Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Big hugs. Maybe do cry? Let it out. It is hard, but feelings have to be felt, not numbed.


Man I relate with you alot cam. I apologize as I sometimes just blow through quick and not even catch what Iā€™m actually reading. But my whole life dude I have felt the exact same way as you, I was very vocal about this with my mom, she did so much research on it and this was even before my addiction, she new I was born with a twin when I was a child that was attached to my head. A dumoid cyst, she didnā€™t think anything of it but came to find out vanishing twin syndrome or survivor twin is a real thing. I was very much attached to that twin and apparently felt alot of regret. So my whole life I really hated myself. I even always had friends who were twins and bonded with them so well. Sorry this probably sounds stupid, and Iā€™m not saying this is the case for you but just that I relate and my mind says the same to me when Iā€™m in groups, or when ppl donā€™t talk to me, last year I went with my sponsor to a car show and literally just sat there in a corner not talking to anybody and felt like a complete idiot. Weā€™re not idiots man, and itā€™s ok not to talk or have the same interest with ppl. But I do say those guys suck for not striking up a conversation with you, I would never do that to someone as I know how it feels. I always feel ppl think Iā€™m weird and often can pick up on it with the way ppl look or interact with me. But thatā€™s just feelings I geuss doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true. But my mind says itā€™s true. Idk much love man, you know you can always message me and talk if you want. Sometimes I am in funks and donā€™t do the best at replying but I am always here man.


Congratulations Stella!


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