Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Awesome pic!! I didn’t realize you 2 were in riding distance.

I was hoping the answer to @050Nl riddle was @Mno. I didn’t post my thoughts because I figured I was way off. Now I wish I had.


@mno figured out a way to tame the tigress


How precious! Love her!! Give her snuggles from me. :heart:


Always !!! My distant guardian :two_hearts:


Checking in on day 160.


Day 37/427 pills/booze

Once upon a time going to bed sober on a Friday would have been unthinkable. Now it feels good, peaceful, the way it should be.

Working on finding peace with myself is crucial. There is still much work to do but I feel I am making progress, and getting better at occupying my own body and mind.

Sleep well


…1274. Sobriety doesnt promise a perfect life. It allows you to deal with the shit and still see, feel, participate, enjoy the good stuff.

My view until Monday. With the bullshit that happened at work this week, had I not beed sober…I would have been drunk off my ass and never able to enjoy this view 8 hours from home.

Here in the hills of southern Ohio, my little peace of heaven accompanied by the woman of my dreams.


The good thing about having my counter set at night, is I wake up with half the day already complete. 18.5 days AF and 25 days cannabis free.

Really struggled yesterday with my body high vibing like all get out. Not sure if my brain is just processing and all the chemicals trying to rebalance or what. It starts off great coz I’m feeling high and full of self love but then it becomes exhausting and my head hurts.
It’s a common thing for me to either feel super high or super low. That’s where the smoking really helped to regulate me.
Anyways need to find another way to regulate those chemical brain floods!
Hope you all stay sober for the day/night and have a great day! :purple_heart::eagle::butterfly::sunny::raised_hands::blush:


Not a lot going on at the moment self harm free still clean and sober from it I hope I can stay this way for months to come take it one day at a time


Thank you Sarah!




Thank you Stella, I couldn’t get through to anyone on the phone today. It will all work out. :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Thank you Tyler :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Checking in. Day 11


Checking in on evening 64


Day 18 and another sober Friday night under my belt. I was feeling the “itch” for a moment, but I got home and got some queso in my tummy and some quality time with my daughter, and I’m drinking my water and lime and the feeling had passed. I’m exhausted though and have an early morning tomorrow, so we’ll be getting to sleep very soon! Hoping you all are having a great evening! :heart:


Good for you Andi.
Good sober quality time with your daughter drinking your water and lime on a Friday night.
Congratulations on your 18 days.


Checking in sober and beat - busy night with work and I am definitely tired of hearing my own voice. My shift may change to 9-5, which is a great thing, but has its downsides as well. It’s my choice whether I switch or not. One of the downsides is that working until 9 is a bit of “self-binding” placing a barrier between me and the sauce. I am considering it, but need t have more safeguards in place to protect my sobriety.

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day.


Checking in Day 47 Alcohol Free

The visit from my boyfriend’s dad and dad’s wife continues… I went to teach yoga this morning and then joined up with everyone around noon. Today was fun but it definitely tires me out to have family visiting / being social. It was his 70th birthday today and he was so happy to be here, so I’m glad he’s having a good time. There continues to be a lot of drinking and smoking weed happening, and I know it will continue through tomorrow. But I feel very content in my sobriety. Interestingly, I think that I used to drink to “deal” with family stuff, the minor annoyances and whatnot that come up. Now that I’m not drinking, I realize that drinking just actually led to more irritability in those situations and made me feel more disconnected. Now I feel a lot more relaxed in it.

Trigger warning for paragraph below:

I did have a little bit of a craving today being around intoxicants – they were smoking a pipe with hash in it and the smell was very distinct. It triggered memories from when I was a teenager with my best friend smoking hash for one of the first times. Even though that was now 20 years ago, it still hit this part of me that was like, ah that was a fun time, and I could feel the memory linking to a desire to smoke and try to recreate that feeling. But it passed quickly.

I’m tuckered out and going to bed now! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.


Checking in day 102… Today was a little stressful for me… I went grocery shopping and also bought a little dog food for my furbabies… and a little later in the evening my friend messaged me and asked me to help her move some of her stuff, so I said yeah sure, she picked me up and we headed over to her house…we finished moving her stuff and we were sitting there talking and she pulled out a beer, I was a little shocked because I told her early on how I’m working on my sobriety… and then she goes and invites a few more people over telling them to come over for a beer… I was kind of annoyed by it but I couldn’t bring myself to tell her I wanted to go home, but luckily her roommate came home and she ended up dropping me off shortly after… but it bothered me because I couldn’t tell her I was uncomfortable (she didn’t pressure me or anything but I was still a little annoyed she invitedothers over to drink with her)… But on the side note I did not drink and still sober as I type this…so that’s a plus :+1: I hope everyone else had a good day. :blush: