Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Way to go! I love swimming and try to do it several times a week. Have a great day!


@Miranda Iā€™m feeling better. I made it through the two most stressfuls days on the job I have had in a long time. Taking the time to just rest my mind for 10 to 15 minutes to meditate really helped. I too got myself some fancy things to drink, I got some nice sparkling water. Makes me feel good!

@Chiron Iā€™m looking forward to this weekend. I picked up reading again. I started a series of four books that I have wanted to read for the longest time, but just felt like I never had time to because of the drunken weekends. Iā€™m discovering other things that I might want to try as well. Iā€™m in this discovering phase about myself right now. Which is a little scary, but also really exciting!

Iā€™m on day 6 now and am feeling good about today. But I also know that feeling good means I canā€™t let up. I need to still be vigilant, or Iā€™ll let myself slip. And just knowing that puts a smile on my face this morning.

Iā€™ll see you all tomorrow when I add another day to the tally! Take care everyone!


21 days! Thatā€™s super! Iā€™m on day five, and absolutely need to remind myself the same thing. I can NEVER have just one drink!!! Iā€™ve tried to convince myself that I can, and it just didnā€™t work for me EVERā€¦ Not in ten years, so why would it work now? Itā€™s my brain chemistry. As soon as I take one sip, my brain is like ZINGšŸ’„ā€¦"more more more more.
I wonā€™t do it. I wonā€™t ever lie to myself again.
I can not drink-ever.
Glad youā€™re here.
This place is the reason Iā€™ve made it to day 5, and Iā€™m so excited to keep going.


Thanks for making me smile this morning :slight_smile: I woke up and ur message was the 1st I read. I appreciate you saying thatā€¦ i really do! Just ad I appreciate you and your posts a day you being here. Your contributions are so so valued here. I really hope you have a good day my friend :low_brightness:


Iā€™m on day 5, and so excited, but Im also aware of the fear that this feeling good can lead to letting it all go. I get a little anxious when I think about that, so I donā€™t want to feel tooooo good and Iā€™m also really trying not to think too far ahead. The thought of this feeling slipping away scares the hell out of me. I just keep reading and feeling inspired that others have made it so far.


Good morning, Kat here checking in on Day 213, having sober fun in Niagara Falls with my parents and 4 boys. Feels good to be off work for a few days although theyā€™ve been calling for overtimeā€¦

Have a good sober day everyone!



I made it to 2 weeks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Seriously couldnā€™t have done it without this amazing community! :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:


@Bran522 WOW!!! Congrats on your 60 days!!! Keep up the amazing work!!

@Peace Thanks for the recommendation Jen! I will sure check it out. Can he be found on YouTube?

@Lotusflower Enjoy your manicure Des :nail_care:
You absolutely deserve some me time!

@Frank68 Hope your granddaughter continues doing well :slight_smile:

@Mno Love the peaceful image Menno. You had me scared there for a sec also when i saw 001 on ur post. But I read that everything was okay! Maybe Iā€™m reading the number wrong haha it is early morning and havenā€™t had my coffee :sweat_smile:


Awesome! Iā€™ve always wanted to go to Niagara falls. Enjoy :purple_heart:

1 Like

Brandon!! That is so great!! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:


Almost to that week and that is such a huge accomplishment! :relaxed::clap:t3::clap:t3: So great!


Yay girl!!!. Congrats on your 2 weeks!!!


Thank you!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Look at you! Awesome, awesome job! Way to go rock star :smiley:



Congrats Brandon! Youā€™re doing amazing, happy to see this!


Thank you Frank!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well Iā€™m so glad your are here and able to talk about things. I was hospitalized with anorexia when I was 13 which turned into bulimia. I had a severe fear of specific foods and suffered from specific food avoidance for many years. I consider myself fully recovered. Iā€™m still super health conscious and I think about what I put into my body but but I donā€™t feel that it is any part of an ED.
Iā€™m glad youā€™re super aware of yourself and know your triggers. I also know a lot of people that donā€™t have eating disorders that still have disordered eating so of course itā€™s super important for you to be aware of your situation but I hope youā€™re not being too hard on yourself about eating a perfect three meals a day and snacks. I think sometimes we can strive too hard to have things the way we really think they should be to be ā€œnormalā€ when we have to remind ourselves that other people skip meals and have food sensitivities and it doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re falling off the tracks. I donā€™t know if this was helpful (and I certainly hope Iā€™m not making things worse) but I just wanted to say Iā€™m glad youā€™re here.


Checking in
Morning TS fam! Hope everyone is well :slight_smile: Woke up feeling good this morning. Literally my stinkin thinkin has vanished (for the most part) over night haha. I am excited for today as hubby and I are heading out to Michelangelos: Sistine Chapel art exhibit. Literally this would have never been something we wouldā€™ve done in the problem. My God we barely had enough money to buy groceries at a regular supermarket (it was either applying for food hampers or buying stuff at the dollarstore to get by).
Iā€™m feeling very grateful today. I was kind of nervous about yesterday and this weekend. It makes me nervous still when hubby and I are together for long periods of time cuz I worry that one of us (mainly him as of late), will ask about using. I havenā€™t even had the urge to ask. He hasnt either but I do get that ā€œusing vibeā€ from him sometimesā€¦ like yesterday. Thankfully he doesnt bother asking me. And lately I have been using mantras sort of to change my thinking about drugs. For example: When I repeatedly say out loud certain things about myself, it becomes what I believe. I do this by saying positive things about myself everyday so that I can begin to believe them and increase my self-esteem. But I also do this with drugs. When I start thinking of using, I will say out loud, ā€œDrugs are disgustingā€, ā€œDrugs are toxic and poisonous to my bodyā€, ā€œMy body is my temple and I want to treat it wellā€ā€¦ this kind of stuff. I used to think drugs were my best friend to be honest. And now I canā€™t stand them. It literally disgusts me to think if putting something into my body that hurts me. I am trying to re-wire my brain lol
Anywayā€¦ I have to finish that dreamcatcher today and do some cleaning up also. Should be a beautiful day!
Love to all


Wow this is huge!!! Snowboarding is hard too! So glad u got to experience something soo positive! Proud of you :smiley:


Oh my gosh! You totally motivated me to make a dream catcher!!! I made one years ago-Iā€™m going to try to get stuff to do one today!!!
I used to be so creative. I donā€™t do stuff like that anymore.
And yeah I totally hear you about saying things out loud or even writing them down. Our reality can be what we tell ourselves. We are writing our own story. Positive affirmations work well but also like youā€™re saying speaking about drugs or alcohol ā€¦Iā€™ve done the same thing ā€œAlcohol is toxicā€ ā€œAcohol does nothing good for my bodyā€ Alcohol causes Cancer" etc etc. I even had a bottle of vodka in the cupboard and I put a skull and crossbones on it with all the reasons why I didnā€™t want to drink. Anyway thatā€™s a little different than what you are saying but I thought Iā€™d share. Iā€™m kind of rambling :rofl: