Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

((( @apes2020 ))) Good grief !!! That’s just insane awful! I’m so glad you’re okay! Keep us updated please. Guess it didn’t even enter your mind to go find your old DOC in your time of literal freaking chaotic disaster. I’m proud of you. Relieved you’re ok. :purple_heart:


I’m glad you got through that sad torment. Right, it’s your Dad’s problem, not yours.
Try to see that, as hurtful as it is …
That’s not nice and not decent behavior on your Dad’s part. He’s acting like a bad child. Sounds like a lot of your family is like that. Shame on them and wth. I’m sorry.


You know what’s interesting, it didn’t even cross my mind once. Very surprised. Very glad but very surprised!

Glad to know that under extreme pressure and stress of impending death and or doom, I didnt want to use :joy::tada:


Day 23

I caught a cold and now I’m in bed, it’s gotta have to be the third time this year already. So yea, I’m sick in bed, with my only partner being lots and lots of work to do :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey everyone, checking in on day 465. I hope you all have a great one :v:


Day 467 clean and sober today. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 4. Headache and sleepy at the same time but continuing, not giving up.


Day 28 here and woke up today with the thought “Damn, it would be nice to have a drink.” WHAT THE HELL!

It wasn’t a strong physical craving or anything but it sure is scary when I get ambushed by thoughts like that.


I did it!!!
The date means alot…
Never again…
I owe alot to here
I owe alot to the mental health team
I owe alot to the rehab team.

I can’t say never but I will always have a reminder… When i look in the mirror!


Checking in 48 hours AF :heart:
Grateful to wake up without a hangover. Grateful for my dog. Grateful for my therapist lol


This also, will Pass :heart::pray:t5::heart:
Bon courage ma belle,


Checking in - feeling melancholic today. I am sensing a pattern that the day after a severe headache event my mood is very low and I need to stay diligent on not sinking into that feeling. Low mood is a big trigger for me. No sleep is, too. So I will try to keep doing the next right thing, get out in the fresh air, try to eat, and focus on the things that help lift me up. I am grateful that my head is better and I got some good rest, if not much sleep. Hoping to turn things around today. :heartpulse:


1142 days alcohol free and nobody can take that away from me.


Checking in 629 days sober as fuck.
41 days no added sugar.
Life has been better since I quit drinking. Not always good. But always better than if I’m drinking. And easier to deal with.
So,……I’m not drinking today.
And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.
Who’s with me?


You look so dang happy and proud Danni. Good for you! You’re always an inspiration to me.
So happy you’re doing well.


Today, I have been sober for 60 DAYS!

This is significant for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, this milestone means my husband and I are going to actively try to get preggo.

Secondly, I promised myself that once I hit 60 days, I would start doing something about the unhealthy relationship I have with SCREENS. They have busied my mind, and got me to this point, but it is compulsive, and I am agitated if I am unable to time-fill without one. I use the time that I could be using to finish important things to scroll or binge-watch, thereby making myself anxious about all the things that need to be done in so little time left.

The first step today was deleting Tik Tok. I also have a phone usage timer to help me out. Will take this one with baby steps for the sake of my sobriety.


Congratulations on 60 days!! That’s all so exciting. I’ve also really tried to limit my screen time. My only exception is TS because I consider this community something that actively helps me stay sober every day. I know that my time is much better spent here than drinking.

Best of luck to you and your husband! Be proud of yourself!


Congratulations Danni that’s awesome!!!


Cuople of days from 7 weeks AF. Last days urge for drinking wine. Not really bad ones, and I have not picked up, but I “miss” it, the relaxing good feeling after a long day and just enjoy a glass of wine.


You’re just romanticizing. I did that so often. Still do, but not as often. Is it ever “just A glass?” Nope! Not for me anyway.

A nice guided meditation is a great way for me to relax.

It’s great to see you winning the battles. :muscle: