Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Oh yeah, I bet. Earthquakes can be terrifying. I’m so glad you are all okay physically, though I know this is a huge hit emotionally.

I was actually in bed when ours hit. I had been having this strange nightmare that ended with me in some strange crushing and shaking contraption (it’s hard to explain), and then it felt like my consciousness was pulling me out of it so I was in that state of part sleep, part kind of awake, but my body is still in paralysis when I had this cold feeling of dread about 15 seconds before it hit.

We had a lot of aftershocks, so yeah you probably will too. Some of the aftershocks were almost as intense as the actual quake, so my heart seriously goes out to you and your neighbors. I can only imagine your terror at having your home swaying!


I still feel like I’m swaying when I’m sitting down. Its the strangest feeling.

Will distract my self with food and animal videos on tictok :joy:


I’m so glad your ok April. Nothing on the news here about it yet. Just the riots. But I did search and found it.
End of times shit for sure.
I cannot imagine how you are feeling. Too scary.
Take care of yourself. I hope there aren’t any after shocks.
Praying for you guys.


Definetly a strong thought at the front of my mind and I’m sure many other humans :thinking:



You :clap: are :clap: awesome!




Ya. Plague, earthquakes, bring on the locusts.
At least we’ll be sober. Right?


Oh my gosh that is exactly what my neighbour said !! A locusts plague will hit next :joy:

  1. Coffee. I lay on my bad shoulder in a wrong way. It hurts. Time to get back to the physio I guess. Maybe this time I will do the exercises he/she will prescribe for sure. Maybe that’s something I’ve learned by now. Maybe I should just leave out the maybes and just do it. Just like I did when I became clean and sober. Have a good day all, or at least as good as you all can. Sober and clean. Pic is from my friend’s piece of land land in the Hill Country TX. Got some hope of getting back there in the not too distant future now. Love.


That’s soooo scary! I experienced a few during a holiday. My holiday was ruined because of it. I was walking with my family in the streets trying to find a restaurant. Then the ground starts to shake and the parked cars starts to wiggle. Things where falling and people where screaming.
I’m so happy to live in a country where there are none (they are to small to feel them).
Did you have aftershocks April? They can be very scary too :pensive: We had serveral that day, one of them was big as wel.
Glad you are safe!!


Congratulations with the :seven::zero::zero: DAYS Cate! :tada:


OK wow so you know what I mean when I say the building wobbled!! To see actual building moving while you are inside it is beyond anything you could imagine.

When I start to think about the moment I realized what was happening, my mind starts to scramble, because it is a traumatic event, my memory is not behaving. I cant explain it.

I still am feeling slight wobbles all day.

I even packed a little “go-bag” to grab and run out the door if it happens again lol. Because we have been put on high alert with another one being possible…


At first I thought there was a metro below my feet :hugs: But I was at Bali so that wasn’t the case. Then things starting to move. We also had a big shake the next day in our appartement. We had a small pool and the water started to wave over the edge. My daughter was taking a nap upstairs and ran out of the house.
The little old wall outside of our appartment collapsed.
The rest of our holiday I didn’t trust the ground I was walking on…
I hope for you this was it and no shakes are following. Good of you to be prepared though.
Stay safe! :pray:


Lordy! Glad you are OK!


Good morning all check in on day 3 keeping it simple have a great fre day. :sun_with_face::blush:


Hey there bro, nice to see a check in! I’ve been wondering how you’re doing. Congrats!!

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Wow! Congratulations!

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@KevinesKay congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Dolse71 congrats on your year :tada::star2::trophy: and belated happy birthday! :balloon::birthday::gift::tada::partying_face:
@al2017 congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@vaariesga congrats on 450 days :tada:
@MagicILY congrats on 50 days :tada:
@HappyDays congrats on double digits :tada:
@Wakikki belated happy birthday! :balloon::birthday::gift::partying_face: Congrats on getting through it sober :tada:
@mleclaire sending love :blue_heart: it’s so painful when we lose them :disappointed_relieved:
@anon27760155 I’m sorry about your client :blue_heart:
@C_8 congrats on 700 days :tada:


Chère Amie,
Désolé que cela te soit arrivé. Il y a quelques jours, j ai entendu lors d un meeting, que Dieu était au delà même de la vie et des événements de la vie. J avais tjrs l impression que ce qui m arrivait était causé ou voulu par Sa Volonté mais j ai compris que la vie, c est la vie et Dieu est Dieu. Il arrive des choses terribles même aux bonnes personnes, mais celles qui garde leur foi en Dieu, géreront mieux et plus paisiblement ces événements de la vie. Hier, j ai reçu un courrier du Council de Ealing Broadway ou j ai vécu il y a 10 ans de cela et il me réclame près de 900 pounds. Après la colère et l incompréhension, j ai fais place à ma foi en Dieu et maintenant je suis près à faire ce qui est juste pour plaire à Dieu. Je me sens beaucoup mieux depuis. C est ce qu a dû vivre Jesus dans le jardin des oliviers. Je pense fort à toi :pray:t5:


@liv_m I’m so sorry, this really sucks :relieved:
@Irisees919 congrats on the work news :tada:
@anon9289869 feel.better soon :pray:t2:
@apes2020 that sounds so scary, I’m really glad you’re okay :blue_heart:
@Mbwoman congrats on 200 days :tada:
@Mno hoping your shoulder eases up soon :pray:t2:

407 days no alcohol.
375 days no cocaine.
13 days no disordered eating.

Checking in for yesterday.

So it was my niece’s 3rd birthday, the good thing about this was that I would be seeing my family for the first time in over a month, the bad thing about this was that I was seeing my family. Some of it is my own internalised shame about being the failure of the family, some of it is them and the way I’m ignored in conversations, being shouted at about my weight etc. When it was time to leave and we were all saying goodbye, my dad hugged my brother and my sister in law, then turned his back on me and got in his car, cue major lifelong feeling of rejection. So I felt like sh*t afterwards, as always.

The last two days I have eaten a couple of small things that are extras, it’s hard to allow myself to do this because it makes me worried that a binge is creeping in, hopefully not. I’m annoyed though because I’ve gained 2lbs since Sunday.

Will check in for today later on.


I’m really sorry for what you experience from your father. It’s such a deep pain. I know that you know, it’s about him not you, but I also know it hurts as fuck anyway. No understanding can take the edge off that pain. Maybe time, acceptance, self-love and the love of others. Hugs.