Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

I relate to this so hard, it was one of the biggest adjustments for me when I stopped drinking. Leaving the house or just being around people was a whole different animal when I didn’t have alcohol to rely on.

Keep your head up and stay strong, you’re doing great :muscle:


Thinking about you and your dear friend, Frenk, may he have a peaceful departure and know that he was loved.

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You’ve done amazing. There is something to be said for pushing yourself forward no matter how hard it is. Fantastic. I’m so happy for you.


Congratulations on your 1 year milestone , absolutely amazing, if anyone deserves true happiness it’s you :green_heart:


259 days

Another day doing routine normal stuff, gym some ironing and weeding the garden. Things I appreciate doing as never had the motivation to do so before

Campsite booked Norfolk for 3 nights next week, pure relax and get head ready for job start following week. Plan on some sea swimming, and lots of walking.

@Private50 congratulations on 9 months and good to see you back @Butterflymoonwoman

Have a good day or night all :innocent:


Congratulation, Mickey!

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I turned 42 today and made it through sober! The last birthday I didn’t drink was on my 18th coz I was pregnant.

Had a nice hike up a mountain to a beautiful waterfall and a freezing refreshing swim!!


Thank you! Day 9 today!


Thank you so much! Day 9 today! I live this forum and have been reading the big book everyday.


Thank you @CATMANCAM ! Day 9 today!


Hit day #30 the other day. I haven’t been posting lately but I do come on and read. Been working hard on my sobriety. Keep grinding people and trust the process we got this. LFG :call_me_hand::muscle::v:


Checking in on morning 59


Checking in on day 455, @Charlie_C I feel ya on the crappy sleep thing. I planned my timing so I could get a good 9 hours last night but I woke up so many times it was more like 3 or 4 hours at best.

At least I’m not hungover this morning!


Day 397
Today my husband was off work, and he has noticed I haven’t been running lately, and has been lovingly nagging me to go (I do know this is his way of caring, and I appreciate it). So I went. A week of binging and no exercise so I felt heavy and slow, but I did it. And felt much better for it.
I also dyed my hair to get rid of the grey, and yes, it is troublesome, yes, it is superficial but I felt even better afterwards! Yay!
So was feeling pretty good as I went into a party (kid’s birthday) today. When I am just with my family I feel like I am doing pretty well, Talking to some other mums that I haven’t met for a while at this party reminded me how socially special-needs I really am. Constantly worrying - Am I being too quiet? Am I offending them? Have they noticed how awkward I am? etc etc.
I really was watching the clock at the end just wanting to go home to shut the voices up. But I am also the same person who covets a fulfilling busy-busy social life. Who am I kidding, I can’t manage a 3 hour party of 4 families!


I hope everyone as a great day for I’m off to church soon been trying to find my wife’s credit card she’s always buying stuff in bed just browsing and browsing than she loses her stuff why cant she just sit at the table like a regular person. Ha ha


Day 24. Still going. Still struggling but just taking small bites out of that elephant.


Day 457 clean and sober today. Fantastic job @MolotovMoxie, keep taking them bites!! Hope everyone has a fantastic day today, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I can TOTALLY relate to this @Misokatsu lol I battle with it a lot thanks for sharing!!!


Checking in at the end of day 252.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :zzz::sleeping:


Day 5 good week with my girls, just went home with there mom, miss them right away Everytime they seriously help keep me safe when I have them, even tho they get on my nerves. Anyways gonna clean up and stay busy for a little. @Misokatsu I relate very much, I’ve always struggled with those types of feelings which is why I drank for so many years, good job on getting out and getting your jog in. Much love all