Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Survived the weekend, still going strong, and feeling good.:muscle:


Way to go Ryan :boom::boom::boom::muscle:
That first week is a bitch. Glad youā€™re here.


Iā€™m still trying to figure it out too. But I think the sugar thing. Or no added sugar thing is helping. And tons of water. My doc said my multi vitamin had enough D in it so I didnā€™t need a D supplement.
Congrats on a month and a week. :muscle::boom::boom::boom:
My headaches are the same as yours. Not bad ones. But still annoying.


Congratulations on your 15 months you Rock Star you!! :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:


Checking inā€¦
624 days substance free

Life is good.
Plants make it great. :wink:


Thank you Eric!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


D 347
On a scale of 0 (no urges) to 10 (relapse), I hit 9 this afternoon. I saw a forest of red flags and wanted to go there. Fuck shit bollocks.


@Iwebt congrats on 50 days :tada:
@KellyKelly congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@No_more_C2H6O congrats on 40 days :tada: I hope you feel better soon :pray:t2:
@Squirt youā€™re so strong :blue_heart: Iā€™m so pleased youā€™ve got the ring :raised_hands:t2:
@pinkcloud congrats on double digits :tada:
@HappyDays welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: I hope your injuries and feelings of shame heal quickly :pray:t2:
@CueBall8n9 congrats on double digits :tada:
@Tomek I hope your appointment goes well :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Rockstar24777 congrats on 15 months :tada: and look at you now, shining your light on other peopleā€™s darkness to light their way :raised_hands:t2: so proud of you and all that youā€™ve overcome :blue_heart:
@Wakikki other than suggesting a visit to your doctor, maybe some relaxation exercises could help to relieve if they are tension headaches. I hope you feel better soon :pray:t2:


@Grumpybeard congrats on your week :tada:
@Olivia sorry about the forest, but Iā€™m relieved to hear you share this in past tense, it sounds like you managed to get through it, sending strength :blue_heart::pray:t2:

@Dazercat @Clarity @Mbwoman @M-be-free49
@liv_m thank you all so much, your support means a lot to me :blue_heart:

399 days no alcohol.
367 days no cocaine.
5 days no disordered eating.

Words cannot articulate how grateful I am for all of your kinds words. Iā€™m so blessed to have found this place and everyone here, thank you all so much, you are all amazing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blue_heart::call_me_hand:t2:

Today Iā€™ve been in a really good mood, it doesnā€™t happen often so itā€™s been really refreshing :grin: I took my recycling out, then went to the shop and bought a card, balloon, and wrapping paper for my nieceā€™s birthday next week, Iā€™ve got her a kids golf set too, she will be turning 3 and I love her so much, I also went for a haircut, they never listen when I say I donā€™t want anything done to the top because Iā€™m growing it :weary:

I had 6 meditations to catch up on so Iā€™ve spent the afternoon doing that, I felt really peaceful then got a notification from FB memories which showed photos of my kittens when I first got them 9 years ago, sadly I lost one of them when he was 5 to a blocked bladder and Iā€™m still heart-broken and will never forgive myself for not knowing he was sick until it was too late :sob::broken_heart: One of the meditations was saying how life is like whack-a-mole, for every action thereā€™s an equal and opposite or contrary reaction, and that was definitely true today.


Thank you very much @CATMANCAM!!

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Congrats on your 15 months of recovery my friend. :pray::orange_heart::pray:


@Rockstar24777 So blessed Iā€™m behind you two following my bros.


Congratulations on 10 days and reaching double digits.


454 days. It was soooooo good to fall asleep with my man by my side last night. Today my anxiety is bad and the shakes are annoying me. I canā€™t seem to get control of an unwanted feeling of sadness. As I continue to use isolation as a coping mechanism, Iā€™m realizing itā€™s the feelings of connection and belonging Iā€™m missing. Working on finding my happy in this blended family scenario is time consuming and emotionally draining. Itā€™s tiring to work on my recovery and have to fight against life to enjoy my sobriety. Not sure if that makes sense but bluntly I could use a fucken break. Itā€™s also been kinda bothering me that Iā€™m choosing to be and stay where I am in this ā€œfamilyā€ scenario. Isolation and avoidance is unfortunately protecting me and Iā€™m feeling Iā€™m in a vicious cycle of sorts.


Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t break your neck and glad youā€™re still trying to quit.

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Sage is one of the few things I grow that survives my winters. Thyme survives as well. Sometimes I have to dig through snow to harvest some. I love fresh herbs.


Yay for double digits! Congrats!

Checking in sober. I had the best weekend and woke up this morning excited to start the week! What is wrong with me?! Joking, but Iā€™m feeling really good after a tough week last week and am doing well with some new routines. Today has been focused on my organization projects and Iā€™ve gotten through my spices so far. Pantry and kitchen shelves are up next. Clearing the clutter to settle the mind - thatā€™s my goal leading into the fall/winter season. So so happy to be doing it sober. :heartpulse:


Thank you @pinkcloud!!

Heck yeah you are, weā€™re doing it!!!

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