Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

I watched his YouTube documentary not too long ago after someone else here recommended it. Crazy stuff, I can’t believe he’s still alive.


1 year ago, and whatever filthy mf’er horns on this and flagges it … Take a look in the mirror

I made the decision, I’m going for the operation though dangerous.

I had a look at Al the cards TS peopz sended me and I know now that I’m not alone and do the 10th abdominal …

Survived my mother’s funeral day and my dad’s birthday what should have been the 26th…

If nothing goes right, take a left …
Custody case tomorrow… I’m getting screwed

Love you guys,


Day 24 today, yesterday was a rough one, but I survived. 30 day Milestone is just around the corner :v::orange_heart::metal:


Day 42! Doing ok mostly. Going to keep on keeping on.


Congratulations on your ten months of sobriety Bart.

I get this too sometimes. Actually more often than not it seems. Most times it just feels like a minor inconvenience. I can’t figure it out. But it goes away as my sober day continues on.

Great job being proactive and contacting the rehab clinic.


Day 3 in the books. I’m still nervous about going home for the weekend, but I know I can come here if I’m really struggling. Hope everyone is doing well today and no matter where you are in your journey remember that making the choice to be sober is already an amazing and strong step. M



55 days AF. One day at the time. Greatful every morning waking up and knowing, No matter how bad I feel, I did not drink the day before.


277 days

@M-be-free49 :green_heart:
@Freeyourmind congratulations on 10 months I totally get your post , keep going it’s the only way to heal.
@Mephistopheles oh shall add that to my play list, thank you, I find value in these type of podcasts
Ok here just focusing on work, shattered. But tired trying to better myself, is better than tired from a hangover.

This place gives me a warm heart :orange_heart:


Thanks alot Eric! Always feels great to know im not alone in this.


My first thought when I saw your picture was amazement at what you’ve dealt with. The second was that I bet someone would flag it. Seems by your first sentence, you knew that too.

Seriously, just wow. I can’t even imagine. Hang in there.

“The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.”

– Epictetus


Gratefully, humbly but proudly 9 months sober today. Life has change in so many ways but really isn’t that different. I guess it’s me that’s changed not life. Loving life sober. It means feeling everything, avoiding nothing but appreciating all the things I completely missed before . :pray:t3::heart::blush:


Congratulations :confetti_ball: on 9 months well done :clap:


Thank you. Congrats on 3 months :clap:

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@1in8billion thank you so much, your words mean a lot :blue_heart:Im sorry you’ve endured abuse too and I’m glad you’ll have a space to process it soon :pray:t2:
@Charlie_C you definitely deserve the break, I hope doing nothing has helped to recharge you a bit :pray:t2:
@Freeyourmind sorry you’re struggling at the moment, I hope the rehab team can offer some support :pray:t2: congrats on 10 months :tada:
@050Nl Ouch! I must have missed what happened but so get you’ve been through a lot. :blue_heart: Good luck for the case :pray:t2:
@anon53116147 good to see you checking in, love the new profile pic :v:t2::blush:
@adeygaga49 congrats on 9 months :tada:

416 days no alcohol.
384 days no cocaine.
22 days no binge-eating.

I made the decision for my mental health a few days ago, to do the meal replacement diet for a few months, but not as extreme as they recommend, instead I am doing double the usual amount. I love my eating plan from therapy and want to eat that way again asap and long-term, but it isn’t getting me where I want and need to be in regards to my weight and size. I will use the meal plan to maintain once I’ve reached a healthy weight because I’m confident that that would work. I am having lots of cravings so far, the brain is so powerful and is driving me to binge, but as long as I resist I hope I will become stronger. My friend that I have reconnected with after reaching out a week ago is going to start the diet in a few days too, for the same reasons, so we will be able to support each other.

A shout out to everyone who contributes to the meme threads, they are really helping me get through this period of depression, I go through them with my SAD lamp on and lay here smiling to myself. Thank you :blush:


Nice! Congratulations Adrienne! You’ve come so far, really proud of your progress.


:tada: Congratulations on 9 months!


In 24 hours I’m getting on a plane that I’m not gonna jump out of, to head to a destination I haven’t been to in years. California,

It’s kinda giving me the fuzzies, I haven’t been on “vacation” in 8 years, I mean I visited friends and stuff around the states, but that was more of a Hey let’s get together and hang out for a few days,

My last vacation, an Ex girlfriend and I went to Disney, well needless to say it wasn’t the Magical kingdom after all, it was an drug and alcohol induced argument. Which only got worse when infidelities were revealed.

This time is different,

Goals enjoy myself, stay sober, don’t come back married. Hang out with Rob if we can make it happen Sounds doable


Way to go.

1st month is a tough one but you did it!!!


Woooooohooooo Adrienne congrats on your 9 months of sobriety!