Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

Wish you all the best with quiting nicotine. :pray:

At the moment I am still using 3mg nicotine in the vaper. From tomorrow on Iam gonne quit the nicotine to.

We can do this! :muscle::v::blue_heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 498. I hope everyone has a good one!


Well… I back to day 0. Seems very discouraging. I don’t give up and I’m starting again better


I am on day 17! :clap:t2::tada: Feeling great!!


Day 500 clean and sober today. I remember when I first joined this forum at around 30 days sober WOW! I still have the 60 day token @DLS mailed me, thank you Donna. Thank you all for helping me get through the really tough stuff at the beginning and for helping with all of the really tough stuff I’ve been through so far. You all are amazing to me!!! Have an amazing day today everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congrats on 500 Rob!!! So proud of you!


Thank you bro I’m so proud of you too!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations on the huge milestone! You are an inspiration to the rest of us!


Happy Monday! I got a feeling its going to be a great week. Enjoy it everyone!


I hope you are right! I think I will jump on that bandwagon.:grinning:


1year 7Months 20 days. That 2 year mark is coming. I’ve been away for a bit doing some soul searching and playing the tape through over and over again and I rediscovered that I am and always will be a recovering addict and nothing productive came about in my addiction. So God grant me the serenity…


Checking in 28 days sober. Going to look at acoustic guitars today after work. I’m going to get one with all the money I’ve saved from not drinking. :upside_down_face:That’s all my life is pretty mellow aka boring these days!
Have a good Monday everyone :heart:


Today have 54 days sober and I’m feeling great! I’m living in a sober living place and attending meetings everyday This is the first time Im here and without the nudge from the judge and it feels great that’s all I got for today…


Checking in, this is day 8 for me, still fighting a lot of cravings but working hard to stay the course! Proud of making it through my first weekend!


Glad your back!


Day 11. I couldn’t sleep last night. I watch these little videos on fb about this guy who goes around asking ppl what they do for a living based off the cars they drive, well last night I happened to stumble across his video and literally the first guy he asked, he says I’m a tattoo artist. Like stuff like that to me is all signs. Sounds silly and maybe even stupid, but yeah yah know what that’s what I am, maybe not the greatest yet. But I am a damn tattoo artist and that’s what I’m gonna be, I came down stairs after that and practiced on some of my fake skins looked back at some of my very first pieces, and idc what anyone says, yeah sometimes it gets me down but I’ll be damned if I ever give up on this. Thank you God for your little signs and love and strength you show me, I love you all. And @Hopeful777 thank you for kind words. And @Rockstar24777 congratulations on 500 days man


What happened? :disappointed_relieved: You where doing great with the 35 days… good that you are still here :muscle:
Did you learned something from your relapse?
Hang in there mate :v::blue_heart:

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Thank you @icebear that means a lot!

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That’s awesome Mike and thank you bro! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

Welcome @Rogefather :sunglasses::metal:t2:!!!

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