Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Thank you for your kind words , I actually have 4 children , 13,10,9 & 3 , I have anxiety medication I take for day and night time , I might just have to get a bit stronger dose LOL

I can usually handle myself pretty well lately but this weekend , not so well.

I have a lot of support and help usually but when I have my additional two sons here every other weekend sometimes it turns into a shit show, I just need to learn some coping mechanisms or ways to de stress when they are all together :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


Wow lots of love Rob, if you need me you know how to reach me Iā€™m a phone call or text away.


Deep breathsā€¦ Iā€™m thinking of you. :kissing_heart:

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Feeling sad and hopeless (tw suicidal thoughts)

@Its_me_Stella you are very lucky to have an understanding Dr./psychiatrist. Mine is old school and takes the position that because I abused stimulants and meth I canā€™t be prescribed any ever again.

This despite diagnosed adhd and all 4 of my boys being on medication for adhd .


Hello folks Kat here checking in on Day 207

Doing well, struggling with motivation and drive but drinking second can of red bull and thatā€™s getting better. May be able to do some cleaning and laundry soon.

Things are getting better Covid-wise, went to an in-person meeting yesterday afternoon and thereā€™s another one tonight. And Monday and Tuesday nights! I am blessed. Like others I used to think that meetings were a boring chore that I resented ā€˜havingā€™ to do but now I love them. Relapses can change your attitude for the better I find.

Love Kat


:rainbow::rainbow::dizzy:ā€¦ healing yourself first, to help others. Yes I need to take a leaf outta your book man :pray::pray:. Thanks for being here you ,and everybody on Sober Time/Talking Sober :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Ending day 7


Morning everyone. Checking in on day 1 AGAIN. Iā€™m so frustrated with myself. I feel like I have no self restraint and yet Iā€™ve done it before. Recently itā€™s been that I reset just about every 4th day. I could do with some tips. I know one of the first things I need to do is come back to this group as I really think initially when I had such success at sobriety it was due to the support on here. I feel so defeated and ashamed of how weak I amšŸ˜”


Welcome back Rikki.
Advice for new comers and constant relapsers

I hope to see you around more.


Thanks Eric. I certainly plan to show up more both here and for myself. :sunflower:


Day 6ā€¦ trying to occupy myself to make it to 7. This app is so encouraging.


Checking in
Day 13
Work is done! Walked to my bus and itā€™s gorgeous out :cherry_blossom: Going home to a hot meal. My hubby is an amazing cook so I always look forward to when he makes supper lol. Unlike myself where I could probably find a way to burn water lol :flushed:
Thought of a random blessing of recovery while getting on the bus. Since I have been clean for almost 2 weeks, I had the money to get a March bus pass. In the past I would manipulate my money or try to figure out ways to get drugs (which sometimes meant using the bus pass money and then desperately finding other ways to get me n hubby to work). I dont have that issue today. It may seem small but my god the things Id do for drug money ultimately caused so much stress! The drugs themselves were stressful but drugs also really effected all aspects of my life, big and small. Life is easier in so many ways not using. Yet drugs made me believe that I couldnā€™t function without them. What a lie! My life isnā€™t perfect by any means and some days I truly struggle but itā€™s SO much easier without themā€¦ in so many ways :butterfly:


Thank you @Callie99 I appreciate the comment. I also just read what you wrote on that other thread. Hope youā€™re doing well, take care of yourself :sparkling_heart:


Hey @Pica I wanted to see how you are doing? And lend a listening ear :black_heart:


Just be wary,

You did right by flushing it out but for some god awful reason every time I replaced the elements in water heaters they leaked afterwards,


@Rockstar24777 Sending strength.

@anon57836609 I hear you, so scary.

@Kacialyn Such a lot to deal with! There are always peaks and troughs to life, and you gotta sit through the troughs. Sometimes all you can do is hide in a toilet.

@Cherrijam Day 4 is around when the physical effects are all gone, and you feel better enough to drink or use again. Ironically. Time to read some books, get to some meetings and get over the hump.


Hey @anon42928441 thank you for checking in

Iā€™m doing okay today. Last night was just hard. I was up until 3 struggling to stay sober.

Itā€™s just hard to tell if the depression Iā€™ve been feeling is a symptom of recovery or a separate issue. My therapist has suggested I start thinking about medication but Iā€™m trying to hold off on that for now.

Anyways, hope youā€™re doing well :blush::sparkling_heart:


Iā€™m glad to hear youā€™re doing well :relaxed: I hope whatever you decide you feel at peace with and know that your mental health matters so much. As someone who lives with depression and anxiety I can relate very much. Here for you girl :black_heart:

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This is such a good article on emotional invalidation. I was going to post it on the mental health thread, but I think it belongs here. :purple_heart: