Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Don’t judge if you’ve never been where they have been, don’t try and put an encouraging spin on a reality you have never experienced.

Don’t think you can walk in a person’s shoes and not find yourself becoming addicted because you know better, your further in your recovery or you have the capability of not picking up.

If another dick head persons gives me the fucking advice of oh its simple just don’t use… I seriously will be envisioning something not so pleasant!

I’m walking my dog, music in my ears and going through my thanks of still being here, how I have opened my eyes this morning and felt blessed that I’m here, in a bed, with electricity, i have surplies to food and liquids. I slip on a pair of my many trainers and pick out fresh clean clothes. I get to pop my new wireless headphones in listen to my music through a decent phone. Some people don’t know the despair that comes when your on day 18 of the same mucky clothes as you don’t have anything else.

Sorry I’m upset and the reason being is one I can’t help a friend whose chosen to dip back into drugs… I can’t tell them Don’t do it! As its not my choice and I can’t know how that person truely feels!
Secondly there is a guy who every morning I see when I walk Luna… Luna goes over and let’s the guy stroke and fuss her… Two fucking high on their horses who’ve never fell off think they have the right to spit out ‘I wouldn’ t let my dog near ‘it’. Not a him not even a fucking value of a person just an it and you know the guy apologised… Me and my verbal diahorrea.
Why does he have to apologise!

Im angry and upset at the fucking same perception given and you wonder why people choose the fucking option of drugs when they aren’t even shown compassion as a person…

I hate addiction…
It takes so many fucking lives and leaves wreckage and fucking hopelessness!


Day # 11 Sober! I just joined a diet/exercise group. Sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Thank you @anon27760155

I hear you on that! I do, indeed, have a desk job. Not terrible, but not working (anymore - been at it for a while) would be nice. I hear the Bangles “Manic Monday” pretty much every week. But, I put gratitude in place and feel fortunate to have the job I do.

And now it is Tuesday! Time for my 6 a.m. ISO class. Yessssssss!

Happy Sober Tuesday, friends. :grinning:


Good for you! Exercise has been critical in my recovery! And eating well so important, too. I have been eating well for years…but drinking, too. Feels good to drink sparkling water instead of :wine_glass:with my salad. You won’t regret your decision. What kind of exercise will you be doing?

  1. Coffee. One more late shift. I really don’t feel it this morning. Work. Life. Sometimes it all just sucks. I’ll be better. It’ll be better. Starting tomorrow I’ll be off five days. This Sunday I’ll be scattering my mum’s ashes somewhere, nearly eight years after she died. Together with my sis. Being in therapy has just recently shown me how much beef I still have, and how little I have dealt with both. And still I know no way how to. There’s nothing using would make better though. Not going there. Never again.
    So let’s make it through this day first. Clean and sober. One day at a time and all that. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.


Checking in, day 313 no alcohol, day 63 no smoke. I couldn’t start my therapy, because I have to have two more medical examinations. I will start on the 1st of November. I so fucking hate it. The waiting, the tension and stress that comes with it and the idea of spending even one more day in my body the way it is now. I wish I could get rid of it, hate it so much.


It is called the Achieve Program. A friend of mine started it and has had tremendous results. It is a specific nutrition / exercise program. He has tried to get me to do it for 2 years but i am finally ready and his results have been life changing


Day 141.

So I think I’ve found a new therapist that I resonate with. Had my first meeting with her yesterday. I think she might be a keeper :thinking: fingers crossed. Its very exhausting trying find the “the one” when it comes to therapists :joy:

I’m in bed ready to zzzzzz. Its only 8.19pm :laughing:

Tired girl :sleeping: walked 20k steps today.

Good night friends :heart:


Well, I really wanted to post when I hit 90 days in remission from my eating disorder, but life has me extraordinarily busy lately. Well, it’s me, I’m life, I’m the one that made me busy :woman_facepalming: Anyway…

Sober: 474.26
Anorexia/Bulimia: 94.38

I sit for the exam I’ve been babbling about for about a year now on October 10th. My portfolio was accepted, met all the education requirements, and met the transaction requirements. The experience has been stressful and exciting.

Another thing I’m excited about is becoming a personal trainer again. It’s 100% going to be a side gig as my company keeps me super busy, but it’s a passion. I’m getting multiple certifications through NASM and ACE. I’ve wanted to go back into this for such a long time but felt like a fraud due to my eating disorder.


Whoop whoop…

Love it x


@CueBall8n9 …sounds great! I look forward to hearing about your progress.

Huge letdown, I’m sorry, at least it’s going on the right direction. Hoping the days will seem to go quickly and Nov 1 will be here before you know it.


Hey sober family, checking in on day 457. Today is 15 months of sobriety for me and I couldn’t be more grateful for all of you guys and the support and advice here.

I hope everyone has a great one!


That is so cute :rofl:


Checking on day 7. Slept pretty good last night, not sure what I’m doing yet today, but much love to all


Next time tell those two who said that, that the dog only goes to good people and Im sorry he’s avoiding you. 🤷🙊


Thank you @Hopeful777!

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Congratulations my almost twin!!! You’re kicking ass!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


@Hopeful777 thank you so much. Day 48. Yesterday was really hard. I thought I was going to relapse again but somehow I am here sober. When I wake up I felt deep gratitude towards the Lord