Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Thank you!


Checking in Day 427!
Iā€™ve been soooo lonely since my daughter started preschool and my fiancĆ© started working. My friend also left to visit her mom (not sure when or if she is coming back) The goal was to get to where I am now so it sucks that I am not happy. I will get there. Just need to figure out the next step in life.
I am going to go to a meeting and then hit up a class at the gym. This will be my first meeting going by myself but maybe thatā€™s a good thing. I have yet to really meet anyone there. Have a good day everyone!


  1. Some food for thought-know your worth. Have a great weekend friends

Checking in on day 631 sober hangover free.
Sill no added sugar.
Thanks for the Internet hug @C_8 perfect.
The back felt less worse this morning and did feel much better by the end of the day yesterday. I got wise and listened to my body and didnā€™t workout or exercise and I think that helped. Ya, chronic pain sucks. Makes you tired and can cause me depression. @CATMANCAM @icebear Knowing that, helps me realized drinking is not the answer. Iā€™m hoping for today to be better. So far less worse. Give Eric a happy birthday wish from me @RosaCanDo and glad your doing a bit better it seems. It does look like a :t_rex::rofl: And @Mno hope that shoulder gets better as well. Sounds like weā€™re a hurting but sober bunch. Iā€™ll take it.
Congrats on all your progress @beachmouse you keep teaching an old dog valuable stuff :pray:t2: I get a lot out of your shares :pray:t2:
And congratulations on your 3 weeks @pinkcloud
And look at you go girl @Olivia so proud of you :+1: Wishing you well with the 2 therapies coming up.



San Diego and Yosemite National Park

So next year, when you come to the East Coast stop in at NoVa, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be here lol.


Big congratulations on your 2 years Carlos.
Good luck with the cigs.


Definitely @Matt

I always love hearing from you, your insight and and advice is nothing short of amazing,

The struggle is real some days not regarding not drinking using or random sex acts,

But maturing into a whole person, spiritually, mentally and physically is hard work

I appreciate you Matt


Just realised I didnā€™t give any tenseā€¦ I had those therapies and debriefing already, lol :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Wakikki try not to let these thoughts occupy too much of your mind, congrats on 7 weeks :tada:
@Freeyourmind enjoy your holiday :blush:
@Michaelsean82 have a great weekend :blush:
@Thumper1213 congrats on double digits :tada:

410 days no alcohol.
378 days no cocaine.
16 days no disordered eating.

So I followed the ā€˜no rulesā€™ policy from therapy and allowed myself to have a pizza this evening, I bought one from the grocery store rather than ordering a take away, it was nice and my craving is satiated.

Depression has its hands around my neck again this week, trying to catch the dark thoughts that are circling and let them go.

I have dental pain so I am booked in at the dentist on Monday morning, then in the afternoon I have the consultation about the treatment for my feet, so focusing on these will get me through the weekend.


A m enjoying sober life rite now


Ohhhh boy are there ever some awkward smiles in that gif!


Dally check in Iā€™m doing better much today had very bad Headache last night. Feel good today now 3 months & 18 days clean


Checking in, day 323 no alcohol, day 73 no smoke. I crave alcohol sometimes, not often, but itā€™s a noticeable change. Also had an outburst of rage, that I havenā€™t had in months. I have to work on the basics to avoid setbacks.
My friend told me how much she feels, that I want to push those away who stayed in my life. She said that I probably do not love myself now, so itā€™s hard for me to believe that others do. She is right I guess. Iā€™m afraid to lose them and want to distance myself from them so it wouldnā€™t hurt that much if they were gone. I know it doesnā€™t make sense, because theyā€™re with me and not going to leave me in the near future I guess. Yet my instinct says that I should flee, I should be distant.


Checking in at drug free for 581 days. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The only way I got through it was relying on my
Higher Power, God.


I donā€™t trust him. He shouldnā€™t reaching out to you behind his wifeā€™s back.


5 months 20 days. Miracle :relaxed:


Itā€™s not a miracle, you put in all the work!!


Checking in and feeling good. Today is day 6 sober. I worked today, went and successfully did my drug screen and I am about to eat my favorite pizza and watch TV tonight :yum:


Checking in on day 167.


Checking day 355! 10 days to go!