Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Hey there Kevin! Long time no see. Good to have you back :facepunch:t2::+1:t2:

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@Mno @Olivia ,

Thanks for the warm welcome back.

Happy sober Friday


Day 402

Taught a full day today, legs achey and ready for the weekend. Have been reading books in the evening rather than faffing about online. Still hitting the sugar more than I should.


I did the same thing. I would put my head phones and and walk for hours at all hours of the night , out in the beauty of the night sky
 I loved it. I felt so alive. I can still feel the feeling of joy I felt.

I also loved taking my bike out too at night and put my music on my head phones and ride for hours all over the area and stair at the night sky and follow the moon
 The amount of times ive almost fell and broken a limb is crazy because I’d be so focused on the moon or looking at mars when its shining bright red, I would either hit a hole on the road on my bike not watching where I was going, or id walk straight into something if I was walking coz id be off with the faires and staring at the sky at the same time :joy:

They are moments that I definetly miss from memories of using. I was happy. I can still feel that feeling now
 And it does annoy me that i cant enjoy those moments anymore
 I can still sky watch etc
 But its not the same feeling as when I was high etc.


Thanks! And another sober night means another sober morning. Off to yoga!


’ When there was only one set of footprints in the sand, this is when I carried you’


Day 12 here and going strong. Have a great Friday!


@CATMANCAM thank you for your last encouragement. Sadly yesterday I relapsed again. Well
 still I believe that the Lord can help me and I must open more my way to Him. This relapse demonstrated that I must grow more in humility


@Dolse71 You give me hope with your numbers


Posted an update last nigh!!


A riddle for anyone? Who’s bike is this and where are it’s weels going to end up today?



Day 462 clean and sober today. The IRS levied my bank account and took all of the money I had in my accounts yesterday. Absolutely nothing left at all. But I have food, I had withdrawn the rent money so I have a place to live and I have plenty of nicotine patches and lozenges to quit smoking. I will attempt to call them today and see why this happened. I did not receive any letters from them so this is totally out of the blue. Have a great day day everyone, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 29!! One more to 30!! I can’t believe I’ve made it this far!!


Hey all, checking in on day 460
I hope everyone has a great one!


Congrats on 50 days!!


When does your heart stop hurting

I’ve just seen my ex’s new partner and her daughter

When does that pain stop, when can I say it’s okay and not punish myself.

She’s moved on i am happy for her, I’m glad that my sabotaging didn’t break her not to find love again as she and her girls truely deserve all the good that comes their way.

But when can I just stop igniting that flame and be okay
 I don’t want another love, I don’t deserve that but when can I just stop pulling myself down
 I thought doing the steps would give me that closure but it hasn’t!!!
Or will I always have this dark pit in my mind
 Where I drop the thought and like the stone you want to hear it land
 I never hear that splash!



ugh!!! RIDICULOUS. Hoping you get this sorted out immediately.

Day 6 : feeling peace for the first time in a long time.


That sounds so fun! I’m nowhere near prepared for a trip like that, but it’s something to work toward. We are getting ready for a camping trip in SE Wisconsin about an hour away and it’s just a traditional state park deal. I miss our backpacking days. Maybe we will do that again sometime.


That is nuts Rob! What the heck! I can’t believe the IRS can do that. Seems wrong! Hope it gets sorted out asap.