Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Checking in, day 314 no alcohol, day 64 no smoke.

@Alisa, @Dazercat , @CATMANCAM thank you for your kind words yesterday! I feel blue, but I will be ok.

The workers who used to insult me are back at the end of our street and I still cross the street when I see them. I totally feel you with that situation @CATMANCAM , it’s a huge trigger and I have a lot of work with that. I shouldn’t expect me to handle it better than I’m capable of currently, yet I have to keep working on it otherwise nothing gets better. But it’s one day at a time for now. Yesterday the first thing that came to my mind was to drink and although I don’t crave alcohol now, I can’t let my guard down.


@carlito2 Nice screen capture! All those 2s!
@Wakikki You are birthing a new you into the world. What a great time to plan something amazing that will highlight your alcohol free day. Treat yourself well. You’re worth it.
@apes2020 also wall lights. Wall ights are also a key to an elevated life.
@ShesGotMoxie My thoughts are with your daughter. Hang in there.
@ChristineCarol Great job on your 1 week!
@Charlie_C 10 months is awesome! Keep it up!
@JustAlys Glad you checked in. 100 days is amazing. Nice work!
@M-be-free49 I think the sweetness of life is often found in those little day to day moments, that seem oh so mundane; and yet, as the years go by, we look back on those times with a little smile and a feeling of nostalgia. Each mundane moment adds up to make the whole. Sounds like you had a great night.
@pinkcloud Sorry to hear you had such a bum day, but you came out of it triumphant and strong. Wonderful work.


Thank you for being here Stella, for sharing your strength as well as your weakness. It helps us all, you, me and the rest. So glad you came so far. So proud too. Hope and think you are too. Big hugs and congrats on all your achievements and especially this one.


Relationships are one of those things where people don’t go into it with the understanding That one or both will change in ways that may bring in some fundamental differences in how each may operate in the relationship.

I hope your wife will be able to find it in her to want change for herself so the two of you can have more years together than otherwise might be found in her current choices. It was a difficult lesson for me to learn that some people would rather stay in the comfort of what they know, even if there is something better out there that they could have.

@Its_me_Stella Thank you for sharing. You are absolutely amazing. The strength you have in how you’ve grown and continue to do so is admirable. You are a rock.


Your happiness makes me happy. You my sweet friend have reached the top of a very tough climb. You had back to back milestones , 3 fricken milestones to get through!!! Two of them were 1 year, and then just to be sassy you threw a 400 in there too. ( I suppose another 400 is coming up.) You have been showing us how to make it through tough times Tyler. How to be vulnerable and in pain but still raise to the top with grace. You inspire me daily, I am so grateful for you.

Enjoy your happiness.


Just wanted to say hey everyone. Checking in day 8, doing ok. Much love


262 days

@ShesGotMoxie wishing your daughter a speed recovery
@Misokatsu and @CATMANCAM wow you crushing your days massive congratulations on 400 days :confetti_ball: and @Charlie_C hitting 10 months super :ok_hand:
@KellyKelly wow your macrame is amazing especially as your first go, will be looking this up, bet your friend loves it :grinning:
@Its_me_Stella wow thats is totally inspiring I suffer with social anxiety so reading your post , reminds me never to stagnate and work hard to change… So proud for you and of you :heart:
@M-be-free49 Emm my photo of my little camp, loving the calmness of it all :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s a very happy place indeed Marie! Love the little fire holding thingie. Never seen one like that before.


My front door…


32 days sober from alcohol cant believe im just over a month. I was really craving today i will be honest however i got home got motivated and have had a really nice night! If i had drank i would probably be pretty drunk by now and still going likely trying to message anyone that will reply and make an idiot of myself and regret it all the next morning.
Glad i am out of that now!


Ah a human of my own heart :rofl: wall fairy lights are a non negotiable :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you…it’s challenging but really not that hard. You should give it a go! :butterfly:

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You’re inspiring me to get active in the mornings! Congrats on your days!

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That made me cry reading that…congrats on sharing your story with others, your sobriety, processing your pain, and just being you! :butterfly:


Thank you @Chiron and @CATMANCAM :black_heart: All the others on here; congratulations on all your efforts and hard work. God bless you


Congrats on making a month and leaving the phone alone lol…been there too :wink: ! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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I need to try and fit all my replies in one message…sorry guys! :crazy_face:

Checking in this morning (autocorrected to mofo hmmm :thinking:) to remain sober!
Girls night at mine tonight. They’ll be drinking alcohol and I won’t be. I don’t want to, I don’t need to, it’s not mine to drink.
Aiming for 17 days sober today.

Have a great day and for those in another country sleeping, and a day behind, hope you have a great sleep. The future is ok :+1:


Un an sans alcool !
One year sober today !

September 15th 2020 I decided to take a leap toward sobriety. I am happily in recovery since and living the life I choose too - and no more the life alcohol want me to.

I’d be forever grateful to have found this community in the very beginning of my recovery process, back in 2017-2018. It’s been a long road.

But I am ready to keep going.
Still one day at a time, but let’s go for another year.

Checking in on day 366

Have a wonderful day all!


Way to go, Buddy! I am so happy for you, and grateful that you checked in today. WooHoo!


Bravo! Fantastique! Merveilleux! Etcetera! Tres Bon WCan. Many Congrats.
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