Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Checking in sober! Day 417!!


455 days. I feel completely exhausted and would gladly sleep the day away if I didn’t have to work. I can’t seem to shake this freezing feeling and am unable to warm up. Making it through this past weekend was a success but now I need to focus on getting through on a daily basis. I can’t continue to isolate myself as I have been or it’s going to drive me batty. I need to find a way to be comfortable around my man’s ex and find some form of normalcy in all of this. My addiction counselor suggested that I look into Smart Recovery and at this point I’m thinking I could benefit from any CBT as my mind is too focused on sadness and anxiety.


I get this. I know you are going to be wonderful though. Your personal experience will be such an asset when you get people who have struggled with the same things. You will be able to genuinely relate and use your learning to help your clients. I’m so excited for you!


3 months getting closer and closer… :black_heart:


So my birthday is coming up soon. And thats always been a reason for drinking some wine, because I have birthday and should enjoy wine and celebrate my self. I always get disapointet at my birthday, its never a happy celebrating day.

Im preparing my self for this day, to make this day sober, not fall. Im at work this day, so it helps along. Normally I would ask the day off, so I can spend it drinking from the morning and trouhg. And also having the next day off, for obvious reasons.

For today its a sober day, and tomorrow I will wake sober to.


Great share @Wakikki… My bday is next month and seeing your plan has planted that reminder in my head about a plan that I need to put in place as well. Checking in on day 157.


Day 142.

The rewards of being clean and sober…

Waking up at dawn to sit in bed with coffee and a good book and to be able to sit in still silence. No noise outside , no noise inside. Having a still calm mind in the morning is key to a elevated life :heart:


So I set a goal nearly a year ago to be 1 year sober by the time I reach 50 and by the will of my Higher Power I might actually make it. The thing is next year one day at a time is going to be the be all and end all of it bc I am already beginning to think about what’s next, 1 year sober, great now what. Anyway I better shut up bc I’ve not done it yet and if I’ve learnt anything from all this it’s that I could easily pick up tommorow, but not today.


Heyy guys
Sobriety is worth it ya know :wink:


Day 412
I have missed all of you! I deleted TS app from my phone a few weeks ago and was only using it on my iPad trying to reduce my screen time. Was up by Lake Superior the past weekend with bad service and kept trying to login to web browser instead but couldn’t load more than 5 posts at a time. So didn’t reduce screen time, but increased frustration.

Back now for work week. I know I missed some good updates on here so I’ll just say CONGRATS to everyone for being here! And congrats @CATMANCAM for your year and your 400! Double milestones!!
Went mountain biking up by Bayfield over the weekend x crashed, lost my phone so had to redo the 6 mile loop to find it, after 15 miles knee wouldn’t take anymore and as I headed back to the trailhead I met a gnome

Got to take the ferry and camp on Madeline Island and did some hiking/trail running near Cornucopia along ridge over the sea caves. Back to work now but I just want to still be up north on the beach.


Congratulations @Nordique on 15 months!! That is an incredible accomplishment!!


Thank you!! I really appreciate it :grin:

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Sober birthdays are the best birthdays. I got sober 20 days before my big six-oh. Boy oh boy was I going too have a blow out too! Nope. Not a drop. I Got much support here that week. I almost caved. And I’ve never felt more proud of myself. You will be so proud of yourself waking up sober the day after your birthday. It will be like Christmas.
:pray: :heart:




Never forget you and your ticker thingy… twin-not-twin. :heart:


Checking in with a lot of anxiety today. :persevere: My daughter tested positive for Covid late last week, and she was hospitalized yesterday due to very low O2, bronchitis, and pneumonia. I’m feeling ALL the not-so-great emotional feels. I know she’s going to be ok, but the doctor told me it’s one of the more serious cases she’s seen. Please send healing thoughts and prayers. I’m NOT going to drink, but this is tough. The adrenaline surge of crisis I’ve been bearing for everyone is exhausting and sometimes overwhelming. I’m practicing calm for myself, for Keely, and for our family and friends. Thanks for listening. :pray:t3:

I hope y’all are doing well. Congratulations on all the milestones I’m seeing here! :purple_heart::slightly_smiling_face:


Sending healing vibes your way, mom. She’ll be fine Im sure… :sparkling_heart::hugs:


Thinking of your daughter @ShesGotMoxie

Day 400!
Today is my day off, have several zooms planned, one for work, an aa one, and a Japanese class. And must clean! Get off ur ass and clean, lady!

Congrats to sober twin @CATMANCAM


Doing ok just not feeling happy today and going through some BS so this is going to be the real test still clean and trying to keep it that way


I’m sorry about your daughter Carolyn. I will pray for a full and healthy recovery for Keely. I’m so happy you are staying strong for this.
God Bless.