Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

@anon53116147 congratulations in one week sober!!! Good job!!!’


Day 459 clean and sober today. Going to enjoy my last day off (it’s my Sunday) and get ready for work tomorrow. I hope everyone has a fantastic day today, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thanks man!! So proud of both of us :heart:


We’re almost triplets! @Nordique


Yayayayay!!! Well done, lady, that’s amazing. :heartpulse::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:


Happy Tuesday! Doing well with sleep, I fell asleep on the couch last night and drooled all over myself, haha! But hubby woke me to go to bed and I slept hard and had pleasant dreams. Woke up before Eric’s alarm only to find out he had snoozed it for another half hour, but I was wide awake! I’m so glad that this new routine is working well for me and my awful experience last week might have actually been worth it after all.

I reached out to a cousin of mine who lives in a Chicago suburb and might be going to visit her next month. There was a lot of family drama years ago between her mom and my parents over my grandparents, among other things, and I don’t know her well, but I always liked her. She is probably 15 years older than me or so, since my Dad had his kids later in life. I’m feeling those excited butterflies so I think it is a good idea to connect. It can’t hurt. My aunt/her mom passed away a few years ago and that seems to shift the dynamics some. I’ll just have to avoid awkward conversation topics and let go of some resentments I have toward my aunt even now after she has died. I never would have considered visiting when I was drinking, and I held some pretty strong and ugly feelings about that side of the family then. Poison in makes for a poisoned mind. Happy to be sober today. :heartpulse:


Yay for us!!!


Congratulations Nordique on your 15 months of ODAAT


Congratulations on more than 90 days on the ED Beth. That’s great.
And all those other ODAAT on the booze.
Good luck with your certifications.
You. Are. Awesome.



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You are the best Beth !!! Bless you and Carrey on

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Check in, not really much to say… sober, bored and making the best of it !


Sorry about that Tomek. I know how much you were looking forward to this. It must be very disappointing. Hopefully in the long run it will work out for the best for you. And at least you do have a rescheduling date it seems.
Congrats on all those sober days and no cigs.

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621 AF
33 SF
Not much to check in with except I’m grateful to be sober and never hungover. And my new found calmness of life in general. Being able to think things through before over reacting. I use to be a pretty big over reactor. :scream:
Every day sober is a milestone.
Keep fighting the good fight.
I’m glad y’all are here.
Stress is Who you think you should be.
Peace is who you are.


@Stormy congrats on 30 days :tada:
@al2017 congrats on 2 weeks, welcome to the world of feeling all of your feelings :tada:
@JLove congrats on 60 days :tada:
@1in8billion congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@pinkcloud congrats on your week :tada:
@Hopeful777 enjoy camping :blush:
@anon27760155 I can feel your rage and I’m right there with you, I got called a ‘that’ in the changing room at the gym just over a month ago and it effected me so much I haven’t been back, like I already don’t feel like a POS :roll_eyes::man_facepalming:t2:
@Mno sending love and strength :blue_heart:
@Tomek I’m sorry dude, but you have a date now, I know how much this time before sucks, I waited 14months from my first appointment, I did not cope well at all during that time, but please hold on, before you know it this wait will be behind you :blue_heart:
@Girlinterrupted congrats on 90+ :tada: good luck for the exam :four_leaf_clover: so pleased you’re able to rekindle your passion :raised_hands:t2:


@Nordique congrats on 15 months :tada:
@anon53116147 congrats on your week :tada:
@Charlie_C that sounds stressful, good luck with the fix :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: just seen your more recent post -good job :clap:t2:
@RosaCanDo so glad you’re sleeping better :raised_hands:t2:
@Misokatsu congrats on 400 days :tada:

400 days no alcohol.
368 days no cocaine.
6 days no disordered eating.

Really proud of myself today, because I was secretly planning to start a meal replacement diet today, but I did the right thing and went grocery shopping instead. It has been a week since my big binge that made me feel really ill for a few days, and I’ve stuck to my.therapy meal plan since last Wednesday so tomorrow will be a week. At the moment I feel very strong in this area, with no desires or urges to binge on junk food, still holding on to how ill I felt after that last one.

It has rained all day here, so now the air coming through my window is cool and fresh, I love it.

I have managed 4 hours, 3 times, with my attempts to quit nicotine in the last week. I’m trying to time it so I have enough liquid to last me through a sleepless night, so I can start a new day without it. Maybe tomorrow. :pray:t2:


Thank you for all the congrats :smiley: now 31 days :grin:


Way to go Tyler!
And great job sticking to your meal plan.


Good for you for getting healthy foods to eat! Wishing you the best in managing healthy intake.


Thank you @CATMANCAM :slightly_smiling_face:

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