Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Excellent work Kimberly! Congrats lady!
giphy (1)


459 days The Beer Bitch Brain isn’t knocking as loudly but she’s still around on a frequent basis. I took the time to write a letter to myself and am surprised at how it’s helping my outlook today. I’m still taking baby steps and am often getting through one hour at a time but the important part is that I’m getting through this. The fog is lifting and moving forward is my only option.


Hell yea man

I actually don’t know how I got out of it in the first place


Added You back in there :relieved::ok_hand:

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@Anonymouse78 congrats on 6 months :tada:
@anon53116147 congrats on double digits :tada:
@Thirdmonkey enjoy your break :blush:
@Crispi congrats on double digits :tada:
@Mno sending strength for tomorrow :blue_heart:
@siand good luck with the sale :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: congrats on a sober festival :tada:
@Noshame congrats on your week :tada: enjoy the gig :blush:
@MolotovMoxie congrats on 30 days :tada:

404 days no alcohol.
372 days no cocaine.
10 days no disordered eating.

Have been trying not to focus on the number or talk too much about it, but I’m proud of my 10 days with the ED stuff, this is my longest stretch unsupervised. Cravings have started to rear their heads but I’m staying focused :muscle:t2:

I’ve left my flat 3 times today, all nicotine related, ended up buying a new vape because mine stopped working. That pharmacy company rejected my request due to my medical history so I’m back trying to quit on my own will. I know I’ll get there, I’m determined not to go into 2022 with any lingering addictions. :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

I hope you’re all having wonderful weekends :blush::blue_heart:


The one thing I obsessed over
Is the same thing that will ruin me

Addiction in a nut shell

Just keeping it in the moment without a drink in my hand


Having a better day got out of the house for a little bit still clean :+1:


I don’t totally agree with this. Of course, partners and friends shouldn’t have to change their whole life for us. But a certain amount of consideration both ways is healthy, I think. My husband likes to sleep early so I keep the house dark and quiet after 9pm. My friend is on a keto diet, so if we picnic together I bring food she can eat. etc. Equally my husband doesn’t keep my preferred alcohol in the house. And there was a situation when he had some (it had been left by someone else) and after two weeks of him drinking his beer and leaving that, I asked him to please drink that first. He was really surprised that it was bothering me. Yes, he should have the freedom to keep what he likes in his own house. But equally I should have the freedom to not be continually tested in my own house.


Check in/out

And then…

Today the funeral of my o.r. homey , boat trip #groningencity made the day


Pretty common here. Plates of sushi go round on a conveyor-belt, and u grab what u want. Most plates are a dollar. If u can’t see what u want, u order it via a touch screen, and the chefs make it and it comes round on the belt
images (8)
This is just from google, not the place we went to.


Consideration for those around you is love. Not everyone gets that. Ms. Monkey went on keto, so I went on keto. Why would I keep food around she couldnt eat? Is she in charge of her body yes. Is it my fault if she eats an oreo, no. But I consider her to be important, so I adapted. However, when those around us dont adapt, we cant use it as an excuse. My question…why be around those who dont think you are important?


congratulations on your 7 days :+1:

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it’s never to late to make it all better

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Well done on your 30 days :clap:


OMG, that doesn’t exist here. Sorry, I should have googled first. That is awesome. Hope you had a fantastic day!


That’s basically anything over 5%, cheap and in 1litre bottles, or is that just me :rofl:


Its called a sushi train! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My heart is breaking for you to know that you haven’t experienced a sushi train! :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They are the best! Ive eaten at them my whole life. They were big in the 90s here, and now they are very much more of a variety of sushi on them. Its like little bits of art its so pretty lol :hugs: and so yummy!


Day 146.

My back muscle injury is next level hurting. I’ve been on bed rest for two days and it is not healing.

Went out for morning walk, got to 3000 steps before the pain started ripping right through me.

I dont know what it is ive injured. Its either a pulled muscle or a cyst that had pulled or something. Ive never felt this kind of pain before. I literally can’t walk.

Its Sunday so my doctor isn’t working. Have to wait till tomorrow to speak to her to find out what to do.

Another day on bed rest :grimacing:


Congratulations on 30 days @MolotovMoxie!

Oh man, @apes2020, sorry to hear about your back. I hope you feel much better soon!