Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

41 days alcohol free :smiley:


That’s a beautiful dawn even though you’re hurting … hope the shoulder pain goes away and thoughts for your mental pain. Take care.


@MagicILY sensing strength :blue_heart:
@Dolse71 thank you :blue_heart: it’s so hard it really is :weary:
@SoberWalker congrats on 1100 :tada: your photo looks like part of the old walk I used to do before I moved, enjoy :slightly_smiling_face:
@Mno hope the physio helps and that your toe remains not too painful :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2:
@apes2020 congrats on 150 days :tada:
@JuliaLuna congratulations :baby::tada:
@Girlinterrupted sorry about the accident, really glad you’re okay :raised_hands:t2: congrats on triple digits with ED :100::tada:
@Edorr welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on 4 days :tada:
@Dazercat @RosaCanDo sorry you’re both in pain, it really is tiring and depressing :blue_heart:


@KodaMac congrats on double digits :tada: glad you’re recovering from Covid too :raised_hands:t2:
@JLove congrats on 70 days :tada:
@Fury enjoy your break next week :blush: congrats on the openings :tada: prayers for more balance :pray:t2:
@pinkcloud congrats on 3 weeks :tada:

409 days no alcohol.
377 days no cocaine.
15 days no disordered eating.

Checking in for yesterday. Fell asleep with my glasses on and phone in my hand. Actually slept much more than I have been the past two weeks, so I’m grateful for that though my dreams were pretty full on and unneccessrily graphic. My last one was about gigantic pizzas being made by big men using their bellies. My brain is weird :man_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile: and I now have to deal.with thoughts/cravings for pizza all day!

My eyes are really heavy so I think I’ll start today with a coffee.


Day 45/435 pills / booze

Checking in clean and sober

Wishing all peace and strength this weekend


Day 409

Food is shit, and cleaning is not great, but being organised at work, and keeping up with another Japanese study group. You win some, you lose some, I guess.


7 weeks AF. In one way I can feel the different. On the otherhand, I miss the cozy in the drinking wine. The last days I had some urges during the days, not bad ones, but they are there. To have some in the evening while watching Netflix and so, like a normal person. Why not? I done so good, I can drink normal again now ( well me and my brain argue about this, I know the answer here very well honestly), I still feel dead tired with no energy, I dont loose the weigth anyways, still kinda fat. So what does it matter if I drink a little to enjoy my self?


Thanks for Reading.


Day 298.

Its been a while since i last checked in and things could be better. Even though im currently on Tenerife having a holiday with the misses. Our hotel is located very close by an irish pub where there celebrations and parties have been going on for days now. And my mind is just fucking with me, its telling me i should go and just have a beer and socialize. And while alcohol isnt even my DOC its starting to look like it might aswell be.

It just feels sometimes like i cant be having fun anymore or atleast not as i used too with previous holidays.

I will stay sober though. I really cant afford to go back where i came from. And i dont want too.

That feeling is luckily still much stronger then the urge to numb myself.

Thanks for reading people, and stay strong! We are so worth living a sober life.



I love reading these posts from you. Although we talk I need to catch you here to know what you’re thinking about your life.

I’m proud of the steps you’re taking.




Be strong. You often feel like you “deserve” it or you are missing out. You are not missing out by making yourself absent and sloppy. You deserve a holiday you can remember, that you enjoyed fully by being in the present.


Checking in on day 47. When work asked me to pick up a shift last night, I was so excited to not be drunk on a day off - that I immediately said yes. Driving in I realized I was missing my 1730 woman’s group meeting. I was immediately filled with shame that my group would assume I was drinking, drunk, not coming back; that they’d never believe I “was working”. That meeting should have been my priority above all else and I’m scared at how easily I forgot about it when given the choice to work or work on sobriety. I’ve always felt that until I get to 365 days sober I was high risk for relapse. Then I realized I will never NOT be high risk, regardless of days, and that made me happy. For me, this disease is really a one day at a time situation as evidenced by how easily I forgot one meeting when given the chance. For today I chose to not drink, use the Meeting Guide app and be flexible with going to new meetings with new people.


Day 6 sober. I long for more days sober, that’s good. I am growing really tired of the addiction


I was sooo excited to accept the shift, to show how responsible and sober I was. Yeah, nice to not be drunk or hungover during adult events, less exhausting for sure. Happy Friday :sun_with_face:


Day 13. Heading on a weekend getaway with my husband and kids, which has been a threat to my sobriety in the past. “Im on vacation - I deserve to get drunk!” Im confident I wont this time, thanks to meetings and all of you guys. :heart:


Checking in sober and rested! I slept great last night, and it looks like an added nighttime routine of sharing some shoulder rubs with my husband and doing some wind down yoga/stretching really made a difference after a busy day running on little-no sleep. It seems obvious now, but lack of sleep and working in the kitchen all day or even doing regular tasks = tension in my body and difficulty relaxing. Add on top of that the trouble I have shutting my brain off (@MagicILY I see you and hear you, for sure!) and its a recipe for insomnia. Now, just have to make it routine. I had a pretty good day yesterday, actually, it was really good. I love when time in the kitchen is relatively leisurely and very productive. I was proud of the meal I cooked to kick off my husband’s birthday weekend. I was so pleased that when he broke out the fancy birthday bottle I was more repulsed than tempted (not gonna deny there were niggling thoughts of wanting to join in but then I remembered I never even liked the taste of it and just drank shots as fast as I could to get hammered). I am really grateful he kept his consumption to a dull roar and didn’t pass out breathing alcohol breath on me!

I am realizing I might always have the “want” to participate in whatever he is doing and that this is one aspect of how I ended up where I am with an alcohol problem. I’m sure I have written about this before, but I always felt like I had to keep up with him in our partying days (and after)…what a mess. Seems some realizations happen repeatedly, or maybe it just helps to be reminded from time to time.

I smiled seeing this sunrise this morning. Sober life is a good life. Con mucho amor, amigos, stay strong, friends. :heartpulse:


Good point on the Scotch bro :joy: and I’ll definitely check out that book man. Thank you very much!


Thank you!


Hey all, checking in on day 467. I hope everyone has a good end of the week!

Big shout out to @CNevarezN on 2 years!! That’s amazing, congratulations friend :clap:


Day 469 clean and sober today, I hope everyone is doing well, Have a great day, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


D 358
This week had lots of processing: two therapies and a debriefing about a long term project from a few years ago. Didn’t sleep well last night, bleh. Starting vocational rehabilitation next Monday. Yikes!

I don’t watch porn because I don’t want porn anymore.