to Saturn from Chiron, and a Trine to Saturn from the Mars/Sun–note that Saturn is a harsh task master and requires you to work for things, but if you do the work then you are generally rewarded). If we are willing to face what pains us, what frightens us, and really look at it. We use our mental powers (Mercury) to inspect and think about what is happening around us and inside of us (for communication is more than words), to face the darkness (Pluto), than this can be dealt with with success (Mercury trine Jupiter).

However, as we continue to externalize–especially during Mercury’s retrograde–and not read over and inspect the information given to us (emails, contracts, news, social media, letters, agreements, etc.), this will continue to be a stressful time.

And yes, that might mean more infighting, more anger, more relapses, more coming and going of people who may feel lost as Mercury retrogrades back to oppose Chiron and the sun and Mars move into their own square with Pluto (all of which I’m not going into at this time).

It’s hard and stressful. It’s important to strengthen your own understanding of your subconscious workings. This will help you not communicate anything out to others that you are not aware you are communicating. Also to take more time with communications that come your way.

It’s easy to misunderstand things, which is why it’s recommended that people carefully read through any contracts they sign during this time (or better, just wait on it, if you can). But communications between people, which can include snipping at each other, can be troubled when there are unconscious drivers at work.

I hope this answered your question at least a little. I have a lot more I could say, but I feel like this is enough (especially since I’m not being paid :laughing: Though I’m always happy to donate time here on TS :heart: ).

Take each day at a time. There may be chaos around you, but you do not have to be in chaos within. When you really know yourself, you will have an anchor in the storm. But to get there can kind of suck, as I think all recovering addicts know.


Pretty number!


What a great catch there! Awesome number!


Day 8 had a good meeting last nite feeling positive today just checking in have a good day everyone


Closing up to 2 months without alcohol. Last few days have not had the urge to drink or thinking about it. But been sooooo tired and exhausted, tired in my head feeling like a pressure inside and headaches, and like its all empty in there. Yesterday was all out of energy and could not get anything done, Just feeling so very tired and sleepy all day, struggeling to keep my self awake all day.

Cant seem to get rested and get some energy.


Day 414
Did cleaning and work this morning, zoomed with sponsor, then pool after lunch. Didn’t binge today so actually feel hungry and ready for my dinner, for a change.