Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Congratulations on your 1 year of freedom WCan.
It’s wonderful to see you checking in like this.




Feeling ok nothing going on still clean and sober even though temptations to slip is there I wont go to that dark place again


You’re awesome @Its_me_Stella!!
I’m so proud of you for getting up there and telling your story. I wish I was sitting in the audience. I bet you were spectacular. Sharing your experience, strength and hope is the best service. All it takes is one person to hear your message and make the necessary changes in their life and they’ll be here to see the sun rise again. You never know how many lives you will save just by doing what you did last night. :hugs::heart:


Woo hoo! Congratulations on 1 year @WCan!


First day Sober in well over a year.I’m just trying to make it through the day. I can’t keep drinking and drugging it’s killing me.


Checking in with 35 sober days (and counting). I’m proud of myself, because I never believed that I would ever stop drinking. I love proving myself wrong on some things. :wink:

I want to thank y’all for the kindness and love and healing thoughts and prayers for Keely and myself. She’s struggling, but stable, and I’m so grateful for that. @DLS, @Dazercat, @Hopeful777, @Chiron, @CATMANCAM, @M-be-free49, @Irisees919, @icebear, @Misokatsu… big bear hugs to each of you. :hugs::purple_heart:

I wanted to talk a little about being “stuck”. I can’t begin to tell y’all how many years I’ve felt just stuck. Stuck in bad habits, damaging behaviors, and especially a sense of unworthiness. For so long, I’ve been able to identify the habits I needed to change, but something always kept me from taking that first step between knowing what needed changing and doing what needed changing. I’m realizing that “something” has always been me. I’m finally able to get out of my own way and truly see that stopping these behaviors and creating better habits and new patterns will be a daily routine from now on. This work I’ve finally begun doing is a lifelong process. Surprisingly, instead of being afraid, I feel excited. I can visualize a different reality that doesn’t include drinking and the endless anxiety and consequences of too much alcohol. I have a lot of good to look forward to, and I’m feeling a sense of freedom to become a more genuine version of myself. I’m well on my way to “unstuckness”. Thank y’all again for listening and sharing and being here. :purple_heart::slightly_smiling_face:


So wonderful to read this!


Welcome back @Thumper1213! Glad you are here and hope to see you around.


Checking in sober, feeling good. Had a good day and no desire to drink for today. I heard a song tonight “Feels Like Home” that I’ve never heard before. It’s a love song, but in most of the lyrics I could relate so much, not in the sense of one person to another, but with a return to me. These days I feel like I am returning to where I belong, to my original authentic self. I’m returning to the person I was before the shitstorm of adolescence and my family and self worth went into the crapper and I began to use alcohol and other vices to cope. It’s a wonderful freedom – freedom from fear, isolation, financial insecurity, ridiculous relationships, unnnecessary stress and dishonesty.

I hooe everyone is enjoying peaceful days and nights. :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations on a year of sobriety @WCan!

What a great share @Its_me_Stella! Way to go! You rock.


Bravo :bangbang::+1:t5:



Congrats on your full year without booze


I’m checking in at day 9.

I’m not giving up.


Day 17 here

Proud to announce that after my horrible heartbreak last year, I finally fell in love again. I’ve been back in the dating scene and I think this time it’s actually going well :slight_smile:

I absolutely crave NOTHING anymore, no urge to relapse, and no urge to try anything else. But there’s one thing I’m worried about. My gym motivation came from all the pain - but the pain is over. Can’t say I miss it though, it’s just harder for me to do those insane workouts :laughing:


Make sure you fall in love with yourself first :heart:


Day 143.

Took my bike out to the shop to pump its tires. Managed to ride for 10 mins till my back tire exploded…I pumped to much air in it I think :thinking:

Back to the bike store…$60 for a new tire. Meh! :grimacing: at least I have a functioning bike now to ride now that the weather is warming up! I had so much fun riding around the lake with my headphones on the sun on my face, singing out loud as I cruised along… It was the most alive ive felt in months :heart:

I bumped into someone I once associated with whilst I was out… They offered me gear… I said no I’m clean thanks… Surprisingly I didn’t get triggered like the other week… I felt nothing… No adrenaline…no anxiety after the interaction… Nothing… Very surprised but very happy I feel fine :grinning: our brains are completely unpredictable this is very apparent to me today.


Massive congratulations! Go you!


Its probably a good idea not to test yourself with being at the start of your sobriety journey…

Being around alcohol, and in your own home at that, is not something that you should test your self with. Even if your feeling strong, its still early days and you should prioritise your sobriety over girls nights. :heart:


I know what you mean. I’ve already been around it with friends at theres and mine but just not during our ‘girls night’.
We just went into lockdown again so they can only stay for an hour lol


Checking in on day 10, feeling ok just struggling nighttime, just cant sleep, never had this before always felt tired, but I don’t actually feel tired this time round . I just lie there awake and getting frustrated with myself . I’m hoping it will pass . Still enjoying long walks while the weather is still quite warm . Will have to invest in winter clothing for when it gets cold . Have a great day all :sunflower: