Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Kinda a cool fall day not much going on just doing a check in. And yes still clean


I donā€™t know Paul. I see where youā€™re coming from. And maybe you sitting outside with her could be your choice. But in the meeting. I donā€™t think she belongs in the meeting. I feel if I was new to this meeting and new to sobriety that I would think if this person can come in drunk then, I can have a few drinks before I come in. I donā€™t think it sets a good precedent. Personally I donā€™t want to be around drunks if Iā€™m at a meeting.

Other people have been on here, TS, not sober and Iā€™ve seen you call them out for it. And rightfully so. I would want my AA meeting to be a safe place. I reckon thatā€™s not always possible though.
Just my thoughts. Since you asked.


Ugh. Thatā€™s a really tough one. I think with as drunk as she was, she may have needed medical attention. Feel bad for the husband and all involved. As a newcomer, this would have scared me. She was laying on the floor.


Iā€™m just checking in. Day 15


Donā€™t know why but I find this really funny :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:donā€™t be coming to my local AA then bc the place is full of drunks :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:in fact itā€™s the only requirement to want to stop :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:OMG Iā€™m sorry. I once saw an overweight person at slimming world, clearly not making the effort :grin:


If you felt that it wasnā€™t handled appropriately then your voice is as important as anyone elseā€™s. Perhaps there is reason for the homegroup members to have made that choice as a homegroup from previous experience? I would bring it up at the next business meeting and ask why? and maybe come with some suggestions of what I think might be a better idea if i had anyā€¦


donā€™t think I had a better idea TBH, it was a bit of a shock thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking what people think but now you mention it somebody did say to her we donā€™t want to ring the ambulance like last time so this obviously isnā€™t a one off. Apart from helping her to her feet and out the door I think Iā€™ll let the old timers make the decisions. I just wander where does a drunk go for help if AA donā€™t want them :man_shrugging:


Maybe you could have a womenā€™s phone list already made up to slip in her pocket if ever this happens again. :slight_smile:


Good idea :+1:



Iā€™ve been to quite a few of those meetings. As long as the person isnā€™t really disruptive they are welcome to stay. Iā€™ve also sat outside with people who were really disruptive and had to leave. They were trying to drive so we wanted to keep them there until someone could give them a ride. My first go around at sobriety I showed up to a few meetings high as a kite and no one ever said anything to me.


Whoo hoo! Congratulations! Amazing numbers! You have been putting in the work, you deserve it.


My home group ask you to dispose any drugs on you and come back into the meetingā€¦

I suppose the approach we have is youā€™ve a desire to get cleanā€¦ You might be still under the influence but you came for hope because someone, somewhere gave the message addicts are welcome.

I have to sit daily with people who use, they cry, they get angry, they hate themselves because they are addicts who donā€™t know a different way of life.

It might of taken that lady drinking for her to even muster the courage to go to an AA Meetingā€¦ Its a hard one to swallow at first that you have a problemā€¦

If your husband is calling you an embarrassment what support did that lady really haveā€¦ So she fell off a chairā€¦ I am pretty sure in my drug taking daysā€¦ I missed a chair, peed on a chair hell I think on occasion worse.

The internal battle is hard and weā€™re we once not that person.


Way to go Sis!! And you caught it exactly on the whole number! Amazing! Now you can relax and stop watching the counter. :sweat_smile:

Congratulations on 700 days!! :tada: :tada: :tada:


Checking in on Day 51. Felt low for a lot of today, some anxiety and tiredness. It happensā€¦ Tomorrow night I have an event Iā€™m hosting so I need to be on point and I think Iā€™m a little overwhelmed because itā€™s been a while and I still have stuff to prepare. Just going to try and get a good nightā€™s sleep.


Happy 51! Sleep well and good luck!


Checking in sober and crazy tired with a bit of a headache. Glad it is from hard work and a full day as opposed to the alternative. Got some great work news today and trying to digest and take it in. It was a little hard tonight with urges to drink in celebration as a reward which was an automatic behavior for decades. Working late and my son being here are both very helpful thin resisting as well as simply being ready to rest and sleep. I work 2 jobs tomorrow (one away from home for 3 hours and my regular 8 hour job from home) and that also helped me to remember I donā€™t have time for that crap in my life. A hangover just does not fit bit I have to play the tape to remind myself of that.

Take care everyone!!!


Feels so violating when things like that happen. Sorry you are having to go through thisā€¦


Congratulations on the seven hundo @C_8!


So sorry this happened. Desperate people do desperate and terrible things (not excusing it, of course). Hope things go well cancelling cards, etc etc