Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Congrats on your 60 days!!!


Having an ok day last night I opened up to my best friend about my issues and she told me about her issues sheā€™s going through thatā€™s a friendship and still sober from self harm at 3 months and 16 days


congratulations on your 60 days, a huge achievement, well done :+1:


Glad you felt safe to open up to each other. Congrats on your clean time from SH.


Checking in on evening 69


Congratulations on your 150 days April.
Pesky neighbors
Still clean and sober.


Checking in with an attitude of gratitude on day 165ā€¦


@Tomek @Alisa @Chiron thanks for your compassion :blue_heart:
@MwinecwaftOwO feel better soon :pray:t2:
@anon27760155 tattoo looks awesome! :star_struck:
@RosaCanDo sending strength :blue_heart: proud of you for always taking action :raised_hands:t2:
@Iwebt congrats on 60 days :tada:
@al2017 welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: keep trying :pray:t2:
@apes2020 congrats on 150 days :tada:
@Rockstar24777 I hope this is just an error and the person responsible for the rota didnā€™t realise :pray:t2:

408 days no alcohol.
376 days no cocaine.
14 days no disordered eating.

Had some really awful nightmares last night about the family stuff, but managed to shake it all off and let it go. Iā€™ve been okay today and Iā€™m grateful for more stability around this stuff these days, it can just feel very raw in the moment, itā€™s making me want to spend Xmas alone this year, but I can only imagine how much backlash Iā€™d get from that. :roll_eyes:

I reached out to someone that I thought had given up on me in August last year, and we have reconnected, itā€™s an online friendship, weā€™ve never met but get along really well and can relate over the ED and Fibro stuff and Iā€™m glad I reached out, I never normally do.


Thank you and yes we tell each other everything


Checking in sober and sleepy. Had a long tiring day but canā€™t complain as it was productive and positive and I am still sober. I can now add pumpkin inspector to my resume from my part time job.

Wishing peaceful days/nights to all of you.


Checking in Day 52 Alcohol Free

Hosted my event tonight and it went well. I am very tired. Thereā€™s nothing to complain about this week or anything, I just keep feeling low and tired. I think it has a lot to do with where Iā€™m at in my hormonal cycle. I just hate these phases because I feel like good things are happening and itā€™s harder for me to take joy in them. But itā€™s ok, it will pass.

Part of me really wants sweets, which have become both a celebratory treat and a comfort food. Iā€™m resisting though. I donā€™t think I go overboard but Iā€™ve noticed an increase lately and I really want to keep it more of a special thing. I know sugar also wonā€™t help if Iā€™m feeling low, itā€™ll only make me crash more. Sooo I guess Iā€™ll just sleep. Hopefully this will pass in the next couple of days.

I know this might sound crazy to some people, but I miss some of the isolation that happened when I mostly stayed how before the vaccine came out. I love people. I really do. But I just found all that time alone at home to be recharging. Being social takes a lot of me.


Checking in. It has been a while; Iā€™ve lost touch & I need to get back at home here.

It has been a difficult summer. Lots of emotion, at home, and at work. Itā€™s been a struggle for me.

Today was constructive. I achieved my goals of what I wanted to do today - including checking back in here - and I feel good about that.

This community has taught me so much. Iā€™m grateful to have you all in my life.

Love to you :innocent:


congrats on your 2 weeks with the food, Iā€™m actually getting nowhere with this apart from fatter :slightly_frowning_face:


Day 103. Happy autumnal equinox to my northern hemisphere friends, and vernal equinox to my southern hemisphere friends. The days are getting shorter and crisper up north, and fall is in the air. Got my flu shot today. Cycled 16.5miles/26km today out in the country. Happy to hit the pillow sober.


Day 1100 :coffee:
Goodmorning, came here to wish you all a good day ore night. Have to work and going for a walk before that. Never thought of myself as a morning person, but now I am.
Itā€™s good to be outside before the sun is up.
Clear headed and energetic I start this day.

Picture of yesterdaywalk, even seeing the picture is making me smile :grin:


Congratulations keep it up


Day 12 and feeling really goodā€¦even working long hrs it just feels so good again to be sober waking up in the morning with clear head and focused :grinning::smiley::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  1. Coffee. My one day off in 9 days, which is filled with physio first, for my aching shoulder. Than some guy is coming to service my heating/warm water unit, than I have to go to therapy. Chores and homework in between. Also I think I broke my little toe, hitting something while cycling. It turned a thousand shades of purple and doubled in size. Doesnā€™t hurt too bad though.
    Anyway, still feeling pretty good. A thousand times better that when I was drinking and waking up dazed, sick and confused. Time to work on myself today. Grateful for that. Pic is from four years ago, from a rock called Sleeping Beauty, looking at Mt. Adams WA. No time for a hike today but thatā€™s OK. Love.

@SoberWalker Your milestones just keep coming C! Congrats!
@Matt Good to see you on the thread brother. Glad about that.


Hello all! Iā€™m still here, still sober, day 536 and never going back! Much thanks to this community for leading me to quit lit, specifically This Naked Mind by Annie Grace and The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray. Iā€™ve read many more but those 2 were my first. It has been a great year and a half!


Day 150.

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that reached out after the earthquake. I felt the love.

Thankyou :heart: