Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Hey all, checking in on day 463.

Sounds like me and @Charlie_C had a similar night because I had some wicked nightmares for some reason. I haven’t had any in a while, but I did take a small 3mg melatonin last night because I couldn’t fall asleep. So maybe that’s the culprit.

Either way, I’m still happy that I don’t have to fight an alcohol hangover on top of the bad-dream “hangovers” that always happen. Have a great one guys!


Day 2. Embarrassed and picking up the mess I created


Checking in, day 319 no alcohol, day 69 no smoke. Feeling a bit better, although still haven’t been outside in a week. I’m exhausted emotionally, so I try to put all my issues on hold and just be sober, just be alive and let myself exist without purpose.


Officially at 2 weeks! It’s been hard the last couple of days. The insecurities and depression I was suppressing with alcohol are back and harder than ever. Ive gained a horrible amount of weight and I can’t stand to look at myself, so I think everyone else feels the same way. I feel ugly on the outside, but really great about my choices and my sobriety. I do resent myself or not being normal and being able to have a drink just once a blue moon. I want to try, but I feel so much guilt and shame with even entertaining the idea.

For those newbies - the first few days is really the hardest. But I promise you, it’s so worth it. Im more aware, I’m in better spirits, I have so much more energy, and I don’t feel numb anymore. The first step is done, now it’s time to face the things I’ve been avoiding. But I’m gonna come out the other side better than ever.


Day 465 clean and sober today. I caved on the cigarettes last night and only have 6 left. I should’ve just thrown them out! Going to try and commit again after they’re gone. Sorry @Noshame tomorrow is a new day though!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I’m feeling the same way bro, emotionally exhausted. Yep, sometimes staying sober is the best we can do which is actually pretty amazing. Hope you feel better soon!


I knew I shouldn’t have sent you a message. You know the drill. Once more into the breach dear friend.


HUGE Happy Birthday & 1 year sober birthday to Paul!! @Dolse71 :tada::tada:


So proud of you for recognizing your changes and growth and embracing them. It can feel strange to not be running back to old and unhealthy coping methods but it’s progress. I sure hope the new and healthy methods start feeling more “normal!” For both of us. :heartpulse:


Yay! Good for you!!! That’s a huge accomplishment to get past that fear. So glad for you.


Very glad to see you here Emma. Le’t’s work this. Together. ODAAT. Hugs.


Good for you Aemb :clap::clap::clap:
On your 2 weeks.
Those are the hardest. And you’re right it does get easier. Just don’t drink today. You can take care of the rest in due time. ODAAT
Awesome work.
We got your back. It works if you work it.


Checking in on this Monday. Had a bit of a scary situation walking Lupe and a loose dog acting (maybe) aggressive toward her, though not in the way you might guess. It was a smallish dog and surprised both of us, had its head down and tail straight back and doing the slow creep toward her. I tried talking to it and it did not look at me once. Lupe whined and wanted to say hi but I didn’t know what to do and just pulled her to keep walking. As soon as we moved on it moved on, too. I feel bad leaving it but it has tags on its collar and I just have to hope someone else nabs it and gets it home. I already tried walking back in that area with no luck. Poor pup. Eric tells me I can’t save them all and I was being as safe as I could to protect Lupe and myself, too. Ugh. So now just trying to shake off the sad. Today looks like our last hot day and a storm tonight with a big cool off tomorrow. I’m good with that. :heartpulse:


Reached my 2 week Milestone this morning, survived another sober weekend. Enjoying the way I’m feeling and the money I’m saving, I think I can get used to this. Been hitting the gym instead of the bar, life is good.


@Dolse71 Paul, Happy 50th Birthday thats a milestone and the 2nd milestone of 1 year sober is amazing. I am so happy for you, you have battled your struggles with determination and humour and I feel so proud of you. Massive congratulations :confetti_ball:



267 days

Still feeling off, not sure why so just going with it, hoping it will shake off soon. Can’t seem to focus or be motivated to do much which is frustrating, but importantly I am sober, that’s my foundation I want to build up.

Well done everyone on your days and hitting milestones, so many of you doing great :+1:

Have a good day/night all :innocent:


37 days :slight_smile: been quite poorly today well i didnt feel ill so to speak but my stomach has been awful all last night and today i had to leave work two hours early! Unsure if i ate something or if i obtained the v&d bug at work without the v!
Anyway fingers crossed for a much more “solid” night haha
Hope everyones well!


Hey Peeps, my thx, could not have gotten here without all of you…small steps is what I take


@OneBoiledOwl congrats on 5 yrs :tada::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:@icebear congrats on triple digits :100::tada:
@RetainKingII congrats on 300 days :tada:
@SoberWalker belated congrats on 3 years :tada::star2::star2::star2:
@Lilemm welcome back :slightly_smiling_face:
@KellyKelly congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@050NI sending love and strength :blue_heart::pray:t2:
@Charlie_C sorry you’re having such stressful dreams, I have them too, either that or total insomnia, solidarity :blue_heart:
@aemb congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Grumpybeard congrats on 2 weeks :tada:


@Stormy feel better soon :pray:t2:
@Deadman congrats on 3 years :tada::star2::star2::yellow_heart:

406 days no alcohol.
374 days no cocaine.
12 days no binge-eating.

Thanks for the kudos for going gym/swimming, I appreciate the encouragement :blush: Not putting any pressure on myself to go every day atm, so didn’t go today, I do want it to become a regular thing again, so may have to push myself a bit, but baby steps for now.

Struggling a bit with the depression. May be the changing seasons as I do get SAD on top of my regular depression. Spending some time near my SAD lamp to try to help it. The memes here are a good distraction and do lift my spirits some. I didn’t look at any today because I’ve mainly been watching some more of the program I’ve been watching a while, 2 more seasons to go before I can start watching some new stuff!