Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Checking in on day 70


Checking in with 3 days 11hrs sober :sunflower: Today, Iā€™m grateful for the serenity prayer, coffee, and this community


Day 460

Interesting day to say the least,

I remember you might remember some things I touched on cause Iā€™m getting really bad at this,

But Iā€™ll give the cliff notes.

I told you all about my best friend who relapsed, and I had to cut ties to avoid relapsing with him, he reached out today, got to talking, he just got out of detox, he told me he overdosed for the first time and his father had to revive him, he woke up in the hospital with a bunch of cops around and thought he was going to jail, needless to say it was a bit of a wake up call, Iā€™m hoping this is rock bottom for him. We chatted heā€™s talking about coming back to NoVa, thinks it will be better for him to be around his network instead of checking in via phone and bullshitting it while copping dope in the background. Letā€™s hope itā€™s just not all talk,

The audition I went to that I considered a bust, turned out to be an door opening for me, while the group was terribly unprepared, played things wrong, and Iā€™m trying to wing it in the background, the studio owner passed my name on to a few other groups, who all been asking me for time to work with them, Krass Judgement is still in the mix, but kinda on a hiatus at the moment, thatā€™s my main project but we be short a heavy metal drummer.

In a week I should be in sunny California, for a nice break.

And then when I get back o need to get back on a routine, my therapist said it will help me, I love music but Iā€™m getting burned out just by focusing on that, itā€™s becoming a chore to pick up a guitar, itā€™s my addict brain telling me more more more, yet I have not focused on other parts of my life, family, my relationships with others, hell I couldnā€™t tell you the last time I logged into Netflix or Hulu, just to watch something. Havenā€™t attended a meeting in weeks, I got to get better at budgeting and saving money, im looking at my bank account thinking about the thousands in gear I could buy, instead of hey letā€™s make sure you got funds to CYA

While I may be strong in sobriety I seem to forget sometimes that not drinking or drugging is only one step, change of behavior is the next balancing my life and reaching my goals is also part of that, the logic brain vs the addict brain is a daily struggle


Dally check in doing ok Not feeling to well today
And had to put up with bs last night but still clean


@JuliaLuna Congratulations!

@Girlinterrupted Glad u are safe!


Thank you @LeeHawk I appreciate that very much. :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Kind heart, thank you. As someone who often has felt (and sometimes still feels) stuck, your words lift me up. Your posts help me so much, I can relate to much of what you said without have the words myself to express the ideas. :heartpulse:


Thanks Sarah!


Fun!! Where are you headed to??


When international flights resume by next year hopefully, my first trip will be to the west coast and then do a road trip across to the east coast. I want to come over for at least 3 months.


Yikes, @Girlinterrupted, glad you are OK! Hey @C_8 chip butties Thursdays sounds great, sign me up! Good to see you @JuliaLuna and congratulations on the little one! I hope you feel better @Dazercat. Chronic pain is not fun.

Lots of milestones, keep it up all! Day 103 here. Chugging along.


I hear you there. I identify with a lot of what you shared. That internal dialogue - the internal conversation - itā€™s important to make space for it, to let it breathe, in the context of the whole you, the whole self (including the family, recovery, and personal time, as you mentioned).

Iā€™m home from the gym and feeling good. I always feel good after a vigorous cardio workout & a shower at the gym after work. I work in a high pressure job & juggle a lot of commitments - and running it out after work always makes me feel better.

In terms of my sobriety this summer has been a bust for me. Just terrible. Iā€™m in that addict cycle where I try to be everything and inevitably things fall apart. I need to be more humble - and more healthy (in terms of taking time each day to check in & connect with my supports).

Thank you all for being here. I appreciate you so much. You - we - deserve safe, sober lives where we can be our full selves. :innocent:


Day 2. Iā€™m feeling back on track, had therapy yesterday and it was so helpful. We talked about tools to stop and think before just following the impulse,among other things. Iā€™m exhausted. Work is ramping up, and I feel Iā€™m dealing well, I just have to start putting in extra hours to get it all done. Going to bed early so I can tackle my Friday clear and sober. :heart:


Iā€™m just checking in. Day 17


Checking in sober and feeling good. The cooler weather equates to more energized pups during walks. Usually they wear out halfway but itā€™s a power walk through these days. Both of my football teams (college and NFL) are playing simultaneously and close so maybe that is keeping me amped up. I believe I have my evening happenings and routines figured out once I start my new schedule, so the idea of checking out with alcohol after work is less and less desirable or an option ā€“ less likely for the switch to be flipped. Gotta have my tools ready, that is for sure.

Wishing everyone a peaceful night/day!


Checking in Day 53 Alcohol Free.

Another day, glad Iā€™m not drinking.

I continued to feel really tired today. I know itā€™s caused by hormones and itā€™s going to shift in the next day or so, I just hate this feeling of tiredness and increased anxiety. Tonight it was hard to shut down the anxious thoughts in my mind even though I knew they werenā€™t rational. I have an annoying thing going on Iā€™m trying to fix with finances and my car insurance, and itā€™s a pain and I start to spin out on things that should not be that big of a deal ā€” like changing my address, updating paperwork, etc. I start thinking about money and getting down on myself because I donā€™t have much saved and Iā€™ve had to pay for a bunch of stuff lately, which spins out into thoughts like Iā€™m never going to be able to make a decent amount of money, never be able to buy a house, never be able to afford to have children, and Iā€™m 36 so Iā€™m running out of time and on and on. I know itā€™s an unnecessary chain reaction from the actual immediate task of dealing with the insurance issue, but it starts up and stresses me out and makes it really difficult to just do the thing I have to do.

Iā€™ve got some tools to deal when it all starts spinning out in my mind. But it still happens. Itā€™s like I canā€™t cut it off at the root. Again, itā€™s a cyclical thing, not something constant day after day but Iā€™ve been in the thick of it this week and feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

Not drinking thoughā€¦!


That is really tough April, I canā€™t imagine.


2Y 0M 1D

These next few months are going to be challenging for me. If thereā€™s one thing I love though, itā€™s a challenge and Iā€™m going to enjoy every minute of it. Iā€™ve been trying this past week to quit smoking. I decided to keep my last cigarette as a momento and see if I can hold off until my patches run out. I know I can do it and I will!

  1. Reading through the thread I see Iā€™m not the only one having a bit of a tough time. Anyway. Coffee. Back to work for another five days. I hardly slept as my shoulder is killing me. Yesterday while seeing the PT it was OK of course. Going to be a long day at the office. Hope to get a doctors appointment to talk pain relief.
    Had a tough group therapy session too. Talking about parents. Tough for me I guess because Sunday itā€™s the day my dad died 7 years ago and Monday my mum 8. And since scattering my mumā€™s ashes last weekend Iā€™ve been thinking and feeling lots about my past and it isnā€™t all good. I guess itā€™s necessary to finally process.
    Grateful I donā€™t drink nor do I think drinking or drugging would do me any good under the circumstances. Under any circumstances. Iā€™m sober and clean and plan on remaining that way. So I can move ahead with my life. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.

@CNevarezN 2 years Carlos! Huge congrats my friend. As to quitting smoking: I know you can do anything you set your mind to. You do need a good plan in place to make it after your patches run out. You read Allen Carrā€™s Easy way to stop smoking? I can highly recommend it in helping you create the right mindset. And I would get rid of your last cigarette, discarding of it with a nice ritual. Did you keep a bottle of scotch as memento when you quit drinking? Success anyway friend.


Congrats on your 2 years!!!