Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Welcome back Julia.
Congratulations on your 49 days and your pregnancy.
I hope to see you around.

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Checking in on 630 AF
42 No extra added sugar.
Not feeling it today folks.
Iā€™m tired of my back hurting all the time. But Iā€™m not laid up so thatā€™s good. Just a nagging depressing constant back ache thatā€™s bringing me down. Kind of stuck in a rut. Just going through the motions of day to day shit. But it ainā€™t worth drinking over. Iā€™ll just let the day happen. Maybe tomorrow will be batter. Maybe later today will be better. Who the fuck knows?
I know I wonā€™t drink today though.
And I probably wonā€™t drink tomorrow.
Keep fighting this bastard.


ā€¦1280. Absolutely furious with someone at work right now. However, sobriety has brought to me a cool head and a way of dealing with emotions. Everyone at work thinks I am happy go lucky like normal. In the drinking days, everyone would be suffering.

If you are struggling with relapsingā€¦understand that emotional states sober are far easier to deal with and process when you are sober.

With that said, I am doing exactly like I did in the beginning of my journeyā€¦taking a break in the bathroom for a few minutesā€¦making sure when I leaveā€¦those that are here are treated wellā€¦as they should be

Stay sober!


Quick day 35 check in. Been pulling a lot of hours at work so Iā€™ve not been in in a couple day but Iā€™m still going strong.


People need to get back to work! So many of us are pulling extra hours. I, for one, am way to old for these hours!


Oh I knowā€¦ I work for the postal serviceā€¦


Thatā€™s horseshit, what they pulled on you, Rob. Iā€™m sorry, but you deserve better than that, my friend.


Oh shit thatā€™s funny LOL LOL

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How is life my friend?

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Quick check in

Worth the translate btw

Iā€™m kinda good, at least not bad but itā€™s been a week. Moms grave, hospital things and vipers with Vultures circling above but I will not fail. Though not perfect :roll_eyes: there is a cigarette reset to yet be doneā€¦ But I really canā€™t smoke no more course of the operation. I smoked 12 cigarettes last week so itā€™s now officially time to face it. It hurts my future health. But the drag and the things I have to deal with are pulling like extended gravityā€¦

Thatā€™s all for now

Be safe my peopz

@Girlinterrupted love the fucktard btw
Welcome back @Edorr , go go gadget good days
And @SoberGuyUSA great numbers there !


Bless you!

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@Dazercat So sorry youā€™re feeling down. Internet hugs for you, theyā€™re more gentle on the back.
Iā€™m very impressed with your no-added-sugar numbers. Iā€™m really struggling to get on that journeyā€¦. And itā€™s a journey I need to be on!
Take care young man :kissing_heart::sweat_smile:


@Dazercat I can soooo relate to what you just described. Pain is a bitch and drags us down in even the littlest ways. Hold on and I will, too.

Checking in - not much sleep but way better than nothing! I donā€™t know what I did to my lower back but it wouldnā€™t let me relax and I ended up finally falling asleep sitting upright, practically. I do know that I need to work on my posture and strengthening my core, I stopped doing core exercises a few weeks ago due to laziness and the perceived ā€œbusynessā€ so back at it tomorrow. Resting it today for now. Itā€™s such a gorgeous day, Lupe and I went on a longer walk to a pond and bit of woods by a Convent nearby. The sisters are very nice there and progressive in surprising ways with BLM posters and LGBTQ support signs. I like it there, and I rarely see anyone walking so itā€™s really peaceful. Iā€™ll make it a habit to go more often and maybe even sit with a book. Soon, because winter is coming! Itā€™s my husbandā€™s birthday weekend so we are making plans and no doubt he will be drinking more than normal. I will stay vigilant. I donā€™t want to drink, so I wonā€™t. Iā€™ll be in the kitchen a lot making yummy food! We will also go for a drive and a hike. Looking forward to enjoying the fall weather.

Stay strong with me, amigos, and stay sober. You will probably see me here a lot in the next few days! :heartpulse:


10 days clean and sober,
Feeling pretty good.
Its been a little rough
Came up positive for covid so Iā€™ve been staying quarantined. Miss going to meetings and sucks not being able to meet with my sponsor.
But Iā€™m starting to feel like myself again and Iā€™m stoked to be sober.


different, career change, work nights not days, got sponsees to help keep sober, got less money and more worries but strong in sobriety and mentally stable enough to cope with whatever life has got to throw at me. ā€˜Accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I canā€™ Thanks for asking :+1:


it works if you work it!!!


Day 17 check in, feeling good. Down about 8 lbs this morning. Hitting the gym instead of the bar in the evenings.


Day 151.

I love the feeling you get when you finish reading a book! Such joy :heart:

I HIGHLY recommend everyone read this book.

It will give you the tools to build the foundation of a productive morning, resulting in an elevated life :pray: