Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Congratulations, Tyler! I’m so happy for you!
Your persistent support and humble presence here means a lot to many of us.



Check in day going great enjoying the nice weather. Very nice day sober life happy life


Today I’m tired… so tired. But here, present, alive in this moment. Grateful for so much


Tyler, you really have taught me so much and you may not even know. One thing I’ve learned from you is how to be honest and forthcoming about myself, both accomplishments and shortfalls, without judgment. Sure, I don’t do it all the time, but when you can describe what you’re dealing with, struggling with, or what you’ve done well in a matter of fact way, I appreciate that so much. You lay out the facts and talk about what you can and will try to do about your situation. I have learned from your example and try to do the same. Emotions have their place, but they can get in the way of action sometimes. Thank you for being you.

Amazing work on 365 days clean. Congratulations - I am so proud of you! :heartpulse:


Hey lady! Good to see you! :wink:


Congratulations on the milestone, @CATMANCAM! Way to go!


I see you and you are fucking amazing, congrats on 365!!!


That is so amazing!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

:tada: :tada:



Congratulations on 365 days clean @CATMANCAM !!! Checking in on a sober Saturday. Thought about it, played the tape, moved on about my day and walked for 3 hours to get my mind elsewhere and find the simple beauty of nature. I spent most of my day outside, which was a much needed renewal and change of pace. I will trade a headache and nausea for stiff joints in the morning any day. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends.


9 months today for Mr. MICKEY thanks for all your support and suggestions and encouragement.


Congrats on 365, you’re a awesome person


Huge Congratulations @CATMANCAM!!
I can relate so much to that grip of cocaine. I battled it for years. When I would stop for a day or 2, I never took it serious and always went back. So happy you and I have been able to fight that demon.


Day 139.

Lazy Sunday.

Moved my bed smack bang in front of my TV so I can really invest in my sloth Sunday :joy: the joys of having a single bed, easy to move and make :joy:

Watching the witches!! :rofl: a fav child hood book of many indeed.


452 days. My man’s ex has been drinking since he left but I’ve been keeping myself busy. Had a wonderful time with my oldest stepdaughter today on her birthday shopping spree. It was just the two of us & it was needed. I told her I missed her and apologized as I feel like I haven’t been around much. I was honest and said I don’t want to be around the drinking and a good conversation was had about how her mom’s drinking effects us all. Instead of going to play cards last night I took subs to my son’s and watched movies. I was so relaxed and calm minded while spending time with him. Truly reinforced that I’m doing well and am not insane for struggling like I am right now. Feeling different in different environments is a real wake up call sober. Had a nice video chat with my man and am looking forward to having him home tomorrow night. Not certain of my plans for the day but will find myself something to keep occupied. Going to crawl into bed and watch some Netflix.
Absolutely amazing job @CATMANCAM Congratulations on your 1 year. Your presence here is such a blessing and please know you’re in my prayers for a return to swimming somewhere.


41 Days Alcohol Free / 287 Cannabis Free

Hope you’re all having a good Saturday. Today was a mix of errands, fun, and relaxation…so I can’t really complain. I woke up without an alarm today and will do the same together – appreciating the little things :slight_smile:


Im so happy for you :ok_hand::rose:


9 months is great :blush::rose:

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  1. Coffee. Slept better. Ready for another working Sunday. Always clean and sober. One day at a time. I was wondering in the last days would it be nice to go to my old bar and hang out with my old drinking mates there? The answer is no. It’d be nice to see one or two of them maybe. For half an hour tops. And that’s long. But the relief of not going there on a Sunday afternoon and drink as much as possible before stumbling of to bed, every Sunday, the relief of breaking that cycling still is huge. Never again. Have a good Sunday all. Love from Amsterdam.

    @CATMANCAM A full year Tyler! That’s the big one friend. You’ve come a looooong way! Excellent work. Hugs and love.
    @Squirt Makes me glad to read your post Michelle. Sounds balanced. You’re doing great.

@050Nl Thinking of your friend Frenkie. And you. Take it easy today.

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