Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Awe thank u! What u wrote made me feel some relief. I really appreciate ur post :slight_smile: I’m going to remember what u said and keep that Bible passage close. Thank you SO much for your words of encouragement :pray:


I liked that, to help yourself with your adhd so you can help your daugther better with her’s.


:heart: :hugs: :heart: Love and hugs :heart: :hugs: :heart: 625 days sober while enduring so much heartache and pain. :heart: :hugs: :heart: May you feel the love and strength come flowing to you from my heart to yours. :heart: :hugs: :heart:


A new update in the Ukraine situation terrifies me. I’m utterly powerless. I feel so powerless I want to die just to no longer feel it. I hate powerlessness. I want to hide. I want to not think. I want to get rid of this feeling. I fucking hate this.


You have lived with the fear of war so for you it’s nothing new under the sun. Even if you were very young at the time. For me it is new. I have never experienced a threat this big before.

But you’re right. Endlessly worrying about something outside of my control is worthless. I don’t know if I can stop it though. I fucking hate this

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Way to go!!! Woo hoo!!! Congratulations :rose:


Day 159 checking in hope everyone is well :pray:t2:


Thank you Dana!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Happy day 13!!! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:


Thank you so much!! :slight_smile:


Absolutely! :relaxed:


Thanks Ryan! You as well! :relaxed:

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I read ur post and wanted to comment. Hours later I am still thinking of ur post and not sure what to say. I still don’t know what to say honestly… the loss of a child is unremarkably one of THE hardest moments a person can experience and I can’t imagine how difficult this day must be for u. I just want u to know that I’m praying for some sense of comfort and peace for ur today my friend


Yes definitely @anon53116147 . I noticed a huge difference with my moods and just talking to my kids without shouting and getting defensive (not normal)… blooming incredible stuff. And to also be used for ADHD . It’s a game changer supplement. I take it maybe once a week now, cos i am nowhere near what I was like. :v:


Tada! Let there be hot water! The lower element was bad and that smoked the lower thermostat. I replaced both thermostats and the lower element. Also drained and flushed out the sediment that had built up at the bottom of the water heater. Nice to be sober and have the little money required to fix this. Here’s the bad element.

Have an awesome day! I will continue sober!


Checking in on day 261. Made it home safely and stayed sober from a work trip. Spending today cuddling and playing with the kiddos and resetting my internal clock to Central standard time.

Good work on the water heater @Charlie_C! We bought our first home a few years ago, and I always get a little irritated with the landlord for not fixing things right before I realize that the deadbeat landlord is me!

Thinking about you today, Rob @Rockstar24777.


I actually know you pretty well by now my friend. And I think you know quite a lot about me too. The fact that we talk and meet each other online, doesn’t mean we’re not friends. I consider you my friend Mike, and a dear one too. Love right back at you.


You’re a strong sober man Rob. In my thoughts, Corey and you. Love.


Thinking I need a few gold starts today haha It’s been a day :upside_down_face: I think all of us need these every now and then!
Thought this was funny lol


Day 28 —— I swear the last week - week and a half have been miserable, everything is setting off my anxiety and I’m so irritable & miserable.

My boys came this weekend which is wonderful but it hasn’t been a good weekend, my youngest son with ASD Is off his routine when the boys are here so his behaviour and tantrums/ Screams are off worse than ever, my 10 year old boy has ADHD and ODD and hasn’t been listening or co operating at all , my daughter who is 9 is such miserable and has more attitude than I can handle. Ontop of that I have been preparing food and getting snacks all day all weekend ( Which I love to feed them ) it’s just so much this weekend , and trying to stay sober is so hard. I felt like someone has been sitting on my chest all damn weekend.

I’m currently hiding in the bathroom venting to the forum , listening to music to calm myself :woman_facepalming:t2::pray:

This journey was so hard the first week , then got a bit easier but now back to being super hard to handle.

Here’s to another 24 hours sober :pray::upside_down_face:


I’m sorry it’s overwhelming. The anxiety that comes with early sobriety does get better, and for me it comes less often than it did in the earlier weeks. Just know that it will get better. :purple_heart:

My sister has a son who had severe ODD and ADHD when he was younger. I’m not suggesting at all that you be on a med, but it got so bad for her that she had to. She has called me and my mom, locked in her bathroom, because she was at her wit’s end and completely overwhelmed with anxiety. Knowing what she went through in his younger years helps me understand. I’m so sorry you’re going through this while taking care of three kids. I wish I could give you a helping hand. :heart:

Congratulations on your 28 days. I’m proud of you. :slightly_smiling_face: