Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Congratulations on 400 days @Misokatsu and @CATMANCAM! You are amazing!

Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery @ShesGotMoxie.


@ShesGotMoxie - Sending all the well wishes and recovery love your way for her. Take deep breaths and kniw that we are all rooting for you guys. Speedy recovery on the way.


I appreciate you sharing this and it reminds me to arm myself in the same way for my birthday coming up this weekend. I have plans with a friend throughout the day and have said I donā€™t drink and am the DD so that should go ok. The following day is somewhat busy but the night after spending time at my momā€™s could have potential urges. Gonna do my best to get my ā€œtoolboxā€ ready and Iā€™ll keep you in my thoughts as well celebrating sobriety.


Day 7. First week is always the hardest, but I did it, again. Reaching for 30 days now.


Nice! Congratulations Charlie! :tada:
Iā€™m so glad you never gave up trying. :blush:


Checking in on my 15th abstinent dayā€¦ :v:

  • Always look at the bright side of life :hugs:
  • Be productive :muscle:
  • Love yourself & this life :heart:
  • Discipline yourself :muscle:
  • Have faith in yourself :pray:
  • Enjoy the big & little things :sunflower:

Youā€™ve got this, put your head up, breath, smile and try buddy :wink:


Checking in on 44 Days Alcohol Free / 290 Days Cannabis Free

I mentioned yesterday that I had a breakthrough in terms of spirituality, and I donā€™t want to get too much into the details, but it has to do with recognizing a tightness going on ā€“ a rigidity about how I approach some of my spiritual practices, and how I see myself and others. Iā€™ve been holding on too tight, which is interesting because I know I feel most free and connected when I let go. Soooo yeah, thereā€™s things to unpack in my own personal experience, upbringing, path as an adult, issues that came up in my spiritual ā€œcommunityā€ (that I left a few years ago), and how Iā€™ve approached things in more recent years. Sorry this is so vague, but the details really are just too much to get into, haha.

The main point is that this feeling of recognition that I can give myself permission to let go feels so connected to what it happening on my path of sobriety and with my relationship, even how I approach my career and work life. Itā€™s all intertwined right? And I really donā€™t think I would have clarity of insight here if I was still drinking. No, I know that I wouldnā€™t. So for that I am really grateful. Also makes me reflect on how when weā€™re like little worms wriggling around in the dirt, the darkness, the uncertaintyā€¦we just have no idea whatā€™s on the other side. Where does the pain bring us? Where does the discomfort lead to? Thereā€™s no possible way of knowingā€¦but we keep wriggling around. One thing we do know for sure is that things eventually will change because everything changes, nothing ever stays the same. So letā€™s see whatā€™s next and trust that what we feel right now ā€“ whether good or bad or neutral ā€“ will pass as well.


Thank you @CATMANCAM and @M-be-free49 feelings are tough!!:sob::rofl:

Last night I had vivid drinking dreams and some crazy nightmaresā€¦first feelings and now I have to remember my dreams!!! Such BS. Lol. For today, day 15, work is good, kids are good, Iā€™m feeling very positive about sobriety, and trying not to worry too much about the future and just worry about today. Praying I can sleep through the night tonight. Those nightmares got me. :flushed:


Crushing it @Charlie_C!!!

Checking in sober and feeling proud to have skirted by the urges tonight. For several weeks I anxiously anticipated a work meeting that took place tonight. All day I mentally prepared and it was on my mind in one way or another since I woke up. Throughout my adult life I would have rewarded myself with a 6 pack or 1-2 bottles of wine once work was over. That was pretty much and given.The thought crossed my mind but didnā€™t stay long. I thought about my listā€¦nourishā€¦reach outā€¦be of serviceā€¦take a long hot showerā€¦write and reflect. I ate dinner Iā€™d prepared ahead of time so it was ready right way, I texted with my closest friend who is in the same line of work, my ā€œbeing of serviceā€ was taking my dogs for a nighttime walk (they loved it), took the shower and now you kind souls are the lucky recipients of my writing and reflecting. :wink: Thank you for being here for another sober night. Wishing you all a peaceful night/day.


Congratulations @Charlie_C on 10 months of hard work!

Great job @Irisees919 for overcoming those urges. Keep it up!


Woooo!! Congrats Charlie!! You are absolutely crushing it :tada:

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Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve posted and I just wanted to say if any of you remember meā€¦ that Iā€™m doing Great! And yes Iā€™m still sober from alcoholā€¦ Iā€™m on day 99 tomorrow when I wake up itā€™ll be day 100 :grin::grin: Iā€™ll admit there were days I struggled, days Iā€™ve gotten extremely irritated, but I chose to just take a walk and a couple of deep breaths, thatā€™s my thing Iā€™m working on now, instead of letting whatever it is bother me, I just walk away and cool downā€¦ and it really helps me. Everyone I talk to now is proud that I made it this far, as am Iā€¦oh yeah and my sister and her boyfriend are also hitting the 100th day mark tomorrow as wellā€¦ I have to say, it is getting easierā€¦One day at a time :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 442.
On paper it didnā€™t look so good, but the real thing went a lot better. I had a chuckle at @Irisees919 post above, as I actually thought about the same thing earlier today. It was a big meeting day here too, and in the before time, I would have pre-planned, purchased, and chilled my rewards for getting through it. But all day I looked forward to my night off - a leisurely dog walk, tunes and cooking myself a nice meal, a quick phone chat with a palā€¦ sounds mundane perhaps, but crikey, I missed out on some sweet sober nights in the past!
Letā€™s not let anymore get away from us, yeah? Another sober day awaits us tomorrow!
Gā€™night all, big love. :orange_heart:


@Mno sending youā€¦ peace? closure? contentedness? and love - on Sunday and every day, friend :heart:

@anon27760155 still, always, a warrior. you show me how. :pray:

@Hopeful777 oh, that trip sounds divine! enjoy every minute of it, sweet friend! If you bring back a photo or two I wonā€™t complain :wink: :four_leaf_clover:

And @anon9289869 I love the sober gnome! Always good to see/read you.

Milestones milestones everywhere!
Happy 400 sober twins @Misokatsu and @CATMANCAM !

And 10 months @Charlie_C ! Congrats on celebrating with new plumbing! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

And happy 15 months to the trifecta of awesomeness! @Nordique, @Rockstar24777 and with @DLS leading the pack!
(Oh, but I do miss Piglet. Has anyone heard anything from him? :slightly_frowning_face:)


Congratulations Grand Pa :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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And we got another:
Way to go Fleur


Back from vacation, had a wonderful week and been very active. Iā€™m far from done with the recovery, I regularly had a really hard time not drinking wine. Especially after a long walk in the sun on a terrace in the afternoon. But I stayed sober. :muscle:


Day 400 wow . :rose:


Thats great . :blush::dancer:

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