Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Into my 14th sober day. :v: Sun is shining, breeze is blowing, birds are tweeting, I’m relatively clear-minded, cool… :wink:

We never had to be born, nor with a conscience my friends, but we were, and we can even control it to some extent if we care enough to. How often do you question life? What are the chances? How lucky are we to be here right now? Never mind ALL the probably infinite ‘negative’ things one could nit pick on why our lives and the world aren’t different, why dwell SO much…? You can’t do anything with the empty half of a cup… Learn to control your mind, and you will learn to control life! It’s all about disciplining yourself… If you’re mindful now, treasure that spark of energy - imagine a whole life of that empowerment! You CAN progress, grow and do 1000× what you so fear, you know it… Let go of what hurts you, and focus on improving your remaining life! We create our own realities - especially once we’ve reached a certain awareness level (like you 100% have by being here)… If we subconsciously choose ‘down’, you can manifest that for a lifetime… If you consciously choose ‘up’ though… Fuck yeh my good friend! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Enjoy your day or night guys, and do something today to prove your immeasurable worth… One day at a time! :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in sober and so, so tired. Had a late unexpected client tonight and my brain is fried. Otherwise I’d be more congratulatory about all the super incredible milestones in our midst. Scrolling through I felt the accomplishments and support all around. And I know we got a @Rockstar24777 in tha house!! Congrats to all!!!


Thank you @Irisees919!!!

Day 43 No Alcohol! Had some real breakthroughs today around my spirituality that I’m reflecting on. Feeling connected. Feeling free :sparkles:


Day 441.
I wish I could have had a “Nama-stay-home-today” (another take on Namaste for @Mbwoman and @LeeHawk!), but instead it was the Monday office thing. Nothing a drink could’ve fixed - just a Monday! But a trying, tiring, sideways-raining Monday sans hangover is way better than with, no?
On to Tuesday, hey friends? and another sweet sober sleep before then. Doable. We got each other. :wink:
G’night, big love to all. :orange_heart:

@liv_m ah, i love it. bookmarked. thank you. :pray:

congrats on 15 months @Rockstar24777! yer killin’ it. I’m not surprised.

And a sober weekend, @Grumpybeard! 2 weeks, @1in8billion! And 30 days @Stormy! And 60 days @JLove! Well done, friends!

And 2 weeks @al2017! Yep, lotsa tears in early days. I think it’s the nerve endings we numbed coming to life again, learning to feel. Just let 'em, and set those tears free. It’ll balance out. You’re doing awesome.

@Tomek super proud of you. sending best wishes for success tomorrow! :heart:


Checking in at 94 days. Long, busy day. I tweaked my knee playing soccer with my kids because I am lazy and was wearing birkenstocks instead of proper shoes. Also I turn 43 this year, so I guess I’m no spring chicken anymore. Let’s see how stiff it is in the morning :rofl:

There is a lovely light rain this evening. Happy to fall asleep to that sound. Goodnight, friends.


Melbourne :heart: and you??

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Have you seen my cockatoo thread!?!

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I’m in Northern NSW!

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Ah I grew up in bondi… Moved to Melbourne 12 years ago… You must be near Newcastle I’m guessing??

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Lol no like way up the top near Byron Bay

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Ahhh Paradise :heart::palm_tree::pray: your a lucky human to be up there… Byron is my first stop out of Melbourne once lockdown ends :joy: I’m dying for a change of scenery!


Thank you little sis you are too!!!

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Day 3 today not much more to say about that


Welcome back.

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Thank you I really appreciate it

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I think that says it all. Keep it up.


Hitting day 15 right about now…

Remember guys, there litteraly is light at the end of the tunnel!!!

In the end, it was all thanks to you. I’ve had some big success in the dating scene, along with some small financial success too. I don’t feel depressed anymore, I think I’ve made it. Touching grass and hitting the gym was all it took for me :slight_smile:

The only challenge coming my way now is maintaing this life, but we’ll see!


Day 399
Enjoyable day at work, and heading home to cook up stock from chicken carcass and then make curry from it. Hope it is yummy, I love curry, but if I cook it and mess it up - too watery, veg under-cooked/over-cooked I am gutted. May the curry god smile on me today!


261 days

@Rockstar24777 you are rocking it! Congratulations on 15 months
@Bomdhil keep strong try and distract yourself from those thoughts, hope it passes very soon Thomas
@Grumpybeard well done on getting through the first week onwards and upwards and @Stormy for your 30 days @JLove on your 60 days
@Tomek best wishes for today
@M-be-free49 hi best wake up feeling is no hangover :raised_hands: I will never lose the love of that , have a great Tuesday
@Misokatsu wishing curry sunshine :sun_with_face: on you today

Off camping today :hugs: got wood for fire, meals prepared, books, my dog, lots of naughty chocolate treats, walking boots. Heavy rain forecast today, weirdly I like rain the sound on camper roof is like meditation, weather improving which again is perfect.

Have a good day/night all💚