Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Let’s swap cities and countries lol!! You can have my home in Melbourne anytime if isolation is what you desire :joy:

As of today we are officially the longest locked down city in the worldddddd :joy:

There are a lot of cities in the world so to be number one is pretty insane… Plenty of isolation here ! :joy:

Swapsies anyone ! :thinking: lol


Day 5. Every day it’s an ongoing battle but I feel hopeful and determined to work


@pinkcloud congratulations on day 20!!!

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Sometimes I write a whole bunch of stuff and then delete it :woman_facepalming:

Anyways sober for 24 days straight. A bit teary last few days. Just wanting to love myself and others more everyday. :heart::heart:

Congrats to everyone above for your milestones, and for those who are keeping on after having a little break from sobriety. :butterfly:


Good to see you and big congrats on one and a half years of sobriety Paula! Thanks for checking in and sharing your success. Onward and upward!


I honestly don’t know how you are managing to stay on top of your mental health down there :heart: I have a couple of friends and they are struggling big time, one of which I’m actually really worried about :pensive: I really hope restrictions start to ease soon xx


Its not easy but we just have to stay focused on positive things. Small or big, focusing on the positive ahead is what gets me through the days.


I think you’re amazing :raised_hands::star2::heart:


Checking in on day 263.
Haven’t checked in for a while. Got a bit overwhelmed with it all, and was sick of looking at my phone all day.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.


hey everybody, it’s been a while, i’m sorry for dropping off the face of this app completely. i recently remembered how wonderful and supportive you all are, and i felt the deep need to respect you with an update. :heart: good news: i am 49 days sober!! and actually, amazingly, i found out 2 weeks into my sobriety that i am pregnant :hugs: being pregnant is the most massive anti-alcohol campaign my universe could ever send me. the poison has completely lost all appeal now that i have a precious child to be healthy for. my entire perspective on life has shifted and i’m so grateful for the positive changes. so much healing has been happening thru this process as i face the mess alcohol abuse left in my life. i’ve found so much peace and forgiveness, compassion, selfless surrender and excitement for the future. thanks again everybody, for all that you are and all that you do, sending you all so much love :heart::heart::heart:


Checking in :grinning:

Sober: 483.28
ED: 103.4

So, I was in a car accident yesterday. My fault. The NYer in me came out and I made a poor split second decision. Some dipshit was next to the left turn lane stopped to to make a left turn. I’m all pissed off as to why this fucktard is not IN the turn lane. So, I look in my mirrors and there is just a pick-up truck coming, so once he passed, I changed lanes. Changed lanes right into his damn gigantic metal trailer :woman_facepalming: Then I did some fun ricocheting between the trailer and van in the turn lane. My car was so bad (at first).

Here is what I am grateful for:

  • No one got hurt
  • The accident happened right outside an auto shop
  • The van took off
  • The trailer guy was really nice and had minimum damage, so I CashApp’d him $100 for his light.
  • The nice man at the auto shop rigged up my car to make it drivable, it initially was not. He didn’t even charge me.
  • My car seems to be driving fine with no alignment issues. Which is good because I have a 2.5 hour drive today for an industry state conference.
  • The thought of drinking never even crossed my mind.

A little lesson in patience here. Although there was no way for me to see the trailer due to the height of my car, size of his pickup, and height of the trailer, I’ve had enough close calls with trailers that I should have waited to see if one was there. Literally couldn’t see it. I was annoyed by the dipshit blocking traffic and made a hasty decision. I’m sore snd still have a headache. Who knows how much it will cost to repair my car, but I’m not even thinking about that until after my big exam on October 10th. In my back pocket it goes. Happy sober day TS :heart:


Working on day 4, Thursday is a day where my drinking usually starts but I have a plan and I am sticking to it. This forum does help alot! I was down for a long time now I am getting back up!


Hey everyone, checking in on day 466. I hope everyone has a good one!


Yikes! So glad you’re okay and it didn’t turn out worse.

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Nicotine counter for my dyslexic friends :blush:

Happy chip butties Thursday :grin:
…. or is that just me :thinking:


Day 468 clean and sober today. Hoping they’re going to redo the schedule. Have a great day everyone, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 24

I think life is pretty good at the moment.


Second morning check in… looking for a new job


9 days sober today,I’ve been going to a lot of meetings and looking for a sponsor.I’m also hoping to be cleared to go back to work next week.I’ve tried to sober up for a lot of different reasons but this time I’m just trying to save my life.


They won’t adjust your schedule?