Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Thank you for that… I appreciate it… It helps me feel better knowing someone understands…


Some days it seems to get easier but then the little voice will start chipping away. Realised that sobriety has to be my main priority every day and I have to make time to message my sponsor (who is awesome!) and try and live the steps.

It is about a completely different mindset - one that is open and kind rather than selfish and self obsessed. Small steps but finally I feel they are in the right direction!

Have a great sober day everyone!


Checking in…
629 days substance free

I traveled to the mainland today and spent the evening with my exhusband.

During the first 9 months of my recovery travelling there would trigger me and the mere thought of him would send me into a tail spin.

Not anymore, today I have peace around that.

Congrats on your clean time everyone.


That’s awesome! I love the woods… just curious hocking hills? Lol I live in Ohio like 45 minutes from the hocking hills area.


:white_check_mark: in, around day 10 and a half of no masturbation/no porn :pray::relieved:


I don’t mind a little rain on my bike rides, as long as it’s not storming hehe


Good seeing you brotha, I’m on day 19 going strong :pray:

Increasing your testosterone naturally really does wonders


Thanks brother :pray:
Are You coming back to our recovery thread or what? :innocent:

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Day 38/428 pills / booze

Checking in clean and sober.

Have a good weekend whatever it brings.

  1. Had a great ride yesterday. No rain. Going north the weather got progressively better instead. Saw some beautiful nature, as well as some very Dutch landscapes. And at the end of the ride met a friend form here, and his dog, and a very nice meeting it was. We shared a meal, shared some talk. Took the train home. All in all a great day. Sober and clean.
    Today recuperating. And preparing for scattering my mum’s ashes tomorrow. I didn’t think much about my relationship with her. Not ever really. One of the things I numbed with booze and drugs. I am thinking now. And feeling. It’s quite something. It’s good to deal with this stuff right. Have as good a weekend as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from The Netherlands.


Hey all, checking in on day 461. Have a great one!


35 days :slight_smile: its the weekend and no work yay! Going to do some cleaning and garden today!
A picture came up on my memories about a cut on my nose and it was swollen. I had made some story up how i had tripped where as i had infact got so drunk i did fall over but drunkenly and had infact nocked my self out. I remember waking up to blood everywhere as i had likely had a nose bleed as well as the actual cut! Lucky i hadnt ended up in a more severe state! I then somehow worked the next day extremely hungover. This was a good few years ago now but a good reminder of what i was doing to myself!


Checking in, day 317 no alcohol, day 67 no smoke. The depressed phase is back. I have a lot of work, because I couldn’t really do anything recently. I have a deadline tomorrow, so it will be a long night.

I’m having a rough patch with my friend, but I managed to open up a bit and to talk about my feelings, which is quite new for me. I know that she is truly sorry for some stuff she did lately, but she did hurt me and now I seem to be unable to let her close. It feels better to be without her than believing that she’s with me and finding out that she doesn’t care.


Been a whirlwind week or so. We put in an offer on a smallholding which has been accepted, subject to the sale of our house etc, which means our dream home might actually be happening! Our house went on the market yesterday and we’ve got four viewings booked in over the next few days. Still lots of moving parts so trying not to get too excited. But of course I am totally excited :laughing:

Lots of tidying and sorting in the house and also managed to squeeze a festival with friends in last weekend. I never imagined when I stopped drinking that I would be able to do that kind of thing… But I did and it was AMAZING! So much better than in my drinking and drugging days.

Feeling very grateful for sobriety and all the gifts that have come from it. It has been a rocky ride, learning to live on life’s terms, but I’m grateful for all that too :pray: :sparkling_heart:


Day 403

Usual weekend of doing extra homework and English study with the kids and a drive to a mall. This mall had a H and M which is my daughter’s favourite shop, and not so common in Japan, and conveyor-belt sushi for dinner, which was my son’s request. Normality is a blessing.


@pinkcloud I know what you mean about movies and I have truly be mindful when watching (TV series as well) knowing I would be triggered. You may have read this, but a book that was recommended to me on here that I devoured called “The Unexpected Joys of Being Sober” discusses drinking in the media (ads, TV movies, social). She even talks about the prevalence of strong, brilliant, women in prominent positions in TV series drinking to excess with regularity and the hiw that may effect the audience. The way she described it helped me look more objectively at it. She even closes the chapter mentioning one particular actress whose character drinks nightly and a lot, and also absolutely gorgeous and healthy looking, is actually sober IRL and that is why she is radiant and healthy on screen. I loved that and think of her when I get triggered.


Yes!!! Havent been here since I was in college


Sending healing energies through the scattering of your mum’s ashes. :blossom:


265 days

I am back nice trip apart from cravings they never left, grateful did not act on them. But tiring fighting inner thoughts.

Today washing, gardening and a walk. Feeling a bit fed up but it will pass as it does.

Wishing you all a good sober day/night


Woke up on day 5. Me and the pup got 2 miles in. Blessed that I am going to my friends to watch his dogs, so I will make it to Day 6.