Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

I CAN believe I am reading it! Huge congrats to you.

I had no idea you had so many challenges in your life! And you are overcoming your addictions!! Personally I disagree that taking medicine for psych reason means you aren’t clean. I took Zoloft years ago. The whole bottle wouldn’t have given me a buzz. It wasn’t mood altering.

I’m glad to be on this journey with you. :grinning:


Checking in sober after a thoughtful day. I saw Stillwater today at a theater where everyone (it seemed) was day drinking. I had a soda. The main character was sober so somehow that felt comforting. The movie is amazing and it does touch on his sobriety a bit. There have been a lot if synchronicies and serendipities this weekend. I always feel like that is a sign of being on the right path. Glimmers of wanting a relationship - a partner with whom to share life - have been more prevalent this weekend but I know learning, accepting and loving more of myself has yet to be done first before I am given such an important gift.

I hope everyone is having a peaceful night/day.


Checking in with 40 days sober. My body is hating me at the moment with some unexplained inflammation. Perhaps it’s confused by not being abused with booze and felt the need to feel like crap anyway. :thinking:


93 day checking in. Cycled 7 miles out of town and got a damn flat tire again. I think the gremlins are poking holes in my tubes at night. Ready to start a new week. I hope this one is less frenetic than last. I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and have a great start to your week!


Day 6! Tomorrow makes it one week! :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


453 days. Although I had a high anxiety day it turned out to be a good one. This morning while watering plants I talked to my oldest stepdaughter about her Dad’s missing ring, had a bit of a cry while I shared some feelings. Later in the morning she claims to have found her Dad’s ring under the coffee table in the livingroom and brought it out to me in the camper. I cried happy tears and she hugged me tight and told me she loved me a lot. Not entirely certain why, but I was feeling very on edge in the early afternoon. Did some cleaning with my earbuds in trying to ease the tension I could feel in my body. When the cleaning didn’t work I decided to go for a drive and surprisingly my stepdaughter asked if she could come. We spent a couple hours at the lake and then went for supper. I left a note saying where we went & left my number. She hasn’t said a word to me since we returned home and I’m ok with that. Now it’s time to find something on Netflix or Prime to keep me busy as my man won’t be home for another four hours & I want to be awake when he gets here. Might not get much sleep tonight but being in his arms will make any amount of sleep feel amazing. I made it through the weekend without having an urge to drink and having the ability to not react to any of her words or actions. All in all I’m proud of myself.


So happy the ring was “found”. Something about all that makes me think it was taken on purpose to hurt you. Sounds like guilt set in when you opened up about it. Anyway, it’s back and that’s all that matters now. On another note, so fucking proud of you for getting through the weekend.


Congrats on 40 days Scott. :muscle::boom::boom::boom: Maybe the inflammation will go down after a good nights sleep.
Keep up the great work.


Day 13 for me :slightly_smiling_face:

Plan for today:

  • See private doctor
  • Go for a jog
  • Fiddle some violin
  • Shopping
  • Get cracking on to do list
  • No time-wasting screen time
  • Sleep early

Thanks, Eric. I appreciate it. Luckily this pain hasn’t kept me up at night. Hopefully the swelling and joint pain will go away soon.

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Day 440.
A good day. Puttered away in my little garden mostly - gave my mind a break from thoughts of work and life. Had been contemplating some things recently, and predictably, I find I’m not unique - or alone - among this beautiful group of humans!

Socially, I’m a plant that doesn’t need much water. And introverted? (I was the 5 year old who apparently asked my Mom, quietly, if the kids could go home. No? Can I go look at my new books in my room please? Sigh. What kid does this?) So yes, introverted. But at what point am I following my natural rhythms and when am I being avoidant, and for what reason?

I’ll keep an eye on it, but to read @Misokatsu’s post and all the replies - well, I know this, we’re sober and supportive and - you’re my normies. :wink:

I also know that we did another day. Let’s do tomorrow too, yeah? Nothing puts a Monday morning in it’s place like waking up sober!
G’night all, big love. :orange_heart:

I’m late, @CATMANCAM, but your cocaine-free year cannot go unacknowledged! With everything you do everyday to better yourself, with your honest and genuine posts, your encouragement and compassion for all of us - you lift us all up to greater heights. (And those guys can eff right off. They don’t know the definition of beauty. You embody it.)

I’ve missed more! But congrats on 9 months @Private50! And 30 days @TeamMeyer! And 6 months + @LeeHawk!

@MagicILY, thank you for sharing your thoughtful posts - I learn from you. Congrats on 6 weeks!

And happy birthday @KellyKelly! Looks like you had an amazing day! And congrats on 2 weeks, and feeling your feelings. :heart:


Day 32/422 pills/booze

Came home from a weekend away to what seems to be a stressed family; sleepless toddler, high strung daughter and harassed wife. In my work life I’ve worked really hard to stop taking responsibility for everyone’s happiness, but it’s harder at home. I need to understand I have an important role and I do have responsibilities to my family but ultimately their happiness is not something I can fully control. It’s a tough one to get to grips with.
Have a peaceful day everyone


I’m having a hard time adjusting to work week business and Fridays without happy hours and drinking. This is the first time in my adult life I’ve worked and not had alcohol after work or on weekends. Summer was easier because I took time off, I’m at 104 days. Friday nights are ROUGH!!!
I do drink a fair amount of non alcoholic options but lately since they don’t do anything but taste I’ve been struggling. I miss the feel of the buzz. I shouldn’t have to want or need it to be a functioning workijt adult but I miss it.

For reference: I’m a teacher so I truly believe at this point if I drink and drive again I’ll get a dui and credentials pulled

Sending hugs weekend warriors


Congrats on your double digits :blush:

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Day 2 again and my face is messed up from whip out on an E bike… I hope this is the end of my drinking was lucky I never broke my neck…spent 6 hrs in hospital and shamed myself again… Also have to work tomorrow and that’s going to be some more shame :confused::upside_down_face::sleepy:


That is so encouraging. Thank you for the information. I had no idea. :relieved:


Sometimes I love miserable wet days, get all snuggly inside and normally stay in PJ’S all day :upside_down_face:


260 days

Great night sleep, should have got up an hour ago but no rush today.

@KellyKelly Happy belated Birthday :birthday:
@TeamMeyer well done on your 30 days and @Iwebt on your 50 days :clap:
@pinkcloud 10 days you are doing so well

Wishing you all another strong sober day :green_heart:


@CATMANCAM lovely to read you had a nice time with your friend, laughing is good for the soul :blush:

  1. Coffee. Switching from early to late shifts. Needed this long sleep I just had. It was an intense Sunday, a conflict at work that I actually instigated (wow!) and resolved (yeah!), one friend having her birthday while another one having an inconsolable daughter who’s hamster died. Writing it down it doesn’t seem like much but to me it was.
    Of to the gym before work now. Have as good a week as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from my balcony where the sage has given up but the laurel and the lemon verbena are still kicking ass.

@M-be-free49 Nice to see you on the thread my introverted friend :heart:
@KellyKelly Belated happy birthday Kelly! Hope you had a good one.
@icebear Somehow flats come in packs Drew :biking_man:. Keep going.
@Betteroffbaby You’re missing the worst friend anybody ever had. I know the feeling. You will adjust just as long as you keep going. As to drink and drive: what if you drink and drive and cause an accident and the consequences that could come from that? And I’ve done it too and got away with it. Goddamned lucky I am. Never again.
@HappyDays Been there too more than once Hunter. You’ll live with the shame. It’s the drinking that needs to stop. Stop hoping and do it. Quitting is in your hands. Success.