Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

Hello I was wondering where u get this or how this works . I’m new here

  1. Coffee. SAD lamp on. Strange dark wet warm weather. I’m not bad. Sober and clean. One day at a time. Got to hurry a little bit as last night after my late shift I had to watch my team Ajax destroy Dortmund in the champions league so it was late before I got in bed. And still get my 8 hours of sleep in. Which I need. Now I’ll repeat yesterday: gym first, work after. And be thankful for my sobriety. Have a good one all, or at least as good as you all can. Love from Amsterdam.


Late check in. All good. Day 23,5 sober.
Have a nice and sober day!


I find this community very helpful, thanks to you all!

Since my divorce, I sometimes ask myself why I’m still fighting addictions, besides my kids, you’re a good reminder that a clean life is the only way.


Back to reset - fuck you addiction :frowning:



The only person who would say 1 day sober isn’t a big deal would be a non alcoholic or addict. For the rest of us it’s the most important day of our new lives.

Today I’m 13 months of day 1s, grateful for sobriety but not happy that I don’t get a 13 months coin, I’m only in it for the coins / chips…


Good morning friends, day 340! So happy to be done with that night! Had the worst drunk dream. It centered around some big drunken festival where I not only lost all of my clothes and had to just pick up some that were lying around, I was far from home, no wallet or phone, no shoes and just wandering… I was so relieved when I woke up. Still sober with my wallet, shoes, clothes and phone, etc…

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Checking in on day 2, been a rough few months due to the break up of my marriage , time to get my head straight and get myself back on track , this community has always been one of the things that has kept me sober , I’ve help also elsewhere but coming here helps the most , have a great sober day everyone , :blossom:


Hey all, checking in on day 493. I hope everyone has a great one!


Checking in day 6 really just feeling so grateful, more and more ppl keep messaging me for work, today I have someone coming with a tattoo to fix.

What they got and what I’m gonna do with it. And then can’t wait to spend the rest of the day with my beautiful girls. Mentally and physically I feel ok right now, I can’t wait to keep becoming the best version of myself


I love the positive attitude Mike, keep up all the hard work :muscle:


Checking in with 30 days alcohol free! :sunflower: This is my longest streak! This morning I’m laying in bed cuddling with my dog and I’m just so grateful and motivated to continue my sobriety and recovery journey. Now, time to get up and ready for the day :sun_with_face: I hope everyone has a good day, I’m going to do mine sober


Checking in on day 73. A recent alcohol related death had me selfishly thinking how awesome I was to have 70 days sober and how that would NEVER be me. Now a recent OD death has me wanting to drink because drinking is legal and would never cause on overdose from a bad batch of xyz. I moved from drugs to alcohol after an arrest and time served because I knew if I followed the rules I would never be arrested for or die from being a drunk. In my recent CBT work, I’m learning it all starts w/ a thought that triggers a mood that makes my body feel a certain way and causes a behavior, regardless of the DOC. So for today I went to a meeting after work, came home and showered, did my Bible studies, came here and will now go to bed exhausted but sober.


Day 495 clean and sober today. Rough night in my head last night but today’s a new day, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I usually download them from the internet. Save them to my picture gallery! :blush:


Checking in at the end of day 290.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :zzz::sleeping:

  1. Good morning beautiful people! Today’s a great day to be sober! I’ve been extremely busy as you all know. Put the twinkies to bed last night at 7p and didn’t wake up until midnight :rofl: then went right back to sleep, guess I needed the sleep. I feel refreshed today or as my niece said Tt you look refresher :blush:! Hope you all have a wonderful day!

I’m a recovering addict!
Today I am clean…

Second week of a raging infection in my ear…
Doctors actually saw me very rare thing, swab took inside of my ear, saw the doctor confirmed I still have an infection…
Ive started to panic… I don’t have any hearing bones in my right ear they were removed a few years ago… So I have a massive hole that tracks up to my brain from a tumour that was removed a few years ago…
I have always been warned if infection etc is not treated It can go two ways bacterial meningitis or a stroke. I am still waiting on an appointment from ENT… I was offered pain killers which again I declined and asked again for it to be put on my records… It kind of pisses me off how they push pain meds so quickly… Yes I’m in pain but I’d rather be in pain then put codeine in my body!

Caught up with everyone thoughts today…
All of us have life struggles and we are doing are best to get through the day…

keep going
life in recovery is a blessing im thankful for!


I’m glad the community has been helpful for you.

You are worth being clean for yourself. It’s making yourself a priority, and when you do, your kids benefit. Kids subconsciously absorb from their parents emotional patterns that come out in subconscious ways. When you value yourself, when you take care of yourself, when you put a lot of effort into being the best you can be, even when you don’t say anything about it, they take that in as their own values. As they grow, they’ll reflect those same things. You’re doing great. Keep it up.