Checking in daily to maintain focus #36


Woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare where I had found an old stash of pills and took some. The dream shook me up so bad I’m still disturbed by it. I’m going to a a meeting tonight and get everything off my chest with them and hopefully this urge to use will finally subside.



Ya :slight_smile: he used to have a shop back in Nova Scotia where he was living for some time. He doesn’t have a shop here tho in Calgary. He doesn’t tattoo as a main source of income but it definitely is good money (as u know). That’s why I love seeing ur work and seeing ur progress and skill! U have amazing talent Mike! U will definitly go far!


People are funny eh?.. as u know I make cakes and sometimes I definitely compare my work to others. And I too feel the same way about my work when I get very little feedback or likes etc. Some people are just flat out jealous and just hate on others bcuz they wish they had ur passion or wish they had ur skill. And I do realize that my style of cakes is not for everyone, and maybe that’s thr same for ur tattooing. Idk. Everyone has their own preference for style. But honestly, and I’m not just saying this… u HAVE the skill. I’ve seen ur drawings and ur tattoos and it’s incredible. Ur a bad ass tattoo artist. Keep following ur dreams Mike. Cuz ur going places :slight_smile:


For what it’s worth, I think your work is incredible for someone who doesn’t have a ton of experience. I think you should stick with it (if you enjoy it) because you could go very far if you keep practicing and improving.

Don’t let others make you doubt yourself and try not to get into your own head too much, I know I do that all the time.


Thanks for checking in Chad. Good to see you and good you are sharing your unease. And 1315 is an awesome number, congrats!


Late check in to check out of the day. It was an extremely busy work shift because of absent coworkers. Reminded my how i deemed it necessary to get drunk after a day like that. No more. Never again. On my way home I met this fisherman that somehow reminded me of @AyBee. Good night all. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam.


That’s hilarious and terrifying all at once! :joy::flushed:


Thanks Dana, your comments are so full of genuine care and love, never change and keep being inspirational! You deserve everything good that comes your way after the struggles you have overcome! :heart::hugs::pray:


Amazing. Good for you to help. :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

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8 months sober yesterday…
This is what happened as my 8 month test…:
. After work I was just about to leave and a Friend I hadn’t seen for years bumbled past with a big Xmas bow in her hair. Big hugs and " come to the bar come and say hello…lovely to see her and I thought I’d pop in (in full recovery mode, knowing that I don’t drink anymore)…
Well I bumped into loads of girlfriends I hadn’t seen for years, (on an annual Xmas do)…it was really nice, they were loud and how I would expect being out all afternoon…
I got offered drinks, I said “no, no, no,8 months no drinking , I’ll have a coca cola thanks…” Couldn’t really stay longer than 45mins , couldn’t really make too much sense out of them, but I laughed a lot with them, at the funny Xmas mugs they’d bought each other, and took myself home. :heart:… different strokes for different folks.
Got offered drinks and white stuff but I’m grateful for the journey I am on and I was not gonna dip my toe in for old times sake. .
I know full well where I (personally) would end up.



Thanks man, I do love it I’m obsessed with it, it’s all I think about all day and night. Not even tattooing but just drawing as well. I feel annoying bc I am so obsessed with it, I get like this with many things in life like the lifting but usually by now I give up the stuff. I will keep doing it for myself absolutely, but just feeling down today in general. And thank you @Butterflymoonwoman I really appreciate you :blue_heart:


Short check in before I eat supper.
Hours away from day 16, hitting up a meeting in about an hour and also I just signed he lease to my new apartment!


And a big welcome to you. Thanks for sharing.

I’m here for porn as well.



@CATMANCAM thank you for your support!!!
Day 9 here


Celebrating day 41.

Happy last day of Hanukkah everyone. We haven’t gotten to lighting the menorah yet but will soon before I go to work.

Spent this afternoon enjoying a lunch with my wife at the Cheesecake Factory. My mom gave us gift cards to the place last October for our wedding anniversary.

Have a great sober Sunday everyone!


Second music concert in two days, how i missed that !!! And second sober concert in a row. My buddy was not too drunk, the show from The Jesus and Mary Chain was awesome although being located in a hall I would not have chosen (Le Bataclan :sob:).
Anyway, I had a great sober evening again :v:t2:


Checking in- been thinking not about alcohol, but buying weed. Just thinking about the buzz. Ugh! I made it through, I need to just go meditate~
I’ve been burning :fire: through my vinyl all day! Just sitting and listening. My wife joined me for a bit. I played :guitar: and recorded some new music too. I do have a case of the Monday Blues, but it is manageable. Anxious feelings are slowly fading. Maybe a good TV show would be nice?
Maintaining sobriety is a journey ~
I’m grateful for this forum.


My favorite thing too! It’s the one thing that has kept me going strong. :facepunch:


Early evening check in
Hubby is coming home now from tattooing. Really hoping our night is a good one. I had a decent day overall. Lots of cleaning and organizing. I’ve learned that the state of my environment really effects my mental health and my mood. So I got busy and cleaned :slight_smile: will be doing laundry next! Got a little gift card for pizza from my mom today for my birthday so will be ordering that tonight. Always nice not having to cook :slight_smile: Having some cravings to use but not going to. Can’t wait for a shower tonight. These shower steamers are huge! U only get 3 of them but apparently they last for a few showers anyway! Hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs: