Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

  1. Coffee. Time flies. My staycation’s almost over. Yesterday didn’t feel like free time anyway as I had a rough session at therapy. Just before I had a not nice telephone call with my bestie which actually did help me with opening up and being involved in the session more I think. All happens for a reason they say. I don’t really believe that but in this case it was true.
    Time to get moving. First to the gym, than more coffee with an old friend. Want to clean my road bike. Do some house chores, which are relatively easy these days as I’m managing to really do daily chores daily :sunglasses:. Watch the Vuelta :biking_man: :biking_woman: :biking_man: and some cricket :cricket_bat_and_ball:. Make some good food. That should do it for today. Sober and clean. Two years ago I would have had to include an afternoon trip to my former local for the worst binge of the week. Never again. Life is much better like this even if it’s hard at times. Have a good Friday all. Love from Amersfoort where I had a little walk before therapy yesterday.

    @Julied Huge congrats on reaching 200 days Julie!



Congratulations on 200!

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8 mths

Extended our stay in Wales so only back yesterday, my son and i had such a relaxing time, parking up and sleeping next to beaches, lots of walking, Wales is beautiful and a tonic.

No update from job… but still strong in sobriety.

Have a strong, sober day :innocent:


Day 381
Recently while my daughter is at a summer swim class, I swim myself. I used to go fairly regularly, before kids, I had forgotten how much I liked it. I am not skilled; I can only do breaststroke and keep my head up like a funny little turtle, but it feels tiring in a nice relaxing way. I will definitely try to go more.


1116 days alcohol free


Good morning friends - day 286! Woke up on time today and got David for breakfast. His daddy comes home today - he is driving from VA, so should be back around dinner time. I think now he’ll be home for a while - that is nice for Emily to have the extra help around the house. Plus David misses him.
Work will be work-y, but that’s fine. Still keeping my head down and marching toward retirement. I have enjoyed a long and full career, but its getting old… looking forward to some peace and quiet once in a while.

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Day 441 clean and sober today. Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of my wife Donna’s death and today marks 6 months since Corey died. I will continue to post this here out of love for my son and also to remind people that addiction kills when you least expect it. Have a great day everyone, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 439. I hope everyone has a good one.

@Rockstar24777 thinking of you today, stay strong :heart:


Thank you bro I appreciate that :sunglasses::metal:t2:Have a great day!

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Day 8 of no smoking…

I am scum… Always will be, always have been!
Maybe I did too much damage, maybe I don’t deserve to smile.

I fucking hate myself


I like this, gets point across in a light hearted way :slightly_smiling_face:


So much truth in that. I guess I’ve just relapsed so many times before 30 that while I am proud of myself for making it that far, it feels like the same recovery over and over.

My addict voice gets soooo loud around 15-20 days in. So loud :pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive:


Don’t let the darkness defeat you Danni. You’re no scum. Or if you are we all are. We’re all just human. And not just us here. I love you friend.


@Rockstar24777 I am honored to be able to join you in commemoration. May they rest in peace.

@anon27760155 No, you are not. Just you are not. You are a valued member on here, and your posts show wisdom and warmth. We all deserve to smile and no one should hate themselves. We are all perfectly imperfect. And that includes you.

@Mno Excellent song, love Idles!


You’re not to me! Try not to be to yourself! I hope whatever happened to make you feel like that, that you already feel better. I’m sorry you were feeling like that. Hugs


Day 1027. Last day at work passed okay. Good stress, short talk with responsible person and then I applied for another position. Let’s see.
Now two weeks off, autumn arrived already but it is okay.
Grateful not having to plan how to stock on wine and how to manage being hungover tomorrow morning.


Just wanted to say Goodmorning to all of you wonderfuls

Im trying to get this sober time up but it hard it really is

Anyway today I will not pick up because I don’t want to feel like sht

I think happyness depends on how you look at things.
I don’t need to drink to be happy


Checking in! Day 399!
So I got derailed. But I am getting back on track. I didn’t realize all that work I was putting in was helping so much until I stopped. I stopped doing everything. All my goals and routines went out the window. Idk if visiting my mom had anything to do with it. Last time I saw her I began chronically relapsing for 7 weeks straight so maybe there is a trigger there? But I am glad I figured out what happened so I can get back on course. One day at a time! Love you guys.
@Rockstar24777 Thinking of you and Corey today.
@anon27760155 You are pretty amazing to me! Hang in there girly. Maybe something is triggering you to feel this way that you aren’t even aware of yet.
@Julied happy day 200! :partying_face:


It gets better I promise! Peel the paint off the walls a little longer.