Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Checking in, day 321 no alcohol, day 71 no smoke, day 39 no homeland news. Nothing to report, just wanted to check in. I work without procrastination and that’s pretty good. Still haven’t been outside and really feel the downsides of it, so I’m planning to go for a walk tomorrow.


Congratulations on your 60 days Iwebt. Good for you.


Ugh, back at 1. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:
Just a reflex to a bad day,didn’t think it through didn’t change course, didn’t think or do any work at all to support my sobriety. No major fallout, just a wine headache and facing another super stressful day dehydrated and grumpy. I’ve got therapy today, so I’ll address it and come up with a tool to make myself stop that robot-like behavior. I really do want to be a sober person, but that wine @$%! And lizard brain took over and I let it.


You have had such a hard time in life, I can tell. It can be so devastating when the people we crave acceptance from rejects us.

You are acceptable exactly as you are. When someone else rejects you, this is not your fault, but rather an issue with the rejecting party.

You are stronger than you can ever know, and your value has no limits.


How cool is that!!!

So how much did it hurt?


Not really…
The guy asked me how much did it hurt as its on the collarbone I said a 3 he was impressed as others have screamed :joy:


Oh heck girl…

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It’s okay, Andi. I’ve seen a lot of people here stumble a few times before getting to a point of stable sobriety. Just don’t give up.

Get back up. I know that you’ll get through this. I really believe that you can.
I’m glad you’re here.


Thank you!! It means a lot. I’m learning new things each time.


Thank you! Hope you liked the recent spate of 6’s (with a 9 here & there) :sweat_smile:


Day 150.

Made it through the night with no further earth quakes :joy: its good to be alive :tada:


You Look So Happy! Your eyes are sparkling, I think inside you are too! Be so very proud of yourself and your achievement! I am!! Your reminder looks absolutely lovely! I hope it always gives you a good sense of peace and faith and pride in your self !


So mid-day check in… super bummed out about my job. When I was interviewed I specifically mentioned that I could work any hours other than overnight shifts and they agreed that I wouldn’t have to. I came into work this morning and they have me starting overnights in October. I texted my supervisor and he has yet to respond. There were co workers that were upset of me having the morning shift and I guess they complained. Needless to say I’m starting to look for another job. It is what it is. Love you guys.


39 days today :slight_smile: today i had a good day, felt energised, had a good evening and now chilled in bed it was lovely!


Well, I managed to pull myself mostly out of a funk, took Miss Lupe for a leisurely stroll in the beautiful fall day we are having. That and some chicken soup got me on the upswing. Spent much needed time processing about 8 lbs of tomatoes with my new food mill and it only took an hour and a half or so, amazing! Now I’m going to read on the deck and enjoy the sunshine and cool breeze. I think we will just be scrounging in the fridge for dinner tonight and that is perfectly okay :+1:t3: I gotta keep working on my brain rewiring project each and every day!


Day 43/433 pills/booze

Terrible day at the office.

But I shared my burdens with colleagues and family rather than pretending to be emotionally indestructible and squashing the feelings down. Everyone was kind to me.

Sobriety intact. Now drinking mint tea with my feet up.

Take care




Day 137 here. First day of fall came with cooler temps and rain. Got a killer workout in and an easy day at work. Work has gotten much better in sobriety. ODAAT applies to so many aspects of my life at this point. Control the controllables and do the next right thing; everything else will work itself out.


Apparently, I’ve been so wrapped up in my studies and work, that I missed a dear friends 1 year milestone! @Dolse71 , Paulie, we have been through some shit together. I’m glad we took turns so one of us was always sober, now here we are, both sober. We’ve been through the trenches together, and you know I love you dearly! With all you face in life on a daily basis, you are doing this, and it makes me more happy than you ever could imagine. You had a plan, and you stuck to it. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so grateful to call you friend <3



I’m just checking in. Day 16